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And finally, in a shameless plug, my Adam Hughes Red Sonja sketch. Very nice indeed... but going on ebay sometime soon. Unless, someone else wants it!

Of course it would be really cool if what we found on Mars was:
I have recently crawled off my deathbed after being poisoned by a local restaurant While the weight loss was okay, this is not the way to do it. I'm just now starting to feel better in time to go back to work. What a bummer of week-end.
It has been suggested to me that comics are the worse they have been in years and the other question raised will Civil War be remembered as Marvel's Watchmen.
The answer to both question is I disagree and no way.
I will address the second point first. Watchmen was a stand alone event that changed the way people looked at comics. While it was not the first time someone wondered what would happen if super heroes were more pro-active in the structure of running the world it was the first one done so well and done in such a literate manner. It made the outside world actually notice that comics can have some literary qualities. It elevated the art form into a different level. Civil War is tied to a shared universe and the actual series is more of a montage of events then a cohesive story that stands on its own. Watchmen can be read by someone and they will get the story, my guess is that once Civil War is traded you will not be able to read it or even really understand it by reading it by itself.
Instead of elevating the art form, Civil War has been a successful marketing ploy by Marvel to increase their sales on many titles. I believe in the long run they may have hurt their shared universe, but these events are often ignored by writers within months and therefore have no long term impact. So Civil War is not going to be the long sought after magnus opus and perennial best seller they have longer for, it just doesn't cut it.
DC after the one year later jump is it a success or are we back to the same old stuff. Mixed results in my mind. Superman has been very successful in my mind. They have revived what was to me a tired old franchise and reinvigorate and made it new again. Batman's two main titles are strong and Matt Wagner's work on his mini-series has been excellent. JSA's recent restart I believe have been done well and while 52 is not always consistent, as a series it has been a rousing success to me and I book I look forwarding to reading each and every week. Add Supergirl and The Legion, as my current favorite series, to Green Arrow, Robin, Birds of Prey and some others and DC has at least done half the job. The huge failures have been Flash, Wonder Woman, JLA and Hawkgirl. Flash was the book that started the Silver Age, putting the next generation launch in the hands of two comic book amateurs was a bad move. Thankfully by issue #9 we are seeing a new writer. Wonder Woman is given a make over by issue #6 as the current writer apparently can not deliver his scripts and the series is all of the map, this was an unqualified disaster. Hawkgirl was my personal biggest disappointment as Walter Sinonson was the writer, but this was again a series that died almost at birth. The idea was probably based on her huge popularity in the cartoon, but this is a totally different character and Chaykin's highly stylized art made it fall even flatter. Finally we come to JLA and Brad Metzler. Who maybe a great novelists, but he can't write this series. It has been a start that has never happened. We are five or six issues in and still waiting for the return of the JLA. Hopefully he will be leaving after issue #12.
So is the DCU better or worse. I believe the DCU still has work to do, but I believe they are better off then they have been in a few years.
Now Wildstorm, the All Star Line, Vertigo all have plus and minuses also and you add into the mix the independents with groups like IDW, Oni, Image Dark Horse, Boom, Avatar, Dynamite and Virgin comics and you have a lot of material on the market. Marvel's branding of the Dabel Brothers work and other ventures show comics are trying to open the market back up to more then just the core demographic.
Are comics at their all time low point. No, I don't think so. We have a lot of very talented people in the market and have attracted a lot of talented people from other market places. Comics are not what they used to be and in a changing world that has been effected by technology and information processing to an unbelievable degree nothing has really remained the same. Especially in the entertainment arena. Comics have a lot of lousy material out there, but it also has a lot of really good material out there. So comics may not be in a golden age, but we are well out of the age of being the ghettos of the entertainment field and have the potential to become even more.
As a last side note my last post has generated a terrific both and forth discussion by Shawn and Jeff over the merit of the Boys and a general discussion of Ennis's work in comics. Well worth reading.
The term has come to mean any book not published by Marvel or DC comics. As they control about 80% of the market, I think that is an apt description.
I find that there is a lot of gold in this segment of the market and a great deal of reluctance for many fans to try the material . I'm not sure why it is so hard to get a lot more people interested in independent books, because as a group comic fans are usually a little more open to new ideas.
Having said that there is still a lot of crap in the independent market and some pornographic material in some of these comics. Plus the independent market may start a trend (Zombie comics), but then be just as guilty of over doing that same theme.
