Author's Note: This is a bit of a ramble. I apologize for how my brain works.
This weekend Avengers: Infinity War is in full swing. I
haven’t seen it yet, but I have been paying attention to the way people are
responding to it. I have no doubt I’ll like it if not love it, but I don’t get
to the movies as much as I wish I could anymore.
And I think I’m passed the days of seeing things on opening weekend.
There are many Marvel characters I like, though I think I
tend to be more of a DC guy.
Nevertheless, 10 years and 19 films later, you cannot deny the
juggernaut (pun totally intended) that is the MCU. They have the shared universe that movie
studios desperately want, but at the moment, they are the only ones that have
managed to do it successfully.

I’ve been thinking about the shared universe piece quite a
bit. The MCU still doesn’t have all of their characters to play in their shared universe. They are only sharing
Spider-Man with Sony. All of the other Spidey characters (minus Aunt May) are
not part of the shared universe…yet. I
personally think one misstep from Sony and they’ll be desperate to partner with
Marvel again. To be honest, they’d be better off letting Marvel run the Spidey
films completely and release the films while taking in a share of the profit.
If their Venom movie tanks, they’ll be sorry.
The Fantastic Four and X-Men are still at Fox, and although
it seems the Disney/Fox merger is all but approved, it still hasn’t cleared the
final hurdle. I understand Namor’s rights are even weirder and tangled up. And
of course, the Hulk can appear in tons of MCU films, but cannot get another
solo film because Universal still has the rights to release those. So, Marvel's shared universe is
still missing some valuable parts. As a fan, I hope they figure it out
I love the Marvel movies. They can always be counted on to
be worth a viewer’s time, and often they are amazing character pieces that lend
themselves to both entertaining and intellectual analysis. For a short time
there, I was of the opinion that Marvel’s TV properties – Daredevil, Jessica
Jones, Luke Cage, and Agents of SHIELD – were the best characters and stories
Marvel was putting out. (With the exception of the lame Iron Fist and Inhumans
TV show.) But the last three Marvel films
(counting the recent Avengers movie, Black Panther, and Thor: Ragnarok) have
taken their films to another level. I haven’t seen Avengers: Infinity War yet,
but I know that regardless of my personal opinion, it is another game changer
for them. Just watching the trailers for
it, seeing the Guardians of the Galaxy and Iron Man and Spider-Man together onscreen, makes that shared universe larger and smaller at the same time.
So where am I going with this?
I forget which comic creator posted it, but one of them
spoke of the recent Avengers movie and how all of the critics were impressed
with the handling of the shared universe, and this same creator said something like,
“Comics have been juggling shared universes a long time before the films ever
That creator had a point, and I haven’t been able to stop
thinking about it.
Before I unpack some of these thoughts, I want to
acknowledge a few apples to oranges. Comparing comics to movies is unfair to
both mediums. They require different moving parts to make either work, and
there is a level of cost and coordination form a big budget film that eclipses
the cost and planning on a comic. Comic creators work just as hard to create
stories as filmmakers, but there are fewer moving pieces to a comic and films
take a ridiculous amount of money and time to create. I’m not arguing against
this fundamental truth.
Comic book events, like the MCU shared universe, also
require coordination from multiple parties to make the overall story work.
There are writers and artists and editors, sometimes working in multiple
creative teams from a myriad of different titles. Sometimes these events work
and are good, and sometimes they don’t and are not. Although there is always a
chance for “event fatigue”, these comic book stories are fun because our
favorite characters get to interact with one another.
Hell, I loved Thor Ragnarok for bringing Thor and Hulk
together in a galactic-buddy-cop kind of way. I like that Nick Fury could
randomly pop up in a film, any film, just because. Dr. Strange’s inclusion in
the recent Thor film was also well done.
