Thursday, December 07, 2006

Justice Society of America #1 - A Review

Justice Society of America #1 - Geoff Johns - Writer, Dale Eaglesham, Art Thibert - Inker, Cover by Alex Ross, Jeromy Cox - Colors
Premise - The Justice Society is reforming. It is a little unclear to me why they supposedly broke up, but still they are reforming and putting together a new team. This team will apparently have Flash, Green Lantern and Wildcat as the mentors for the group. We start with getting a team together and introducing some new members and adding two mysteries. One is a danger to the heroes as an obscure super hero drops onto their meeting table apparently dead and Wildcat has a son.
What I Liked:
1) The characters and their personalities. In one issue we are reintroduced to Hourman II and his wife (?) Liberty Belle, Damage, the new Red Tornado (?) and a different Starman. We also see the entire team getting together in the first issue. Each one of the new characters are already given indications of their personalities. This is the way to launch a group book as opposed to JLA.
2) The art. the artwork really jumps off the page and is done so well the panels feel bigger then other comics. Eaglesham and Thibert did a great job. Colors are great also and with all these characters coloring this book must be a real chore.
3) The story itself. I'm a little lost as I'm not sure what time frame this book falls into, but in one issue we reform the JSA, start a mystery with who killed Mr. America and why that is a danger to the JSA and the mysterious son of Wildcat. They keep trying to build a Wildcat legacy, hopefully it will work better then the female Wildcat.
What I Didn't Like:
1) Making this a new #1. I get tired of that and there was no real reason in my mind (other then the obvious) to start this book over, especially since Johns is still the writer and has been the main writer on this book forever.
Grade A


  1. My guess would be that they made it a new #1 because they are hoping to draw in new readers. People are probably more inclined to try a first issue than to jump into the middle of an ongoing series.