Part in an effort to at least give mention to what I think are some really good independent books I offer the following:
Mouse Guard - The mini-series ended today and is fresh in my mind. I believe David Peterson plans to do another mini-series. This book has the quality of being a children's book that can be enjoyed by adults. Also it contains a darker feel to then many of the namby pamby kids books that seem to be the bulk of what is being written for kids today. A great book and deserving of wide spread sales.
X-Isle - A mini-series about a mysterious island that our ship wrecked survivors find themselves on. A little bit of Lost, HG Wells and monster movie all rolled into one. An enjoyable read.
Meltdown - A 2 part series that is already over. An examination of a hero whose powers are killing him and what he does with the rest of his life.
Invincible - The best super hero book on the market today. Reminds me of how Spider-Man was through the first 38 issues of his run with Lee/Ditko. The character is growing and moving on. At the same time it is also very modern in how Kirkman builds his sub-plots over months and months before bringing them to fruition.
30 Days of Night - Already a wealth of material. Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith's Zombie tales. This series now has moved past the originators but is still developing good tales of Zombies. Most of the material is available in trade form and well worth your time.
Local - I believe we are halfway through this 12 part saga. Every issue takes place in a different town and every issue the main character Megan is another year older. A really nice piece exploring someone who is lost and trying to find themselves.
Wormwood Gentlemen Corpse - Ben Templesmith as artist and writer about a worm that inhabits a corpse and his adventures. Insane sounding, but really a strong artistic showing and some really fun over the top stories.
Thrud- Conan on steroids and with the IQ of a tree stump. Just pure out and out humor in a barbaric way.
Enigma Cipher - A great mystery that starts with a WWII secret and then spirals off into an adventure of a normal girl caught in an extraordinary situation. All her friends have been killed and she is not even sure what it is they have discovered. Great thriller.
Desperadoes: Buffalo Dreams - Western and supernatural adventure all rolled into one. This has been a series of mini-series that has been building character as well as telling stories. Another book really worth the look.
If you include Vertigo and Icon you can add Crossing Midnight, American Virgin, Criminal, Exterminators, Testament and others to the list. Hell I even left off Fell and Goon which are two terrific series.
A lot of gold but you have to look for it, but the rewards are great. Especially when you realize how much is out there and often it can be pick up for a song on e-bay or wait for at sale at your local comic shop or favorite internet store.
I think the AFC is the better conference, but I can't root for the Colts and I sure as heck can't root for the Bears. Sad day. First my team, then Lee's team bite the dust.
September isn't too far away for next season to begin.
Oh yeah, and don't forget to tip your vampire strippers!
My time in actively raising children is done as my daughters will be 25 and 21 this year and I have done all the damage I could do to them by now. At least these are two women who are as well versed in comic book lore as anyone can be, but that's a tangent.
I was recently reading an article about young girls (13 - 16 age) wearing extremely or very provocative sexy clothing. The article is about posting said pictures on myspace and other similar forums. The discussion was is this a bad thing, is it just girls acting out and will this set women back and make themselves think of themselves as only sex objects.
As I read all of the back and forth and the pros and cons of the various positions I realized that as a parent you have to make the best choices you can and hope to god you are right. The problem with all of these types of articles is that in a global scale a valid point could be made and maybe a conclusion can be drawn that girls are just playing dress up at that age and as surveys show early teen sex activity is down you should not worry about it. The problem is each child is an individual and you have to raise them as such. For one girl it maybe dress up, for another it could be a sign she wants to be sexual active or be more active.
With all the various ways to communicate and areas where children can find information the ability to allow our kids a chance to live in a naive and idyllic life seems to be shortened.
I think it is harder to raise children now then it has ever been before in the United States. For the most part we are past the physical struggles of survival, food, clothing and shelter, so that all the needs we have to address are more and more esoteric then before.
So good luck to Airelle, Lee and Shawn as your children are either infants or very young and that is a tough road ahead. Still the rewards are also fantastic.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC Written by STAN LEE & STEVE DITKO Penciled by STEVE DITKO with JACK KIRBY Cover by JACK KIRBY & STEVE DITKO Variant Painted Cover by ALEX ROSS In 1962, in the pages of a comic book slated for cancellation, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko gave birth to one of the most-enduring icons in American popular media: the one and only Amazing Spider-Man! Turning the concept of a super hero on its head, they imbued the young, guilt-ridden Peter Parker with the fantastic powers of an arachnid and the fantastic pressures of an everyday teenager. The combination was pure magic.
