Continued from WednesdayBOOSTER GOLD #42
He’s managed to avoid paying the price for a loooooong time… but now a newly responsible Booster Gold is ready to step up and serve the time for a crime he committed in his misspent youth! A crime that pretty much created Booster to begin with! On sale MARCH 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99
Gwen: Honestly before they started giving Booster more of a spotlight I could care less about this character. And while he's still not a favorite I will say that DC has managed to take a pretty unlikeable character and make him into a hero that is unique. He's also a fairly believable character - flaws help with that.
Lee: Let me show my age and say when Booster first appeared he was very popular. It wasn't until he revealed he only cared about money that his popularity dropped. Ahhh the good old days when being a money grubbing hero was still bad. Oh well, he seems to have survived quite well over the years.
Written by PAUL LEVITZ
Art and cover by FRANCIS PORTELA
This 31st century team of psychopaths returns! Now led by Saturn Queen, they break out of the prison world Takron-Galtos to wreak havoc on the United Planets. DCU fans won’t want to miss this one-shot, which sets up a major 2011 storyline that’ll shake the universe! ONE-SHOT • On sale MARCH 9 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99
Gwen: Normally I'd be a sucker for this... but Levitz is writing it. So yeah, hopefully it won't be as bad as regular Legion right now.
Lee: Ok, I officially declare a moratorium on LSH books until you decide to recommend one. I think it is well established that you don't care about Levitz interpretation of the Legion. The exception to the rule will be dinosaurs and Shadowlass casting HUGE shadows over the crowd. Anything else, ixnay.
Written by JUDD WINICK
Art and cover by SAMI BASRI
Superman arrives to offer Power Girl help in untangling the mess Max Lord has left her life in, but they won’t get much quality time in thanks to the dinosaurs that have suddenly appeared in New York City! On sale MARCH 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99
Gwen: I just haven't gotten into Power Girl as a series since they switched creators. But dinosaurs make almost everything better!
Lee: Dinosaurs and belly shirts. This is like the best comic ever... after Cavewoman which was dinosaurs and leopard print bikinis. Now that was a really good comic. I believe it even had dialogue.
Art and cover by JILL THOMPSON
The 4-issue miniseries from writer Will Pfeifer and artist Jill Thompson (DELIRIUM’S PARTY: A LITTLE ENDLESS STORYBOOK) is collected at last!
Meet Wally Maurer, his girlfriend Nancy, and his housemates at Knox State, a college where the goal for most students is to survive one another’s senior projects (time-travel machines, “hyper-cinema-vérité” and armed robbery, for example) – as well as their own. Prepare for a cutting satire that takes on the elitism, mindless amusements and hidden agendas of higher education as seen through the eyes of five seniors who just want to graduate – without getting killed. On sale MARCH 9 • 96 pg, FC, $7.99
Gwen: I never actually read this but I like Jill Thompson's art and the premise looks really cool. Also it's on sale right after my birthday!
Lee: This is an absolutely outstanding miniseries that was originally released in the 90's. Obviously, it has great art from Jill Thompson but the story is just fantastic. It was never a hit, but then again most Vertigo series aren't, but it excellent. And these days, where else can you get 4 issues for 8 bucks?RED: BETTER R.E.D. THAN DEAD TP
Art by CULLY HAMNER, DAVID HAHN and others
Photo cover
This new collection features the four one-shot tie-ins based on the hit film from Summit Entertainment, as well as the prequel issue to the original acclaimed graphic novel! Spend some time with the world’s top intelligence agents and learn how killing in the service of their countries earned them the label RED: “Retired, extremely dangerous.”
On sale APRIL 6 • 144 pg, FC, $14.99
Gwen: I didn't actually know about this series until the movie came out (which doesn't normally happen with me for comic book movies) but I liked the movie so I'm curious about the comic books behind it.
