Lee, Gwen, Thomm, Matt and I have been discussing the blog
back and forth. I have at times advocated ending the blog or continuing in some
different manner. I believe that things have a natural life cycle and perhaps
this blog has run its course. Maybe we should rechristen the blog and repurpose
it. On one hand I may like to do some focused reviews of single books, solicit
for people to send their various projects to us and do reviews of the projects.
Of course if I absolute hate something I would just tell the person and pass on
the review. Why would I do that, because I see no reason to denigrate someone’s
work when they are trying to make a go of it, I would happily pass on my
comments as to why I disliked something, but I would only publish books that I
thought were at least a C. Bigger publishers and more successful writers can
certainly survive my scorn. I still have a lot to say just not sure about how I
want to say it. Any reader feedback would be welcome.
I have been reading a ton of different stuff and have some
impressions I would like to share.

I have cut out a ton of Marvel stuff and I’m following the Avengers vs X-Men
and will test the Marvel Now stuff out as it comes out. I’m not sold on the
idea because Marvel is trying to say they are new starting points but the
history all happened. Books like Hawkeye (at least one issue in) are great
because it just ignores everything and tells a story about Hawkeye. The MU is
acknowledged within the book but that is about it. Again just telling new
stories about the exact same people under the masks is boring but it makes it
easy to come and go whenever I want. I think nothing will ever get my interest
back in Spider-Man. I just wish someone would grow up or someone would actually
change in a Marvel or DC book. I want Dick back as Batman, I want Bucky as
Captain America or something else, anything else. Anyway Marvel Now sounds like
more the illusion of change, but it does not mean we can’t get some good
stories out it.
I think my problem with most of the Marvel and DCU stuff is
the weight of history has crushed the ability to do something new. Plus the
secret identities of heroes are essentially a thing of the past. Another major
problem is the inability to tell a short story. Every story is a magnum opus. I
have been re-reading the old Huntress stories by Paul Levitz and Joe Staton.
The material was from the seventies and it has many weaknesses as Levitz was
just learning and Staton’s work is borderline cartoon style. Still within eight
or nine pages Paul and Joe told adventures of the Huntress (at that time the Earth
2 daughter of Batman and Catwoman) and gave us a life for Helena Wayne. The
desire to tell huge canvass type stories and big double page spreads has led to
our heroes always being super heroes and nothing else. At least with a secret
identity we as readers had a chance to relate to a character in their private
lives and understand that part of them, now we can’t possible relate to being a
super hero.
Also, I have been reading Showcase Presents Rip Hunter Time Master.
It is great stuff and so much fun. It is full of the innocence of the early
sixties where Rip would take his time sphere back in time for any goofy reason
and take along his assistant Jeff, Bonnie (his girl friend?) and Corky her
younger brother. I guess Corky was the idea of a kid sidekick. Comics were considered
to be only read by boys between 8 and 12, so the character could be you (the
reader). That explains so many kid sidekicks and Johnny Quest type stuff. The science is non-existent and the sophistication
level is nowhere near what most books achieve today. It reads odd at times, but
with art by Joe Kubert, Alex Toth, Nick Cardy and others it is just a relaxing
fun book to read an issue or two at a time. Over 500 pages for $20 or less
dollars makes it a bargin.
Finally a note about Joe Kubert, the man was a legend in his
own time and will always be remembered as one of the all time greats as an
artist and from everything I read as a man. I have so much of his material in
my collection and yet I could never have enough of it. Joe will be missed, but
not forgotten.
i check you blog quite often for the sole purpose of trying to figure out what new releases real comic-heads are excited about getting in the coming months. i dont have time to sift through all the releases in order to make wise selections. i mean i have my stand-by's (Batman and mignola stuff) but it is quite nice to see what you guys think will be good choices so i dont waste my time or money on crummy comics. if you close up shop i just want to say thanks for doing that.
ReplyDelete"...and I also finally got around to reading that 100 issue run of the Flash from #250 to #350, which means as soon as Matthew sends me the shipping charges they'll be headed for his house..."
ReplyDeleteRats I only dreamed you said that! :) Don't worry if you've already sold them on ebay -- with my luck I could see that as a possibility.
Great post and its good to have something new by you to read whenever it comes out!
I told y'all (I'm a native Virginian folks, not a gaffing politician) people liked the previews the best, but I love the mini or spotlight reviews too, because it keeps me up to date on what's going on (and we all know I don't read near as much as the rest of you).
I don't see a need to rechristen the blog (name recognition to go with our T-shirts you know), but if ever did a spin-off I'd want to be involved with the Jeffersons and not Archie Bunker's Place.
I hope to have something myself soon...
Jim, you weren't kidding -- Thrillbent is AWESOME and a quick read too. See if you hadn't mentioned it, I would probably not have read it. P.U.R.P.O.S.E
Matthew - I can make a deal and send you the Flash books and once you read them send them back, since it may take a long time before I get around to reading them.