This stuff was the absolute best ever. I can tell you issue by issue what happened. As a kid I read and re-read these stories a lot of times. I have all of the actual comic book material in the Masterworks, but this will be oversized and include letter pages and other extras. My biggest concern is can a 1,000 page book binding last long and can I actually lift it off a bookshelf.GOLDEN AGE DR. FATE ARCHIVES VOL. 1 HC Written by Gardner Fox Art by Hal Sherman and various Cover by Hal Sherman Don't miss this new, extra-sized archive collecting the complete, mystic adventures of Doctor Fate from More fun Comics #55-98! Young Kent Nelson, taken in by the ancient wizard Nabu, is trained in the mystic arts, preparing to protect the world from mystic threats as the golden-helmeted hero Dr. Fate!
Always loved the few golden age reprints of Dr. Fate that I have read and look forward to being able to read all of Dr. Fate's early tales. Dr. Fate has always been one of my favorite characters through all of his incarnations. So I get a new Dr. Fate series in April and this archive collection of his golden age years in June. Sweet deal
MARVEL MASTERWORKS: ATLAS ERA HEROES VOL. 1 The Story: As the ’50s dawned and the Atlas Era was born, the day of the Nazi-stomping super hero had passed, and in its place came a new style of hero reflective of the changing times. Heroes born of bizarre atomic science that battled otherworldly alien menaces, and patriotic poster boys that battled back the Communist hordes. Marvel Boy: Rejecting the tyranny of Earth’s governments, scientist Dr. Matthew Grayson built an experimental spacecraft and traveled to the planet Uranus with his infant son, Robert. In this incredible environment, young Robert developed marvelous powers of telepathy and superhuman strength, combined with a pair of amazing photonic wristbands. These astonishing powers made him Marvel Boy, cosmic protector of the solar system! The Hero Revival: The year was 1953, and with fear of Communism clutching the nation’s attention, Atlas Comics publisher Martin Goodman tapped Stan Lee – along with artists John Romita, Bill Everett, Carl Burgos and Russ Heath – to stage a revival of the most-famous super heroes of the era. Bursting onto the pages of YOUNG MEN, the Human Torch, Captain America and the Sub-Mariner made their explosive return to the comics scene! The inaugural volume of a line collecting the exceptionally rare 1950s appearances of Captain America, the Human Torch, the Sub-Mariner, Marvel Boy, the Black Knight and more, ATLAS ERA HEROES VOL. 1 is just the first peek into a historical bridge between the Golden Age and the Marvel Age of Heroes no fan should be without! Collecting MARVEL BOY #1-2, ASTONISHING #3-6 and YOUNG MEN
The above material always intrigued me because it was even before my time (Lee). I'm a little hesitant to pony up $55 bucks for material I'm totally unfamiliar with, but the artist behind the work ease my fears. Plus from a pure historical perspective it should be a fun read.SHAZAM: THE MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL #1 (OF 4)
Written by Jeff Smith; Art and cover by Smith The much-anticipated 4-issue Prestige Format miniseries by Jeff Smith, the award-winning creator of BONE, brings the whimsical world of Earth's Mightiest Mortal to fully realized life! Young orphan Billy Batson finds himself wielding truly amazing magic powers — just in time to face an invasion of alien and earthly monsters!
I'm enjoying Trials of Shazam and enjoy moving a character and a concept forward more then most people, but there is nothing wrong with a little nostalgia now and again, especially when done right. Jeff Smith's preview work on this book looks fantastic and I can't wait to read this adventure. This is why I think we can move all the heroes forward and have someone else be Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, because if someone has a good idea for a story from before, just do it.
JSA: DR. MIDNITE Action Figure This 6.25 inch Action Figure features multiple points of articulation, includes a JSA-themed display base and is packaged in a 4-color blister.
While I no longer really believe in ownership of the actual monthly books I still have the collecting disease when it comes to action figures and these updated JSA figures (they also are doing Atom (2 versions golden age), Mr. Terrific (current series), Hawkgirl (current series) and Hourman (current series)) I'm afraid all will be residing in my home soon. Now if I can find enough space to display them all and hide then from my wife at the same time. She actually indulges me to a degree, but you can still only go so far.