Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Baltimore Comic Con – My Artwork Extravaganza
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Arsenic Lullaby 10 Year Omnibus – A Review

Monday, August 29, 2011
The Week in Review – August 24
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Honor and Amusement Parks, Part 2

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Teach your son well...
![]() |
An ariel view of Chambord |
Friday, August 26, 2011
Indies Preview Review for October Part 3 of 3
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Batman - Gates of Gotham

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A "Comics And..." 2011 Baltimore Comic-Con Exclusive -- 16 Writers on One Panel

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Indies Preview Review for October Part 2 of 3
Many of the industry's finest creators, all with roots or ties to the south, have banded together and donated their time for a uniquely southern anthology. Enjoy both tall-tales and true stories, told by some of the best in the business; including Jason Aaron, Sean Patrick Flanery, Cully Hamner, Brian Stelfreeze, Rebekah Isaacs, Jason Pearson, Nathan Edmondson, and many more. Don't miss this celebration of southern culture, while having fun and helping those in need. 100 of the proceeds from this book will go directly to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. $5.99
Lee: Wow! Check out the names associated with this book. That is just amazing. This looks to fantastic. And all the proceeds go to help those in need. A win-win for everyone.
Gwen: It does look like a good collection of creators. It's always nice to see charity comics as well - although it's an interesting theme for a book donating proceeds to the Red Cross.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Indies Preview Review for October Part 1 of 3
Gwen: Yeah, but even with the "larger" indie publishers I wouldn't call it ordinary. There's still quite a bit a variety and while not all of it appeals to me it's always fun to look at a wider genre selection.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Honor and Amusement Parks, Part 1

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Getting Ready for the Show...

While it's not as arduous as moving your house (I empathize Jim), getting ready for the Baltimore Comic-Con can be a real chore (for me). I even took the day off yesterday to prepare. I've actually been piddling around in my "room" all week. You see my books had gotten way too unorganized and my closet was so cluttered I could hardly stand to be in there. My main objective was to secure some Amazing Spider-Man's to sell today. I think I have some good books still -- I hope so, because my funds were quickly extinguished last year and I've got a backed-up wish list.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Robin to Nightwing to Batman... to Nightwing?

So with DC's new 52 Dick is back as Nightwing (with not as cool a costume as the blue one, but oh well). The thing is, as much as I loved the Nightwing persona it was almost always, in the past 5-10 years, written poorly. Devin Grayson, Bruce Jones - even Marv Wolfman didn't seem to be able to recapture his previous quality portrayal of Dick. I feel that writers didn't know what to do with Nightwing and until he had the chance to be Batman with Damien as Robin I felt that I hadn't seen the "real" Dick Grayson in years. I worry that DC is taking this character a step backwards but only time will tell.
Now most everyone who reads comics knows that Dick Grayson started out as Batman's wise-cracking side kick, less permanently traumatized by witnessing his parents' death than Bats (in the sense he managed to still smile, where Bats takes everything very seriously). Many readers seem to be of the opinion that Nightwing is little more than the guy who used to be Robin. I think that with his time in the role of Batman it's been easier to see that Dick is very much his own kind of hero. Even in a role like Batman writers have taken the opportunity to show the differences in how Dick is Batman rather than writing a Bruce-like caped crusader. I can only hope that by throwing him back into the Nightwing role that the new creative teams don't forget how far this character has come.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Marvel Preview Review for October Part 2 of 2
X-MEN #1: 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION Written by Chris Claremont
Pencils and Cover by Jim Lee
In late 1991, bolstered by the popularity of Uncanny X-Men’s all-star creative team of Chris Claremont and Jim Lee, Marvel launched a second monthly mutant title: X-Men! Now, twenty years later, the double-sized inaugural issue of that run is remastered, reimagined and recolored in modern style — gatefold cover and all — by colorist Thomas Mason! The X-Men’s all-new Blue and Gold teams have never looked more heroic, Magneto and his Acolytes have never seemed so dangerous, and Jim Lee’s kinetic action sequences practically leap off the page! Revisit a seminal moment in mutant history — like you’ve never seen it before! 48 Pgs./$3.99
Lee: Sadly, I remember the day this arrived on the stands. Still have 5 copies of it too, because of the different covers. But, I am pretty sure I can find a copy of this in the $1 box at my LCS. I am not sure I am ready to pay $4 for a re-colored comic. Not to mention, how can you re-imagine a reprint?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Marvel Preview Review for October Part 1 of 2
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
IDW Preview Review for October Part 2 of 2

Written by Capt Dale Dye (USMC, Ret); Julia Dewey Dye, PhD; John M. Del Vecchio, art and cover by Gerry Kissell, Amin Amat.
Monday, August 15, 2011
IDW Preview Review for October Part 1 of 2
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Cinderella: Fables are Forever

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Daryl Gregory Interview -- Writer of BOOM! Studios' Planet of the Apes Part 2 of 2

