Sunday, September 30, 2007
Football Talk
... The Cleveland Browns.
The games not over so there's still a chance but it looks like the Browns are going to win today!
I feel bad for whoever they played today.
The above post is being left only due to this blog's upholding anyone's right to a total a**. Yes the Ravens looked very ordinary today. I hate divisional games, anything can happen and usually does.
The above - above post represents an honest, and intellectual statement of facts regarding a certain professional football team. Namely, the Cleveland Browns and their very impressive beating ... NAY CRUSHING... of the Baltimore Thugs.. umm I mean Baltimore Raisins.
The random, psychotic rambling (appropriately in red ink) following the initial factual, intellectual post is just a grumbly, mumbly Ravens fan who can't handle the truth.
The green words above are the hopeful ravings of a deluded fool, who believes that the entire season is over after 4 weeks. (For those of you playing along at home Lee and I could continue these exchanges forever).
Taxes - Welcome to Maryland

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Dark Horse / Image Preview Review for December
Lee: I agree. I find I am looking forward to Dh and Image far more than the big two these days. Mostly because I can read stories that aren’t tied into every other book. It’s nice to have some one-n-done story lines.
Starting with Image
Image presents a re-imagining of The Odyssey: A soldier's long journey home after years of war in the Middle East. In the not-too-distant future a small group of abandoned soldiers are lead home by one man: The Captain. To get back he will have to cross half the globe and endure deadly encounters with many enemies including the Cyclops, and the Sirens...but first he will have to survive the final hours of the war! DECEMBER 5 • 32 PAGES • FC • $2.99
Lee: This does sound interesting. I also find intriguing that so few books have been centered in the middle east these days. With all the upheaval you would think there would be more story lines. It’s good to see Phil Noto on art again. He’s a great artist.

Lee: I love classic monsters and who better to handle them than horrormeister Steve Niles. Now, the interesting twist is they are all little kids and this appears to be an all ages book. But, the cover is great. Penguins, werewolfs, and some strange kid with a brain floating in a fish bowl!!! What’s not to like???
Preview of an older issue at:;f=36;t=005856
Just so you can see the art.
Jim: I don't know this book just missing the mark for what I look for in a comic. I can see its appeal, but without having small children around to read to, this has no hook to bring me in.

From the pages of INVINCIBLE! You know her, you love her, it’s the girl after Invincible’s heart: ATOM EVE! Find out how she got her powers, and what shaped her into the woman she is today. Robert Kirkman presents a tale of tragedy and triumph that will have lasting effects on the INVINCIBLE series. DECEMBER 5 • 32 PAGES • FC • $2.99
Jim: Well given that I sort of like Invincible so this is another no brainer for me. I look forward to Invincible and Atom Eve actually getting together one day and having some additional back story on her is a good idea. Also I prefer this back story to be off from the regular series as not to bog it down.
Lee: You sorta like Invincible? That’s like saying the sky is sorta blue. ANYWAY. Invincible is good. Actually, I am surprised they haven’t watered the title down with all sorts of miniseries before now. I have no idea who Cereno is so I can’t really make a call on this. But, some research yielded which has all sorts of news on the creative team.
SAMSON! STARDUST! FLIP FALCON! SPACE SMITH! CAPTAIN KIDD! THE GOLDEN KNIGHT! PROFESSOR FIEND! SUB SAUNDERS! YANK WILSON! Some of the greatest creations from yesterday brought back to life by some of the greatest creators of today! Fans have marveled over the years as, one by one, characters from comics' Golden Age have been revived for a modern audience. The NEXT ISSUE PROJECT is an ongoing series that continues a classic discontinued title for a modern audience! All stories are complete, self-contained and cool as all hell! All books are Golden Age sized, but these aren't simply an homage to Golden Age comics: They're updated classics for a new generation by modern masters! DECEMBER 5 • 64 PAGES • FC • $5.99
Jim: Again a good concept and a fun idea. I’m not rushing out to the story and waiting for it to show up, but for $5.99 with that list of creators, I’ll take a chance on this book. Since these are all public domain characters that I probably never saw, I will miss how they are being revived and or changed as I have no reference point.
Lee: What a list of creators is right!!! But, it will depend on execution. Alan Moore did this once with the series “1963”. It was good but almost to good at capturing the feel of 1963 comics. The first issue should be worth checking out though.

