Last Day
What if this was your last day? How would you live it?
I’ve been thinking about this,
because today, 2020 May 10, marks the 50th anniversary of my Daddy’s
death. So yesterday would’ve marked his
last full day on earth, 1970 May 09. He
was 31, married, and had three children: a 6-year old boy, a 4.5-year old girl,
and another son in the womb soon to be born (me). I know some details about that last day,
which I recounted in my poem from Mother’s Day 10 years ago:
And I asked Mama to write up a character portrait of Daddy, which is just
wonderful and will be shared sometime today, if it hasn’t already. But while,
thinking about Daddy’s final day of life is the inspiration of this message, it
not really about him as you’ll see.
Last Day
What if this was your last day? Would you accept it?
Just thinking about those two words
automatically invokes images from one of my favorite movies, Logan’s Run from 1976. In that film, in order to keep the population
under control living in the sealed domed city, the citizens voluntarily went to
Carousel on their 30th birthday.
There they would don hockey/skull masks and white-body suits decorated
with red flames, stand in a circle, and raise their blinking red
life clocks (crystal palm flowers) to “Identify”. Then they would float up into the chamber
until they exploded in a fiery display while their fellow citizen onlookers
shouted, “Renew, Renew!” Why would
anyone do this? Well, they were taught
to believe they would be reborn and just get to live another 30 years of fun
and pleasure. Those that didn’t believe
the messaged lie realized that the people were actually going to their
deaths. So in order to live longer than
30, they attempted to flee the city seals, becoming Runners. The City could not tolerate that sort of independent
thinking, which would upset their control and delicate balance, so they
enlisted Sandmen to terminate the runners. Logan was a Sandman, but later
became a runner. Anyway, it’s a great
movie from story to music to costumes, but again not the real subject.
Last Day
What if this was your last day? Would you want to know?
My Daddy didn’t know. He had no idea the Lord would be calling him
home early the next morning while working at the rail yard. In Logan’s
Run, there was a set time to die, but any fear about it was mostly
suppressed by the false teaching of renewal.
Those who feared death, the runners, fought hard to resist their fate. Some people may be ill or injured and can
sense that their time is short.
For me I think it would depend on the
circumstances on whether or not I’d want to know. Every (and I do mean every) time, we go on a
long vacation out west, I’m always anxious the last day of the trip or as we
depart one of our key extended stops.
Even if I’m looking forward to going home, I’m sad that the time off is
ending, that I’m leaving my loved ones for another year or so. It just isn’t the best day. Usually, no matter how much I try to put it
off in my head, I’m preoccupied with the ending, rather than enjoying the
remaining time to its fullest. So I think knowing (most of the time) would be
crippling. But if you had enough
foreknowledge, you might be able to scratch off some items from a bucket list,
see some things or some people, and say things that needed to be said. Be prepared with minimal regrets. So yeah, it depends, and Lord willing I’ll
one-day (none too soon I hope) get just the right last day that would be best
for me.
Last Day
What if this was your last day? Would you redeem the time?
There are some familiar life slogans
about living that could apply here:
Carpe Diem (“Seize the Day”) and “Live like there is no tomorrow”. But these are shortsighted and impractical
for they suggest you forego thinking of the consequences of your actions or
planning your future. And if today isn’t
your last day, then you might be in a heap of trouble. Maybe your actions wouldn’t even be
considered reckless, but you could put so much stress on yourself to “make the
most” of the day that it would be impossible to match your expectations. Or you exhaust all your resources (or accrue
unneeded debt) fulfilling a goal just to please yourself, because you deserve
it or want it now.
The Bible is the best resource for
living I know and there are several verses that are relevant:
Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 5:18
This is what I have observed to be good: that it is
appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their
toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given
them--for this is their lot.
15See then that ye walk
circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the
days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but
understanding what the will of the Lord
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always,
17 pray continually,
18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Peter 3:10
For, “Whoever would love life and see
good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful
So what does “redeeming the time”
mean during the Covid-19 lockdowns when we may shower every other day and
continually wear pajama pants? Obviously
you can’t abandon your responsibilities if you’re blessed to still be able to
work from home. You also can’t go
anywhere “fun”. And if you’re not a
full-time evangelist your activities are not necessarily going to be “holy” 100
percent of the time. What about the
routine things like walking the dog or doing the dishes? Well, it really all comes down your attitude.
You may take a walk, see something beautiful and thank God
for allowing you to appreciate it.
You may do an act of service in your household out of love.
You may do your best to talk kindly to others.
You may choose to abandon a resentment and bitterness in your
You may take time to just relax and rest.
You may accomplish a special project of reorganization that
just makes your personal space more calm and pleasant.
Now, special projects are important, especially after you’ve completed
one of them. But I tend to get obsessive
and consumed by them until they’re finished and usually that could take several
weekends. The in-between time is no fun
at all (with it always nagging and distracting your thoughts – sort of like
this post over the last two days), but the benefits are usually
tremendous. I don’t like to start
anything that I can’t finish in a reasonable amount of time and it would not be
my go-to Last Day activity.
Some of my best days recently are
recognizing the small moments with family.
Nice walks. Entertaining TV shows,
movies, music, or comics. (I finally have an appreciation of Don Heck’s
artwork, reading his Justice League America stories on the 65” TCL TV using the
DC Universe system.) It’s okay to enjoy
such pursuits, but that’s after “Taking Care of Business” beforehand, getting
your work done, Bible reading, chores, etc.
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I used to be disappointed when Don Heck's art was what was behind a George Perez cover, but these stories are really good! |
1Timothy 6:6-8
6But godliness with contentment is great gain.
7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.
8But if we have food and clothing, we
will be content with that.
Lest you think I’ve got it all
together, dear reader. I’m a collector…of
many different things. It’s part
of how God made me/shaped me. It allows
me to connect with people I normally would never have the opportunity to
encounter. Many of my friendships center on my beloved hobbies (and maybe God will
use our relationship as a way of showing His love to them). And as a collector, you’re often seeking the
next thing and that’s where it can get to be a problem, spending hours on end
searching for that next thing, thinking about the next thing or how to get the
funds to purchase that next thing, isn’t the best use of my time. Not that you
shouldn’t plan (those 12” Avengers Endgame Captain America figures will take
months to budget for), but it’s got to be held in check. And sometimes I don’t do that well. It would be sad to have your last day spent
in an ultimately fruitless pursuit, even if it were something you’d be
permitted to enjoy.
Last Day
What if this was your last day? Would you be prepared?
My Daddy was ready to die. Maybe not consciously, if he had known, but
spiritually he was ready to meet his Lord and Savior, secure in the knowledge
that “[his] hope [was] built on
nothing less
than Jesus Christ, [his] righteousness.” The refrain of the hymn goes like this:
than Jesus Christ, [his] righteousness.” The refrain of the hymn goes like this:
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
Is your hope in yourself (the New Age god of
self)? In science (the new age god of
today)? In the authorities (do I even
have to comment)? There is no firmer
foundation than Jesus and he is the only hope for salvation according to the
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he
cares for you.
Acts 4:12
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is
no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.
While the concept of renewal in Logan’s Run was false, where you’d be
reincarnated as someone else, perhaps with or without memory of your previous
life; the concept of eternal life is true based on what the Bible teaches. There is more to this earthly life. What we
do here and now does matter later. So, in
celebration of my Daddy’s earthly death and eternal life 50 years ago today, I
leave you with this verse:
Isaiah 55:6-7
6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while
he is near:
7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and
let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our
God, for he will abundantly pardon.
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