You know for a long time, I actually thought killer whales were like great white sharks because of this image. That was long before the Free Willy movies showed them as much nicer. I mean, look at the hype on this thing – that is one frightening beast. I’d heard about the Jaws movie (a favorite of my older brother) and knew those creatures were scary, so this played right on that notion (as it was designed to do).
The actual movie definitely lives up to this depiction,
there is carnage galore and rampant destruction for sure. However, the reason is never hinted at on the
page. The Orca is not some mindless
beast bent on havoc just to satisfy its need to feed; rather, it’s enacting
revenge against the man (and his associates) that killed his mate. It turns out the Orca (I’m basing all my “facts”
from the movie folks) mates for life and they also have more highly advanced
brains than humans.
So, when the main character, Captain Nolan, played by
Richard Harris, kills the female accidently in a blundered attempt to capture
it to sell to an aquarium, that’s when the trouble begins. As the whale is hoisted up over the ship, we
find out the female was also pregnant in a gruesome scene where her whale baby
comes out and drops on the deck. The captain
callously sprays it into the water with a hose.
All of this is witnessed by the enraged spouse, who just happens to now
have nick in his fin, so you can be sure to identify him throughout the rest of
the movie.
The whale is cunning and systematically attacks Nolan
indirectly in various ways to lure him back to the sea for a final
confrontation. Several of his crewmen
get chomped (Bo Derek loses a leg while others lose their lives), his ship is
damaged, the harbor is demolished, and the whale even manages to set the fuel
depot on fire (I told you he was smart). The whale is often bathed in a red
glow whenever he’s plotting or enjoying his “fin”diwork
On hand to be the attractive narrator is Doctor Rachel
Bedford (naturally a killer whale expert who provides important facts to
advance the plot), played by Charlotte Rampling. She and Nolan are at odds through much of the
film, although she is genuinely trying to help him despite his destructive
actions. Actually, both these characters
and Nolan in particular are much more complex than you would surmise. Harris does a great job of making you care
for him – his character lost his wife and child to a drunk driver, so he and
the whale share the same pain. The
supporting characters are not so bright.
I’ve got to say that my wife and I enjoyed the film. Sure, it’s predictable, you know from the
get-go that both the whale and Nolan are going to end up destroying one another.
(I even called the “Let me warm you” moment between Rachel and Nolan.) But the execution makes this at least a B+
movie, rather than just a “B-movie”. Of
course, you couldn’t have guessed that the showdown would take place amidst
some icebergs!
What really baffles me is why someone thought this was a
good film to promote to kids reading comic books!
For the trivia buffs out there, these two months did not
contain the famous Hostess super-hero Ads.
Instead, it was a Hostess Ad featuring baseball cards. (Oh, the days of Wonder Bread cards…)
My husband and his best friend have been talking about this movie for years - apparently they saw it in a rental store but never got the chance to actually see it. All they could do was ponder how the whale had set stuff on fire.