Brace yourself for an explosive journey into a doomed future. Set in an art deco-styled Pittsburgh of 2135, hired killer Nathan Fisher discovers the first clue of a vast, cryptic plot that will destroy the human race. OVERMAN combines hard science fiction with a surrealistic twist, from new writer SCOTT REED (High Strangeness, Last Odyssey) and critically acclaimed artist SHANE WHITE (NBM's North Country , and Image Comics Fear Agent). DECEMBER 5 • 32 PAGES • FC • $3.50 Art preview at: Artist info at:
Jim: Damn looks like yet another book that has me hooked and reeling me in. I love the “doomed future” type books, matches my world view (just kidding). Not sure of the creators, but the premise is enough to get me to try out issue #1. Still in just four projects Image has more excitement in their new ventures then DC and Marvel combined this month.
Lee: For those of you at home, Jim’s “doomed future world view” comment…. He wasn’t kidding. Image certainly is putting out different and interesting books these days. But, to control my spending I may wait for the trade on this one.
A RED MASS FOR MARS #1 (of 4) story JONATHAN HICKMAN art & cover RYAN BODENHEIM “ETERNITY”From the mind of comic book innovator Jonathan Hickman and pen of super-talent and Image debutant RYAN BODENHEIM comes A RED MASS FOR MARS. In a world that has survived every catastrophe imaginable, a new threat from beyond the stars looks to be the end of all humanity. A RED MASS FOR MARS tells the story of the last days of Earth and the one man who could save us all, but won't. DECEMBER 12 • 32 PAGES • FC • $3.50
Jim: Jonathan Hickman is a busy guy of all a sudden. I’m a little confused as why a book called Red Mass for Mars is about the last days of Earth (maybe a typo). Still with Hickman and that premise – worth at look at issue #1.
Lee: OK, enough is enough. You have picked EVERY SINGLE BOOK Image is publishing so far. Good grief already. How about some filtering, Buddy Boy? But, Image is riding the Hickman wave. Hopefully, he is able to continue the high quality work. And, random factoid of this posting, Ryan Bodenheim is the winner of the 2002 Wizard World art contest. Who knew?

REVISED AND EXPANDED!HEROES artist TIM SALE discusses his life and work in this comprehensive and lavishly illustrated volume. This is a new, revised and expanded edition of the original sold out and out-of-print TIM SALE: BLACK AND WHITE previously published by Active Images. Includes 16-page color signature.
DECEMBER 5 • 272 PAGES • BW • $39.99
Lee: OOOOHHHH. HC of Tim Sale artwork. Pretty!!! And cheap too.
The original acclaimed miniseries in a beautiful trade paperback, containing over fifty pages of exclusive bonus material, including creator notes, concept artwork, a pin-up gallery, a text piece by co-creator B. CLAY MOORE, web strips created specifically for image, and a lushly illustrated drink guide created especially for the trade by Eisner-nominated series co-creator STEVEN GRIFFIN.
Collects HAWAIIAN DICK, VOL. 1 #1-3
DECEMBER 19 • 144 PAGES • FC • $14.99
Lee: Since this has turned into a “HEY LOOK AT THIS” for every single Image book, I want to add my two cents. This was a great series from couple of years ago. Excellent crime book with outstanding art. You really can’t beat it for $15.

Lee: OOOOHHHH. The naked chick has a wolf’s head so that makes it ok. NO NO NO! This books wins the Embarrassed to be a Fan Boy award just because the cover is extra pointless.

Lee: I stand corrected. Brit #5, with the tentacle that actually manages to get into the costume wins. Sorry Durwin your cover was pointless but Cliff’s creepy trumps pointless anyday.

Lee: Now, just to get back to reality, a cover worth looking at. I don’t know if the story is any good but this is a very good cover. I like it.
Jim: Lee is now just picking covers and knows I'm the one having to format this post with all these pictures.
It's the final battle: Sara is forced to face down her former mentor. But Nightmare has discovered that Sara has an "Achilles Heal." She actually has feelings for FBI agent, Charlie Baker. Nightmare plans to kill Charlie in front of Sara before eliminating her as well. DECEMBER 12 • 32 PAGES • FC • $2.99
Jim: I was very upset to see the Frank Espinosa fell off this book as the artist. I enjoyed issue #1, but feel a little cheated as the series will not have him as the artist for all five issues. Hopefully Toby Cypress will be a good replacement.
Lee: Well, you can check out Toby at While I agree, it would be nice to have Espinosa for the entire series, I would rather have an ending.
Tomb Raider Compendium Volume 1 Limited Edition Hardcover (W) Dan Jurgens, David Wohl, James Bonny, & Dan Slott (A) Andy Park, Adam Hughes, Billy Tan, Tony S. Daniel & more! Now a limited edition hardcover! Collecting TOMB RAIDER #1-50, TOMB RAIDER COMPENDIUM VOLUME 1 gives you the complete adventures of Lara Croft in one massive volume! Full Color 1280 pages $99.99 Limited Edition Hardcover
Jim: Was there a demand for this? Oh by the way a 1280 page book is just too damn big to be of any use other then a doorstop.
Lee: Ummmm, isn’t this the same size as Marvel’s Omnibus’s???? And you love those.
Over to Dark Horse