But except for larger event crossovers in multiple books, comics never
have to try that hard to have characters interact with each other in fun and
meaningful ways. There could be a comic where Hulk’s nemesis the Leader
partners with Doctor Octopus to face off against Deadpool, who has secretly
developed a crush on the Invisible Woman and now she is forced to team up with
Wade to save her family, and Namor is having none of it. That story could come
out from Marvel in a month or two, and it wouldn’t require getting four
different film studios to put aside their egos and films rights to the
characters to make it work.
Jimmy Palmiotti recently tweeted that all of the
actors/filmmakers/people involved in making films based on characters that were
created in comics could spend some time helping the industry. I understand his
point. Movie watchers hardly translate into additional sales for the comics.
I’ve watched many interviews with actors who bring these characters to life and
most rarely exalt the comics that gave life to their characters first and when
they do, it is almost a passing, almost embarrassed, reference. There are of course exceptions to this rule,
but by and large, no one takes time to explain or reference the rich stories and character work done in
the medium that still handles the shared universes better than anyone else.
I wasn’t the biggest fan of Marvel’s Civil War comic book,
but I could easily tell a fan of the film Captain America Civil War that the comic version includes the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and that Spider-Man has a bigger role in
the story. It also features gorgeous art and there are many side stories that
appeared in other monthly titles worth looking at. I mean, ending aside, the
comic book version of Civil War does things that the film never could. It
simply doesn’t have access to all of the fan-favorite characters or time to
tell the story passed the two and a half hour mark.
Comics have utilized shared universes for almost 80 years.
Think about that for a moment. The MCU has 10 years and 19 films. Comics as a
whole have eight times that and literally thousands upon thousands of stories.
Although big event types of stories really developed in the 80s, that still
gives comics almost four decades on the films for these major event stories.
Shared universes are amazing and the MCU deserves major
kudos for making it work in film in a way no other studio can replicate. But regardless of what critics say, the MCU
didn’t create the shared universe, and it isn’t complete. Comics still do it
best and they have been doing it for longer. Part of me is genuinely tired of
video games and films taking comic characters and not tipping their hats enough
to the storytellers that made those characters great to begin with. Maybe
comics could use a little help from those that have a larger audience to
address. Everyone that loves the new Spider-Man should read Brian Michael
Bendis’ Ultimate Spider-Man run he created with artists Mark Bagley, Stuart
Immonen, and others, up to and including the transition to Miles Morales. Fans
of the Avengers should read the Ultimates or better yet, read Secret Invasion
or the Dark Avengers. Some of the craziest Marvel villains masquerading as
heroes for a while? I very much doubt we’ll ever get to see Norman Osborn match wits with
Tony Stark.
I don’t want to turn this into a films vs comics rant and
I’m sorry if it feels like it. I just want to point out that comics could use
more of a push when the characters that appear in them reach larger audiences
in a different medium. As a comic fan, I often get to see Spider-Man and the
Human Torch be buddies, Batman and Superman having good crossovers, Hulk
fighting and teaming up with tons of characters, Deadpool behaving only when he is in the
presence of Captain America, and a million other combinations we’ll probably
never see in the cinema.
So I thought I’d mention some of the better comic book
shared universe/events that readers should read in celebration of an achievement
like Avengers infinity War.
DC’s 52: Probably still my favorite of all the shared
universe stories. In a year without Batman, Wonder Woman, or Superman, the DC
characters all fight and struggle and discover new mysteries in this year-long
weekly comic book. Greg Rucka, Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, Geoff Johns, and
Keith Giffen wrote this series, and many different wonderful artists
illustrated it. It is without a doubt a crowning achievement in shared universe
stories and if you’ve never read it, I highly recommend giving it a shot. It
takes some of the lesser-known characters in the DCU and provides them a chance
to shine.
Although I wasn’t much of a Civil War fan, if I were to
choose a shared universe event that encompasses all of Marvel’s characters, it
would be House of M. The Scarlet Witch
changes reality to one where the mutants were the dominant powered people on Earth
and Magneto and his family were in charge. Bendis wrote the main series with
art by Olivier Coipel, and the House of M also ran through many mini-series and
regular titles. This alternate reality take was very satisfying as a fan, and I
actually think once Marvel gets the mutant characters back, this could be a
good lead in to introduce the mutants to the MCU if adapted.