Friday, August 12, 2011
DC Preview review for October Part 2 of 2

On sale DECEMBER 7 • 1,216 pg, FC, $150.00 US
In September, DC Comic will launch 52 new #1 issues starring the World’s Greatest Super-Heroes! In December, to commemorate this incredible event, DC is collecting every one of these debut issues in a once-in-a-lifetime massive hardcover that includes:
- JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee
- ACTION COMICS #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales
- BATMAN #1 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo
- GREEN LANTERN #1 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
- SWAMP THING #1 by Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette
- STORMWATCH #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda
- TEEN TITANS #1 by Scott Lobdell and Brett Booth
- And 45 more!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Detective #881 – A Review

Writer Scott Snyder
Art Jock & Francesco Francavilla
Colors David Baron & Francesco Francavilla
The final issue of Scott Snyder’s run on the Dick Grayson as Batman came to a close with this issue. This is the definitive run of Dick Grayson as Batman, one of the best runs on Detective Comic in a very long time and just a damn good comic. Hate to see it end, but love that the story had a beginning, middle and an end. I could feel the material was there to make this run go on longer, but it was a satisfying conclusion.
This issue the story is about James Gordon Junior. He is a psychopath to the nth degree who enjoys hurting people just to hurt them. The short story is James Jr. captures Barbara Gordon (his sister) and is killing her. Batman and Commissioner Gordon save her and Gordon is forced to stop his own son.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
DC Preview Review for October Part 1 of 2

On sale OCTOBER 12 • 1 of 6, 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T
The adventures of Garbage Man and Tanga from WEIRD WORLDS continue – and now, these offbeat heroes are joined by the Robotman, who has a disturbing knack for self-destruction!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
The Killer Vol 2 - Reviewed AGAIN by a non Comic Guy

Monday, August 08, 2011
Check Out A New Blog
Something I'm playing with. More free form, it may or may not have a long life.
The Killer Vol 2 - Reviewed by a non Comic Guy
One morning to pass the time I casually asked if he had any of those EC Comic books, Tales from the Crypt, which I had as a kid and really enjoyed. To my surprise he did and when I came in the next day one was sitting on my disheveled desk. Clearly this guy was hardcore, since after I returned it the next day he mentioned he had the additional four volumes in the crappy series, that we're now mine for the borrowing if I wanted.

So imagine my surprise when Jim, out of nowhere, asked if I would write a guest spot. Apparently he thinks that I am “so funny and awesome and good looking.” Well I could hardly turn him down after that! Now, I just needed a comic book to review. This was tricky, as I only own one comic book, The Watchmen, and have no idea where to even start in the medium. Save for those Tales From The Crypt comics, I hadn't read a complete comic in years, and a review of TFTC was out, because "it sucked" just wouldn't cut it and I felt obligated by other things to get at least a paragraph in. Then I remembered, after lending me the Killer and getting a positive reaction, Jim had lent me Volume 2. Which I had promptly put in my bookcase with the intent of stealing after Jim forgot he gave it to me. Perfect, I read it that evening.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
The List - July 2011

Saturday, August 06, 2011
Daryl Gregory Interview -- Writer of BOOM! Studios' Planet of the Apes Part 1 of 2

Friday, August 05, 2011
Image Preview Review for October
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Marvel Comics Presents ... Glenn Beck's Ultimate Nightmare!

I hope you like the witty title. I know. It's horribly clever. So, right then. Ultimate Fallout #4. It’s been getting a bit of media attention, hasn’t it?
I figure since I’ve got the Wednesday night slot, I’ll get my two thoughts in before someone on here says something stupid. Like that’s it underwhelming. Or how Flashpoint is a better comic. Both of those things would be wrong, wrong, wrong.
Simply put, Ultimate Fallout #4 is an extremely good comic, but not for the reasons you may think.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Dark Horse Preview Review for October
Thomm: The voice of the people has been heard! All two of us.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Hard Cover Addiction
Over the next few months I have ordered way too many of these things and worse is I have just recently been involved in packing my collection for an impending move and I have a ton of books already. Heck I have stopped getting Creepy Archives at Volume 10, stop getting most of the Marvel Masterworks as Marvel is very thin on material that I care to see in a hard cover and I have slowed down on DC, if Vertigo doesn’t count.
In an effort to shame myself I will now justify why I want all of these collections I have ordered that are due between now and October.
Blackjacked & Pistol Whipped: A Crime Does Not Pay Primer. First off it is from Dark Horse and they are usually one of the highest quality producers of reprints. Second it is only $20, so you can’t go too far wrong. Plus it is a bit of comics’ history as it collects some of the “best” from a comic that inspired EC Comics and was a target of Frederic Wertham in the witch hunt from the fifties.
Monday, August 01, 2011
The Week of July 27 in Review
Criminal The Last of the Innocent #2 was another great issue. Archie’s plan to kill Veronica was so well done, I’m sorry I mean Riley’s plan to kill Felix was amazing. Not only are we getting the story of how he is planning the murder and his alibi we are getting the emotional content of what is in Riley’s head. Mapping this story on top of the old Archie stories allows Brubaker to play with what we know and at the same time make those stories have vibrancy and a reality bent to them like never before.