STEVE NILES (W) and BERNIE WRIGHTSON (A) On sale Feb 27 FC, 112 pages $14.95 TPB, 7" x 10" Stosh Bludowski is a killer, born with the capacity for no apparent human emotion other than rage. Killing comes easy for Blud, and he makes a good living doing what's easy-until the day he meets two jobs in an alley who just won't die, and a grotesque mystery unfolds right in front of him. Soon, the remorseless killer is confronted by a reality he could never imagine, and he will be invited to make a decision once and for all . . . is he human, or is he Other?
Jim: Love this material and I may have to get the trade also. Bernie Wrightson’s work was missing from comics for way too long. The only issue I had with this series was it felt like a prologue to a series of stories about Blud.
Lee: For me, this is an Eh. I have lots of Wrightson in the collection. Lots of classic, peak Wrightson in the collection. If you have nothing else, start here but for me, I’m just not sure.
CUT - by MIKE RICHARDSON (W), TODD HERMAN (A), AL MILGROM (I), and MIKE MIGNOLA (Cover) On sale Dec 12 FC, 112 pages $9.95 TPB, 5 1/4" x 7 1/2"
The latest addition to the Dark Horse horror line is this chilling original graphic novel from writer and publisher Mike Richardson (The Secret, Cravan). Twentysomething Meagan Walters regains consciousness and finds herself locked in an empty room of an old house. She's bleeding from the back of her head, and has no memory of where the wound came from-she'd been at a club with some friends . . . left angrily . . . was she abducted? When Meagan peers through the door's keyhole, she starts to suspect that her captor isn't quite human . . .
Todd Herman (The Fog; The Goon: Noir) fleshes out the story with his moody, EC-influenced pencils, and comics stalwarts Al Milgrom and Dave Stewart bring them to life.
Jim: I will be passing on this book and wait for any reviews to see if I have any interest. Wonder how this Mike Richardson guy gets all of his stuff published?
Lee: Might have something to do with him owning the company. But that’s just a guess. Sounds interesting enough but I agree with the wait and see philosophy.

Lee: Since we had two awful covers, I think I can point out two good covers. I really liked Brawl #3, and I like this one two. It definitely works to draw the reader in.
Jim: Good cover, but do you know how many times I have had to add an extra photo and then redo all the damn spacing!

RICK REMENDER (W), MAT BROOME (P), SEAN PARSONS (I), and WENDY BROOME (C) On sale Dec 26 FC, 32 pages $2.99 Ongoing
A thematic merging of The Lord of the Rings and Watchmen, The End League follows a cast of the last remaining supermen and women as they embark on a desperate and perilous journey through a world dominated by evil, in hopes of locating the one remaining artifact that can save humanity-the Hammer of Thor. For his return to the world of comics renowned artist Mat Broome (WildC.A.T.S.) teams up with critically acclaimed writer Rick Remender (Fear Agent) for this, Dark Horse Comics's newest superhero series.
Jim: I’m trying it out as I like Rick Remender’s work, but not sure I need another super hero series.
Lee: I may have to try this too. Broome is a good artist and it’s nice to see his work again. And Remender is not slouch either. It’s definitely worth investigating.

On sale Jan 30 12 1/4" tall, 12 1/8" wide, 11 7/8" deep Limited to 2000 units for worldwide distribution $350.00
ReelArt Studios and Dark Horse Comics are proud to present Frazetta's Egyptian Queen, the third offering of a four-statue collection inspired by the original artwork of one of the world's most beloved fantasy illustrators, Frank Frazetta. The fully hand-painted statue, as sculpted by Gabriel Marquez, depicts one of Mr. Frazetta's most famous works and was personally overseen and approved by the master.
Jim: Lee, you can get this for me as a late Christmas gift. I love how sexy Frank Frazzeta’s woman are and they are not those rail thin super models who are supposed to be so sexy.
Lee: I would get it for ya but she she looks fat. I know you don’t like rail models but there’s a difference between “full figured” and “OMG your a$$ just ate your thong!” I can’t spend money on something I know you won’t really, truly appreciate. BUT, you can buy me the Judge Dredd statue which is way super cooler.

