Jim: What? You always have something. Come on now, it can't be that bad.
Lee: I'm serious. I've got nada. I've been so busy with work and house hold duties, I haven't had time to read anything new. Which means no book reviews.
Jim: What about the kids? They're always good for a story.
Lee: I don't know what's wrong with them. They've been quiet... and good... all week. It's not any fun writing about the kids if they haven't caused any trouble.
Jim: Are you really trying to tell me that nothing interesting happened to you this week.
Lee: Well, I did notice that I had a brand new white hair.
Jim: Big deal. I have hundreds of white hairs.

Jim: What? No no no. You cannot not talk about nose hair on the blog. I don't care what color it is. No nose hair.
Lee: Fine. How about eyebrow craziness? Two hairs in my eyebrows decided to strike out on their own this week. They've been sticking straight out for the last day and a half. It looks like I have horns. Horns that are a different color than the white neon sign in my nose.
Jim: NO!

Jim: Because I said so. I don't need a reason. No nose hair stories.
Lee: What if the hair is on the outside of my nose? I have one that suddenly erupted this year on the end of my nose. A single, solitary strand, it's like a giant Sequoia on the end of my nose.
Jim: Wha? No? Oh fer crying out loud. NO FRELLIN HAIR STORIES.
Lee: I think you're limiting potential posting with your narrow mindedness.
Jim: I think you're an idiot. No already.
Lee: FINE.
Jim: FINE. Thank you.
So, there you have it. I've been censored. Freedom of expression crushed by the Man. Maybe something exciting will happen to me next week and I can talk about that. Until then, I got nada.
Geeze, and the toilet paper one didn't get censored?
ReplyDeleteBack in my newspaper journalism days, when I wrote a Sunday humor column for a syndicate in Florida, I was once called into the editor's office and told that I could make no more references to boogers or snot in my weekly column.
ReplyDeleteI say we unite and fight for our right to talk about boogers and body hairs.