Lee: Hate to ruin it for you but this is new material and not the basis of the movie. The basis of the movie was the original mini-series written by Warren Ellis.AMERICAN VAMPIRE VOL. 2 HC
In this second volume, collecting issues #6-11 of the hit Vertigo series, it’s Las Vegas circa 1935, and Skinner Sweet and our gal Pearl are about to learn the hard way that the bloodsuckers in Hollywood were nothing compared to what awaits them in Sin City. In just a few short years, young police chief Cash McCogan has watched his native city of Las Vegas go from cow-town to wild, glittering boomtown. And when the bodies of prominent businessmen start showing up drained of blood, Chief McCogan finds himself facing a threat much darker and deadlier than anything he could have imagined . . . and the only sure bet in town is that Skinner and Pearl are right in the thick of it. On sale MAY 25 • 160 pg, FC, $24.99
Gwen: American Vampire has just been a consistently good book. The thing I really like about the series is how often it changes the status quo. While the different stories are connected you never really know what to expect next.
Lee: Sadly, I haven't read it yet. I have the book sitting right next to the bed waiting to be read. I think I know it is great so there isn't any urgency to read it. The other books which are more mysterious seem to get read first for some reason. CINDERELLA: FABLES ARE FOREVER #2
In the first issue of CINDERELLA: FABLES ARE FOREVER, readers learned the identity of Cinderella’s long-time nemesis and Cinderella discovered that her nemesis is apparently back from the dead! But if that’s true, then where has the assassin been all of these years? And how did Cinderella end up with a nemesis in the first place? Come with us as we return to the totally grody ’80s to find out.
On sale MARCH 9 • 2 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99
Gwen: I love the Cinderella spin off stories from the Fables series. I guess the idea of Cinderella as a spy is just to awesome for me to not love.
Lee: Agreed. Hopefully these get collected in a shiney hc like the rest of fables.iZOMBIE #11
Art and cover by MICHAEL ALLRED
Gwen visits the Oregon street where she grew up, coming face-to-face with a part of her past that she’d completely forgotten. Meanwhile, the monster-hunters and the vampire girls come to an understanding, Ellie meets Spot’s new roommate, and Galatea and Amon get cosmic. Plus, just when it seems things couldn’t get more exciting, Gwen goes to the comic book store! See what thrills await in the climactic conclusion of “uVAMPIRE!” On sale MARCH 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99
Gwen: I just can't stop saying good things about this book and I am very excited to see the conclusion to the vampire storyline. I'm also curious to see what route Gwen ends up going when she realizes just how much of her memory she's lost living off of dead people.
Lee: I don't know. You seem to be one of the last voices still singing praises. The book is good but there seems to be a drop in quality. At least that's what Jim and Thomm would have us believe. GREEN LANTERN HONOR GUARD RING PROP REPLICA
Don’t miss out on this exciting metal ring prop replica, inspired by the contemporary design of the rings worn by the exclusive Honor Guard of the Green Lantern Corps!
Cast in silver metal with a green enamel inlay, the ring also features decorative ridges around the band. The ring comes packaged in a two-part box foil-stamped with the Green Lantern logo and with protective foam inside. Available in a men’s ring size 11, although the ring is a prop replica ONLY and is not meant to be worn. Limited edition of 2100 pieces. * Quantities may be allocated.
Resolicited; on sale March 30, 2011 * Prop Replica * $35
Gwen: Why do they make cool replica rings you're not supposed to wear - and why can't I get one in my ring size??
Lee: HEY! Aren't you getting married soon??? What better way to express your undying love than wearing matching green lantern rings. You could cos-play as a Violet Love Lantern, and the hubbie could be.... well, he might as well be the invisible man. Gee whiz but I am full of good ideas today.
Gwen: This seems to be a pretty decent month - as well it should be for my birthday month!!
Lee: It was a good month. Plenty of good stuff for everyone.
It's not that iZombie has had a drop in quality. It's that I can't quite get handle on where it's going, and it's taking its time getting there. Until the most recent issue I hadn't had a lot of interest in the lead character, Gwen. I thought the were-terrier story was the best one so far, and that guy's kind of a background character.
ReplyDeleteLee - I don't believe I said a drop in quality, just that we have too much going on and need to move the main plot forward faster. There are a lot of comics I think need a stronger editor but iZombie is a book that I want to see on the stands for a long time.