I’m getting less and less involved in the
actual comic books and more and more I find the politics and workings of the
big two to be fascinating. Like four blind men trying to describe an elephant
I can only imagine what is actually going on because I’m not privy to any
insider knowledge.

So what happens is that I first see his
name on an Alpha mini-series over a Marvel. An almost try out book to see if
Marvel likes his writing. DC strikes back and he gets a gig writing two GL
books. Then the DC screw up happens and he walks off those books and is now
writing Ultimates at Marvel. I can only imagine that as time progresses we will
see him becoming a big star at Marvel and eventually parlaying his fame into
some great creator owned material.

Hell even older writers like James
Robinson walks off from DC and next thing you know him and Waid are writing an
OGN on Spider-Man. Diggle leaves and has a job with Dynamite and Image comics.
If Marvel had not already run through their work with him, he would have
bounced up at Marvel I’m sure.
I know the big two have gone away from
exclusives, but I think if DC wants to go to the model of show runners and
writers are just doing the scripts they need to make the writers employees. It
only seems fair as I hear they are not paying anyone for rewrites of scripts. If
they don’t it appears that Marvel is now using DC as a minor league for their
writers. Let them cut there teeth at DC, see if they have the big league
potential and they sign them up for Marvel books. Matt Kindt is doing a fair
amount of DC work along with his great Mind Mgmt book at Dark Horse.
I remember when Brad Metzler was the big
deal and Queseda was courting him to come and write for Marvel. It just seems
too much like Marvel likes to just play with DC and if they ever step out of
line, then just Marvel Now them to death and steal their top talent. Right now
I know DC has Snyder signed to an exclusive and I assume they also have signed
Lemire. They better sign up Soule and any other possible stars or Marvel will
just continue to poach their writers.
Interesting thoughts and probably close on the part of Marvel letting DC try out people and then working to get those that are great. Marvel has a history under Quesada of letting others take the risk and then using Marvel clout and cash to steal away or buy outright people and technology. Look at these stop motion DVD's. They originated from CrossGen.