On sale Feb 13 FC, 64 pages $14.95 HC, 7" x 10"
In seven chapters, all written and lusciously painted by Wagner, the deadly cyborg Grendel-Prime pursues the past with singular purpose, even while the decadent and decaying world he has forsaken hunts him for reasons of its own. With each chapter a twisted relation to the children's rhyme, "Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor, lawyer, Indian chief," this tightly crafted work is an essential piece of the Grendel canon, and a tie-in to Wagner's popular Batman/Grendel series. Lee: First off, I thought I had read everything associated with Wagner’s Grendal but I don’t remember this. I might have to dig in the collection to see if I have it. BUT, it appears that DH is putting the entire series in HC format. This is soooo cool.
On sale Feb 27 FC, 544 pages $17.95 TPB, 7" x 10"
In the mid 1970s a comics magazine was published containing some of the most exciting epic fantasy tales the world has ever known-The Savage Sword of Conan. Based off of the work of renowned author Robert E. Howard, each issue offered multiple thrilling tales of the legendary barbarian. The magazine was also a showcase of comics talent, headed up by Conan aficionado Roy Thomas. Now for the first time ever, these stories are being collected in a series of omnibus-style books, with over five hundred pages of classic sword and sorcery-for the complete Conan collector! Included in this volume are tales featuring the stunning art of such comics luminaries as Barry Windsor-Smith, John Buscema, Alfredo Alcala, Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom, Pablo Marcos, Walter Simonson, and many more. o The first time ever that The Savage Sword of Conan magazine has been collected.
Lee: Now this will be interesting. You see, SSoC was a B&W magazine which was outside of the comics code. AND, with the issues this reprints Marvel slipped in some nudity!!! That’s right big John Buscema drawing nekkid wimmens!!! WHA HOOOOO. I wonder if DH will reprint as published or edit like Marvel did on Tomb of Dracula????
Jim: I can not imagine Dark Horse worrying about nudity, if they edit it, I will be disappointed.

On sale Feb 6 FC, 352 pages $24.95 TPB, 6" x 9" Indiana Jones is back in this massive volume recounting three of the most important discoveries in the career of the twentieth century's most adventurous archaeologist!
Containing the long-out-of-print stories, "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis," "Thunder in the Orient," and "Indiana Jones and the Arms of Gold," this substantial tome follows the intrepid Dr. Jones as he travels from Africa to Asia and nearly everywhere in between in a race against the Nazis for the world's greatest treasures. From lost cities, to ancient temples, to artifacts of legendary power, Indy will stop at nothing to preserve these prizes from the grasp of Adolf Hitler's evil minions. Collecting many long-out-of-print stories in one value-priced volume
Jim: Not something that I want, but nice to see all sorts of properties getting lower cost reprint treatments.
Lee: This actually sounds really good. As always I wish it were full sized but I’ll take what I can get. Messner-Loebs is a very good writer and it looks like a solid line up of artists. This has high “fun” potential and should be worth picking up.
Jim: Well a damn decent month from the smaller press big two. Nice to see someone is looking for some different projects and willing to take a chance.
Lee: This is just so much more interesting than the big two these days. It makes me excited to read comics again.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Alice in Wonderland

Still, One of the major issues all of us on this blog have discussed at one point or another is how many comic books are out there that are considered 'all ages' anymore. In fact we go out of our way to mention when a book is child appropriate. I find that many times it's hard to judge about a book. I find myself recommending books like the Legion of Superheroes, Bone and Mouseguard to parents and many times find that I have to be even more particular with my selections. After all these books contain violence, betrayal and even death. Many parents seem reluctant to expose their children to these things. Yet I wonder if our society has become overly protective of their children in recent years - perhaps this is why teenagers seem to rebel in more extreme ways. As I look more closely at children's literature such as Alice in Wonderland I find myself wondering why we've 'dumbed down' the stories we expose children to. Personally I think many kids can handle and learn from (in a positive manner) a lot more than we give them credit for.
This is the essay I just finished writing about the satirical nature of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. All of the examples are directly from the story, and I am convinced that the children's stories we read today cannot compare to the depth found in stories like this.
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", by Lewis Carrol, satirizes society through the eyes of a child attempting to come to terms with the world around her. Carrol uses the creatures of Wonderland to illustrate stereotypical adults in what he saw as a nonsensical culture.
The White Rabbit is the first Wonderland creature Alice encounters. The Rabbit is a parody of the typical working adult in society. Alice becomes intrigued by the Rabbit when he pulls out a pocket watch after exclaiming, "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!" (Carrol 5). Throughout the story the Rabbit seems to be running late, although we're never quite sure what he's so late for (presumably he's running one errand or another). Carrol is mocking the average man's inability to recognize what is and isn't important. The Rabbit is so consumed with his worry about being late that he fails to notice what's going on around him. In fact he even mistakes Alice for his own housemaid, Mare Ann. He sees Alice and assumes that she must be his servant and orders her to "Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick now!" (Carrol 21). Not only does this show how the average working adult is obsessed with time but it also illustrates how many adult members of society take little notice of those they consider to be beneath them.
The Duchess is another highly stereotypical character. She represents the people of society who feel that they have the answer to everything. During Alice's first encounter with the Duchess she informs the child that "You don't know much... and that's a fact" (Carrol 37). From then on the Duchess not only informs Alice of 'facts' (that make little sense) but also orders her around. The Duchess seems to presume that she is better than Alice because she is comfortable in the belief that she knows more than Alice. Later, in the Queen's garden, the Duchess again asserts her own superiority. She begins to find morals in everything that Alice says - whether or not there is an intended moral. For example when Alice informs the Duchess that her flamingo may bite the Duchess says, "Very true... flamingos and mustard both bite. And the moral of that is - 'Bird of a feather flock together' (Carrol 57). Alice points out that mustard isn't a bird and rather than admit that her statement was in error the Duchess glosses over the whole incident by agreeing with Alice - as if it all makes sense anyway. This shows the Duchess to represent all the members of society who act in the belief that they know all there is to know.
The Queen is a representation of adult authority. She satirizes the world of rules and regulation by representing extremes of illogic and impossible rules and regulations. The Queen's croquet game is a perfect example of this. Alice finds herself given inefficient tools to play an impossible game in which she never quite sure of the rules (as they're always changing). "The players played all at once, without waiting for turns, quarreling all the while... and in a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion... shouting 'Off with his head!'" (Carrol 53). The croquet game itself is a mockery of human society while the Queen, at it's head, is a symbol for the authority that claims to maintain society. In it's extreme form, bureaucracy wishes to solve problems with haste - but with little regard to those that it effects of the actual execution of the actions to be taken. This to, is acted out by the Queen when confronted with a creature with only a head who she wishes to have beheaded. When no one seems to be able to behead the creature she decides that "if something wasn't done about it... she'd have everybody executed" (Carrol 55). The Queen clearly satirizes adult society's befuddling authority.
Wonderland is an elaborate representation of adult society and all it's strange stereotypes and patterns. Carrol uses the characters and circumstances of Wonderland to create a satire of society through the perspective of childhood.

