Birds of Prey #113– Sean McKeever comes on as the new writer with this issue. In Titans he started out with the future Titan storyline and I have enjoyed it, but many others have felt this was a poor start. I can understand that by going to that type of story line your first time out it can seem like you have no clue for where you want to take the group. This issue of Birds of Prey guest stars Superman and I think that might be a mistake as Oracle and Huntress are now the core of the book and staying with them may have been a better idea. All in all I’ll give Sean six issues to get his direction set on this book.
Catwoman #74 – Due to timing of issues we know Selina will end up on the Prison Planet from Salvation run, but last issue we were left with a cliff hanger as Selina was drugged and about to be captured by the man who has been stealing everything from her. This series is a top ten series for 2007. Always a good read and terrific artwork by David and Alvaro Lopez.

Countdown Arena #3 (of 4) – The whole premise of this book is silly to me, but I have hung around for no good reason other then the Scott McDaniel / Andy Owens artwork. Also as it comes out weekly, the pain of this series will end soon.
Countdown to Final Crisis #19 – This book has been a disappointment. It has had its moments from time to time, but all in all having what Didio called “the spine of the DCU” sounded better on paper then it did on execution. I have to admire taking this big of a gamble and I’m sorry that it has essentially failed. Still as we get closer to the end I’m sure it will be more exciting.
Countdown The Search for Red Palmer Superwoman / Batwoman – The gender bender world of the DCU, with the cool Superwoman and Batwoman and the really wrong Wonder Man. The last issue of this book on the Red Son world was a good story and it actually advanced the search enough to keep the overall story moving forward. Hopefully this will be another good issue.

Justice League of America #16 – The publishing schedule for so many comics is skewed lately. Sometimes we wait six weeks and then two or three weeks later we see the next issue. Now I don’t track that stuff closely, so I’m going strictly on memory and with the size of my list I could be wrong. Still wasn’t it only a couple of weeks ago #15 showed up? Anyway the “Tangent” universe’s Flash shows up. I think a lot of core DC books are starting to build to the Final Crisis.
Legion of Super Heroes An Eye for an Eye Trade Paperback – I tried not to get it, but a hard cover version of this time frame in the Legion does not appear forthcoming. Reprinting the first six issue of the 84 series by Levitz, Giffen and Lightle.

Superman #671 – Beginning the three issue arc of “Insect Queen”. Lana Lang was a lame a** super-hero in DC comics in the sixties known as Insect Queen. I only remember her in some early Legion stories. Today it seems lame and silly, but it was pretty neat to a young child. This promises to be an updating of the character and I’m looking forward to Busiek reinventing the Insect Queen.
Superman / Batman #44 – A six issue arc begins called “The Search for Kryptonite”. One thing I have to give DC credit for is that Kryptonite has not become so common as mugger’s carry it their pockets, which was a problem in the sixties. Curious to see the why behind this arc.
Hellblazer Trade Paperback – The official hype “Collecting two pivotal storylines and a one-shot from acclaimed writer Garth Ennis. Reprinting HELLBLAZER #49 (featuring a very special Constantine Christmas), #52-55 ("Royal Blood," which pits Constantine against the demon Calibraxis), and #59-61 ("Guys and Dolls," which sets the stage for the final showdown between Constantine and the First of the Fallen).” Classic stories that deserve a place on a book shelf.

Iron Fist #11 – I’m pretty sure that my friend Rusty is going to be picking this as his book of the year. While I also believe this has been a good series that length of the story line is knocking it back a few notches in my mind. All in all the Aja artwork is pulling this book up higher then the actual story deserves it to be. Still this is a very good series and one of Marvel’s most consistent books.
Incredible Hercules #112 – I will drop this book like a ton of bricks unless this issue really comes through as entertaining. I really dislike that we are trying to almost created a Hulkverse while Marvel runs this “Red” Hulk story line. I do not believe this is the third arc that Greg Pak had talked about in interviews for the Hulk. Hercules in the Hulk’s title, a Warbound mini-series and the “Son of Hulk” stuff just reeks of derivative nonsense. Still spin-offs can sometimes be better then the original product so I will try this book out and I will try the Red Hulk series, but Warbound is eminently passable.

Marvel Masterworks Volume 87 – The Rawhide Kid – Volume #2 – This is some great western material from Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Jack Davis. For me though two volumes of this material about the Rawhide Kid is enough. Bring on Kid Colt, Two Gun Kid or the First Ghost Rider if you want to continue to buy the Western material, otherwise Rawhide Kid Volume #3 is not one I will buy.
New X-Men #45 – The Messiah Complex Part 8 – Marvel has done a good job of sucking me into this story line and making each book truly part of the larger whole so that I’m buying New X-Men. The story started strong, although the art has suffered at times, but lately the last chapter and a half has felt rather blah.

Terror Inc. #4 (of 5) – A gruesome and over the top action adventure. The official hype “Start with one cursed, eternally decomposing hero, 15 and a half centuries old. Remove the mystical left arm keeping him alive. Add his gorgeous, brainy, sexy, classy executive assistant, throw in the leader of a worldwide terrorist organization, stir in hundreds of assassins, and sprinkle liberally with spare body parts. Mix all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker, stir vigorously for five issues, and serve in a chilled martini glass. By David Lapham (Stray Bullets) and Patrick Zircher (IRON MAN). Goes well with olives.”
X-Men First Class #6 – Listed as coming out, but I think this is a reprint as the first time it came out it was almost put out in random order.

Madam Mirage #4 (of 6) – The last issue really brought me into this series. I needed more background and was pleased that Madam Mirage really is a cartoon character and not a woman really built that way. All in all this tale of one woman seeking justice and revenge is a decent read and I’m looking forward to this issue. I find it amusing that they are calling this Season 1, just state it is a planned series of mini-series.
Walking Dead Hard Cover Volume 3 – I love this series and now that I’m getting the monthlies the hard covers are a nice pick-up to add to my bookshelf. One day I’ll get around to re-reading this material.

Scream #2 (of 4) – Issue #1 was interesting and I thought Peter David had crafted a unique little story. Bart Sears reigned in his over rendered work enough to keep me enjoying this comic. How will the Scream continue to wreck havoc in this small town?
Umbrella Academy Apocalypse Suite #4 (of 6) – This is a quirky little book and has a unique feel to it. Last issue we started to get more into the heart of the story and I hope it does not degenerate into a normal super hero book. The more I think about it, the more it feels like the “Doom Patrol” when it was at its quirky best.
Action Philisophers Vol. 3 Giant Sized Thing TP – Collects the last three issue of one of my favorite all time comic books. Anxiously awaiting Action Presidents.
Robotika Few a Few Rubles More #1 (of 4) – Really go out and buy this book on Wednesday and do yourself a favor. Skip Countdown Arena or Incredible Hercules. See a review here.
Well that puts the wrap on a relatively quite week for comics. I expect the next two weeks will not be “big” weeks either as the holidays can sometimes slow things down.
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