Although it is extremely dated now, the Crisis on Infinite
Earths title is well worth the time and effort to read it. There is a wonderful
variety of DC characters, some of whom are no longer appearing in the monthly
books, that are showncased in this event. The final sacrifice of Barry Allen and the
passing of the mantle to Wally West is one of the highlights of this moment in
DC history. The story by Marv Wolfman and art by George Perez take it to
another level.
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse was probably my favorite shared
universe story in high school. Like House of M, there was an alternate reality
created for the X-Men and their titles where Professor X was killed leading to
a different present for all of the X-characters. This might be one of the
titles I’d be afraid to revisit in case it didn’t hold up, but I have fond
memories of familiar X-characters that were changed in interesting ways from how I knew
them. I also think it would be a fantastic story for fans of Marvel’s mutants
to check out.
Even though it wasn’t a huge event spanning a ridiculous
amounts of books, I do think DC’s
Kingdom Come is an exceptional shared universe title and one of the best books
to showcase Superman, among others. This alternate, dark future of the DCU
manages to be quite hopeful even if some of my favorite heroes had fallen on
hard times.
The Valiant Universe is still impressive in the way it tells
stories through multiple books in its shared universe. Both the original
incarnation of the Valiant titles and the current crop of titles are quite
impressive. They’ve also managed to have some top talent working on their books
like Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt, CAFU, Peter Miiligan, Barry Kitson, Trevor
Hairsine, Christos Gage, Darick Robertson, and more. Valiant’s relaunch a
handful of years ago was extremely good and they might be the most underrated
publisher in comics right now.
Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson’s Astro City might be a
singular title, but this book is full of superheroes is as rich and varied as all
of DC or Marvel’s lineup. Sporting lavish covers by Alex Ross, the creators
have told original and interesting stories usually focused on the people that
live in a city full of superheroes while also looking at familiar superhero
archetypes in a new light. If you were looking for a shared universe of characters
but didn’t want to engage in lots of different titles to make it work, you
could rarely do better than picking up Astro City.
There are many other stories or publisher lineups I could
mention. There are many other shared universes I could suggest such as
Hellboy/BPRD at Darkhorse, Wildstorm at DC (formerly at Image), or even Robert
Kirkman’s Invincible, but I believe I’ve given plenty of great places to start for readers that are still new to shared universe stories.
If you love what the MCU has accomplished, and it is quite
an impressive feat, try some of the comics. Try something old or new because it
all might be new for you. Let’s not be embarrassed that the films that are
mostly beloved now, came from stories that have been beloved for many decades.
And even if you love Marvel, know that there is so much more. We may never have
a great DC, Valiant, Astro City, or other cinematic universes. It would be a
shame to lose access to those shared universes simply because they never made
films the way that the MCU does.
Let’s read some comics.
Nice read, Shawn. I actually think the MCU is better off NOT having access to every character. Sometimes restrictions make for better storytelling. Logan was a great film, but I don't want Wolverine in the MCU Avengers, ever. I think the way they integrated Spider-man was great -- he's not my comic book Peter Parker, but he's still a wonderful version that is perfect for what the films are trying to do. I'm looking forward to reading Crisis again after I've caught up on some Bronze Age JLA, etc stories - I think it will make the losses even greater. I liked Iron Fist and it makes the Defenders work better having Danny be the way he is at the beginning. Inhumans was definitely tough to watch, total misfire. Enjoy Infinity War -- I've seen it twice already and will probably see it at least one more time in the theaters.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteYou're in the minority about Iron Fist. That dude can't act to save his life. It's like watching Hayden Christensen again. :D
I expect, if Disney gets Fox, that the X-Men will be rebooted and pulled into the MCU. I'll enjoy it, I think, much like the inclusion of Spider-Man: something different, but still enjoyable. I still think they should have made him Miles Morales, but they way the Marvel U is going, they can do that swap out years from now.