I would, of course, like the opinions of the actual parents who read this, as I don't have children of my own. I am curious on how people feel - do we shelter our children more - perhaps in an attempt to keep them younger longer? Or do you feel there has been little change in children's literature?
* Yes, this is a cheating post * Apologies *
As an interesting side note though I wonder if comics are considered 'kid stuff' by society because children's literature is associated with illustrations alongside the text?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Marvel Previews for December
Jim: I don’t think you’re going to get lucky with this group. The big two are not having stellar months in what I see so far.

Jim: This is a pass for me. I was wondering if Loeb and Mad could produce a monthly book, but being as it is only 5 issues long, I guess that is doable. Still Loeb has not had a good book in a long time in my opinion.

Lee: Sooooooo… you’re never getting it? Is that the bottom line?
Jim: Ultimate Spider-Man has been the best Spider-Man book out there. Also I criticize Bendis in many books, but this one is done very well and Bendis deserves a lot of the credit.


Jim: Lee, I think you missed the point, TBA is the artist formerly known as Rob Liefeld. Easy pass.
Jim: I vote for third. I loved Powers in the beginning but fell off this book during the monkey sage (see I don’t always like monkeys).
Lee: I looked it up. This was originally solicited Oct 06. Only a year late. Not bad.
Jim: Great book and possibly Brubaker’s best work. The second arc has been superior to the first arc, so even if you skipped part I, get this one.
Jim: This is great stuff and an easy Masterwork for me to order.

Jim: It might be that the price hike is due to cost to produce this book. I really hope that the Torch versus Sub-Mariner battle was handled with TLC, because that was some great Golden Age material. If they corrected the racial stereotypes I would be upset as I prefer to see the old stuff warts and all.
Jim: AGREED! Plus with JMS writing the book I’ll wait for the hardcover and skip the actual book.
Lee: Ditto. It’s not often I don’t have a lot to say but this is one of those times. I mean, I agree with Jim. This is a blatant screwing of the comic book customer. I mean really what can be said other than Ditto, which I already said. But it all agrees with Jim so there isn’t any reason to write lots about this. Right? Right! ‘Nuff said because Jim was clear and concise. A money grab by Marvel. Those scoundrels!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
When Did Your Children Grow Up?

I don’t know when my little people grew up but I think they did. Maybe it was last week when they went to school for the very first time. The kindergarten bus pulled up and they leaped right on without even the slightest look back. They were too excited to get on the bus to worry about me.
Maybe it was the other day when I came home and no one rushed to greet me. Sesame Street was more exciting than Dad coming home. In truth, they stopped coming to the door weeks before. I just didn’t want to admit they weren’t coming to see me anymore.
Maybe it was this morning as I was leaving for work, and Tiny screamed “Kiss! Kiss!” because I hadn’t given her a goodbye kiss yet. She rushed over to me and made sure I kissed both her cheeks. The older two didn’t even take their eyes off the television.
I’m very proud of my children, love than more than anything, and it really is a great deal of fun watching them grow up. But somedays, every now and then, I really miss the little people that squealed in delight when I came home.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Best to Worst of Last Week

JLA/Hitman #1 (of 2) – This was a frelling wonderful book.

Bad Planet #3 (of 6 or 12?) – I absolutely love this book. Alien monsters, flying girls, great looking women and huge flying bugs. The only problem I had were the 3-D parts of the book. I love 3-D, but I think I just need to tape on red and blue cellophane to my glasses, because I now wear progressive lenses and trying to put the 3-D glasses and my glasses together is a pain. Between this book and Alien Pig Farm Raw Studios is producing some beautiful material that is pure fun.
Hellblazer #236 – This is the best Vertigo series right now. Under Diggle’s pen this book is now at the top of its class.
30 Days of Night Red Snow #2 (of 3) – Ben Templesmith is so damn good and this book just continues to prove the point. The Vampires force the Germans, Russians, Townspeople and an English observer to join forces to try and survive the onslaught. The little girl vampire is reminiscent of Wormwood’s little girl corpse, but why quibble.
Highwaymen #4 (of 5) – Just a great series. McQueen is dying, Grace and his partner are in a car falling out of the back of an airplane. Really good action/adventure story.
Catwoman #71 – This is one of DC’s better series. This issue Selina solicits Batman’s help in faking her death. At the end it appears she is asking for his help to give her baby up to someone else. Really an emotional and understated scene.
Criminal Macabre My Demon Baby #1 (of 4) – Why did I decide to try this out; I love Cal McDonald now and will end up buying some of his prior adventures in trade. This is the most down on his luck PI ever; it is Rockford to the Nth degree, running around with zombies and other supernatural stuff. Half serious-half tongue in cheek all cool.
Batman/Lobo Deadly Serious #2 (of 2 ) – A great read and over the top fun. Beautiful energetic mad art and story by Sam Keith
Checkmate #18 – Really good start to the “Fall of the Wall”. Greg Rucka has all the right elements going, action, political intrigue, set-ups, moves and counter moves.
Captain America #30 – The “Death of a Dream” has been a good story. Dr. Faust will apparently have everyone under his control soon as Bucky has been captured and is now held prisoner by Faust. I did not like the Red Skull conveniently knowing a code wood to shut Bucky down.
Countdown to Mystery #1 (of 8) – Both stories were strong beginnings. Eclipso is on Darkseid’s doorstep and apparently his creation and Dr. Fate is finding out what it means to be the new mystical Dr. Fate.
Superman/Batman #40 – Best issue yet of this series. Orion’s wife (Bekka) and Batman’s attraction to each other was done so well and the story just played out perfectly. Darkseid is starting to show up everywhere in the DCU.
Dynamo 5 #7 – Nice wrap up to the duplicate Captain Dynamo storyline. This book continues to impress with solid stories, solid character development and good action. A really well done super hero group book.
Flash #232 – Still has my interest, but the art is not working for me in Flash and the story line is a very odd one to start off the book, an unflash like menace.
Programme #3 (of 12) – Each issue of this book is getting better for me. Milligan’s story of cold war super heroes being created and then accidentally being activated today is being executed well so far.
Robin #166 – Nice wrap up of the Dodge storyline and some great interaction with Batman. I believe this is writer Adam Beechen’s last issue and he did a great job on this series.
Shadowpact #17 - Since Matt Sturges is Bill Willingham’s writing partner on Jack of Fables I should have known he could pick this book up seamlessly. I really enjoyed Doug Braithwaite’s art on this issue.
Penance Relentless #1 (of 5) – In spite of my hating what they did to Speedball, this next step in the characters evolution had an intriguing start. Paul Jenkins has my interest in this series. Appears that Robbie is playing Norman and the government at this point.
Gutsville #2 (of 6) – A little lost in the overall story due to the long delay between issues, but Frazer Irving does a great job depicting on one of the strangest settings ever, people living in the guts of a mammoth sea creature.
30 Days of Night Beyond Barrow #1 (of 3) – Steve Niles and Bill Sienkiewicz deliver a good start to a billionaire adventurer visiting Barrow to get his kicks and see a vampire. Can’t wait for October to see this movie.
Wasteland #12 – Solid series. This issue was fast paced. Ari and Michael escape execution, slaves are freed, Sand-Eaters attack, and the city is in chaos.
Aquaman Sword of Atlantis #56 – Another solid issue, I’m enjoying this series again, the break from Busiek/Guice to Williams/McManus was so jarring that it took awhile for me to really enjoy this book again.
Birds of Prey #110 – Nice one and done story focusing on Huntress and Oracle’s relationship while doing a job.
Countdown #32 – Fun issue, the bachelorette party was amusing and we finally have Eclipso and Mary Marvel together.
Terror Inc. #2 (of 5) – Played as a straight action adventure, but with some really bizarre and outlandish twist. Still, when your main character is a rotting corpse that needs body parts to replace the ones worn out, what can you do? Nice little series, definitely best as a mini-series.
Streets of Glory #1 (of 6) – Billed as Garth Ennis reinventing the western, the first issue comes across as a gory, but still a typical western. The story is set in the times when civilization was starting to take over the old west. Decent start, just not a reinvention at this point. The artist loved having people’s jaw’s blown off by bullets though, maybe that was the reinvention. Truly the first comic that had "jaw dropping" art.
Tales of the Sinestro Corps Parallax #1 – Nice little background piece on what happened with Kyle and how he is trying to fight back. Decent back story matter that fills in some of the blanks from the Sinestro War.
Annihilation Conquest Quasar #3 (of 4) – Nice use of her powers at the end, the idea that Moondragon is now a real dragon and they will still remain intimate “mind” lovers was a little too ridiculous, even for comics.
Ant-Man #12 – Fun ending and a nice way to get Eric back into the costume. Seems like they may make him into a real super hero this time.
Marvel Comics Presents #1 – Eight page stories by different creators, some continuing stories and some one shot stories. This type of book is always a mixed bag, but I will try out this anthology styled book for awhile. This first issue was decent.
Zero Killer #2 (of 6) – Matt Camp’s artwork really reminds me of Paul Gulacy, very well done. This post apocalyptic world is set in a bombed out New York with gangs running the big buildings and a military government trying to run what’s left of the US. So far this has been interesting, but I think a trade is the way to go with this story.
Sheena #3 (of 5) – I just like watching a pretty girl run around in a jungle outfit. Not much each to really recommend this book as the plot is clichéd ridden, but I still enjoy this piece of fluff.
Doktor Sleepless #2 – The only book by Ellis lately that I’m not sold on. Ellis is playing with his ideas of tech, but this book is not really drawing me in yet. The last panel with a second person who appears to be Sleepless was intriguing.
World War Hulk #4 (of 5) – I have already said my piece on this book, needless to say it was not a favorite this week. Let’s see how it ends.
Cthulhu Tales Tainted – Not bad, but some of the stories were just confusing and or incomprehensible. Still this and the vastly superior Fall of Cthulhu series has made me want to read Lovecraft’s work and see what the source material is like.
Testament #20 – Another book I should cancel and just go to the trades as the stories are relatively complex and are hard to really stay with the story over the month (and reading 100 plus other comics). Still a well structured story and it definitely continues to move forward.
Ghosting #2 (of 4) – I should have canned this book after this issue, but I’m interested enough now to want to find out who or what is behind all the killings going on – is it a ghost or something else.
Witness #1 – A set-up for a graphic novel. Rather mundane, cop protecting witnesses becomes a witness of mob boss killing his own daughter (who was ratting out Daddy). He fakes his own death to protect his family. Was not that strong of a book and it just leads into a graphic novel.
A really good week of books. I have so many above the line as the best that it even shocked me. The book you should be reading that you are not is Bad Planet. Drop a Marvel or DC title that you are so-so on and buy Bad Planet and see if you don’t enjoy it more then the book you dropped. If I’m wrong let me know and I’ll try and get a quarter to you to buy the issue you missed back in about three months.
Monday, September 24, 2007
What I’m Getting Wednesday

Astounding Wolf Man #3 – Another Robert Kirkman creation and written by the creator. The art is very loose and still a little amateurish, but Kirkman has made this book to be unpredictable in where we are going. He zigs, when you are expecting a zag. This has a fun read for the first two issues, looking forward to issue #3.
Brit #2 – Another Robert Kirkman creation, that he now acts as editor on. Kirkman is slowly building his own line of books with Image. The first issue was okay. Killing Brit at the end is very typical type ending lately, but I trust these guys will twist it enough to keep us off balance.

Killing Girl #2 (of 5) – Not written by Robert Kirkman, instead written by Glen Brunswick and art by Frank Espinosa (who will not be finishing the series). The first issue was very good and issue #2 should be good. The official hype “What if the Mafia had their own secret service...? Sara has uncovered the truth: Her sister is alive. Just one quick kill...then Sara will slip away to spend some overdue quality time with her long lost sibling. Unfortunately, her current target may complicate matters. The FBI agent she's been assigned to kill is also her sister's fiance.”
Left on Mission #4 (of 5) – I was fortunate enough to receive an advance look at this book and have already posted a review on it. Once again I will say a great series.

Avengers/Defenders War Hardcover – This was an decent story by Steven Englehart with okay art by Bob Brown and Sal Buscema. Nice to see in a a reasonable priced package for only $20. I’m buying this more for nostalgia purposes, then it being a story for the ages. I appreciate Marvel doing stuff like this that doesn’t fit anywhere else.
Avengers Initiative #6 – This book is slowly winning me over of all the launches out of Civil War, this is one of the only new ones I didn’t cancel. Cloud 9 has become a character that I enjoy and I get a kick out of seeing a ridiculous character like Slapstick getting face time in the MU.

Iron Fist #9 – Part 2 of the contest of the Seven Cities of Heaven. I recently read the Iron Fist Essential and enjoyed the adventures of Danny Rand then and I’m enjoying the new adventures of Danny Rand as well. Brubaker and Fraction have done a good job of remaining true to the source material and enhancing it with adding more depth to it. One of Marvel’s best series.
Iron Fist Annual #1 – A double dose of Iron Fist this week, that’s a good thing, but I still think Marvel should have spread them over a couple of weeks. This issue is providing more background on Danny’s predecessor Orson Randall.

Marvel Illustrated Last of the Mohicans #5 (of 6) – A book I send onto Gwen and never read. Hope we get a review of it once it is complete. I would like to know if this line has any value.
Punisher Barracuda TP – The collection of the Barracuda mini-series spun off from the Punisher. My expectations are mixed on this book as I’m not sure I like the idea of creating a nemesis for the Punisher in the Max line, it doesn’t feel right based on the way Frank is portrayed in the Max series.
Ultimate Fantastic Four #46 – My last issue of this book. Mike Carey does a fine job writing it and Pascul Ferry is a good artist, so why am I dropping the title? I don’t buy into this group as the Fantastic Four. They are too far removed from the original group for me to have any real buy in and therefore I find I don’t care about them as characters.
Ultimate Spider-Man #114 – This book is the opposite of Ultimate FF for me. Peter is younger, but eminently recognizable as a version of the Spider-Man that I grew up with, so I do care about this character. Last issue was the best issue in this series in a long time and I loved how Machiavellian Bendis made Norman Osborune. Looking forward to the next part of this arc.

X-Men First Class #4 – This is flat out just a wonderful re-imagining and updating of the adventures of the first X-Men. Jeff Parker and Roger Cruz have crafted a modern, yet classic take that is fun to read. My favorite X-Book right now.
X-Men #203 – The Marauders true goal is supposed to be revealed this issue. I have enjoyed this arc because Bobby and Cannonball are two characters in the X-Men who I have usually enjoyed. Overall though I may be done with the X-Books soon.

Crossing Midnight #11 – This book is really one of the better books on the stands. It covers so many different genres and tells a great story focusing on the twin brother and sister who are caught up in forces beyond their control. This maybe Mike Carey’s best work ever.
Astro City : The Dark Age Book 2 #4 (of 4) – As always this has been an excellent story, but also as always the eternal lateness of this book just kills the excitement that this series could generate. If this book showed up even eight times a year it would really be a major hit.

Wetworks #13 – J.M. DeMattesis has kept the writing quality on this title at a high level. This issue the original team joins with the new team and is fighting off Night Tribes.
52 Aftermath The Four Horsemen #2 (of 6 ) – Giffen had a good start to this series. I love his dialogue between Bruce and Clark. I went in not knowing what to expect, but the first issue was an interesting story of the reappearance of the Four Horsemen and how Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman will deal with it.
Blue Beetle #19 – Giganta is hired to take down Blue Beetle. This is a great series depicting a young man coming to grips with being a super hero. One of DC’s best ongoing series that remains pretty much to itself.

Batman #669 – Concluding the 3 part Batman and The Club of Heroes murder mystery drawn by JH Williams III. This has been a surprising nice murder mystery tale by Grant Morrison set on a remote island. Looking forward to the concluding chapter.
GA Year One #5 (of 6) – Really can’t wait for this book. Diggle and Jock have so far done what will be GA’s definite origin story for the foreseeable future. I may get the trade of this one.

Countdown to Adventure #2 (of 8) - Really enjoyed last issue. Adam Strange replaced as Rann’s hero, Animal Man and Starfire trying to figure out where there lives will take them next. Forerunner’s origin was interesting, but I’m not sold on this character yet, still having her series as a backup story is a good way to introduce her.
Showcase Presents Metal Men Volume 1 – Probably the only way we will ever see this zany material reprinted. I hope that they do a second volume as I have always wanted to re-read the time when they ran around in human disguises.

JLA Classified #43 – Continuing the Martian Manhunter story of how he met the JLA. The first issue was interesting, but did not really add anything to J’onn’s story. Still looking forward to this issue.
JLA #13 – Really looking forward to this issue after reading the JLA Wedding Special. Dwayne McDuffie and Joe Benitez bring us the Injustice League versus the JLA. This book should really rock now and feels like the beginning of a great era for the JLA.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes #34 – Continuing the Quest for Cosmic Boy. Tony Bedard has done a great job of carrying the torch on this book after Waid left it. I know Jim Shooter is coming on the book with issue #37, but Bedard is doing such a good job I was happy with him writing the book.
Superman Confidential #6 – To get this book back being published DC has decided to publish part 6 of the Kryptonite saga whenever it is completed. “Sigh”, DC has done this with Wonder Woman and two different major story lines in Superman books. This issue we go back to an early Superman story featuring Lori Lemaris, Lois Lane and Lex Luthor, all the major LLs except Lana.

Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #1 (of 8 ) – The second mini-serie sfeaturing Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters. Same writers with a new artist. I love this group of seldom used heroes and enjoyed the first series a lot and look forward to this second mini-series.
Wonder Woman Annual #1 - Wrapping up the storyline from the first arc of the current Wonder Woman series. I'm getting it, but could really care less about it, the re-launch was poorly executed to say the least.
And that's a wrap on another huge week of books. I look forward to a five week month in October.