Actually they are mailed to me and I get my books on
Thursday, but Wednesday is comic day in America so why quibble.
My standard DC fare is down to bare bones. This week it
includes All Star Western, Batman Inc, I
Vampire and Justice League Dark,
I can make a strong argument that all four of those are not normal DCU super hero
books. One thing that DC has done that has kept me on as a fan of any DCU books
is a strong sense of diversification of the type of books being published.

Batman Inc. is
Grant Morrison’s swan song on Batman and I believe Grant reinvigorate the
Batman line, Not since O’Neil and Adams made him back into the Dark Knight has
the core of the book had so many changes. As with his X-Men run, Grant pumped
up life into the character and has had fun with the book. It is a shame that
the new DCU blunted some of what he had done.
Justice League Dark is
not a Justice League book at all but DC knew putting a JL banner on it would
make it a bigger seller. It is a quirky book as we have some of the old Vertigo
characters now running around as a magic group having adventures with the
teamwork often lacking and often non-existent. It is amusing on many levels and
the switch to Jeff Lemire writing the book was a positive move.
Finally I, Vampire continues to be a great story that has Andrew Bennett trying to keep his race of Vampires in check. This book is my brass ring for the new 52. A very cool story, great moody artwork and it has been even works being shoe horned into the DCU.
Also published by DC are Scalped (the final issue), Fables
and Before Watchmen Dr. Manhattan.

Fables continues
to be an enjoyable series. It is not #1 on my hit parade anymore and often it
is easy for me to put off reading it, but I enjoy it.

Published by Marvel under Icon I’m also getting Super Crooks. This is a weak story and
typical Mark Millar, but it is entertaining. I think Millar’s goal is to
entertain first and then worry about whether he has anything to say or not. I
have avoided most of Millar’s stuff before on principle, but realized just
because I don’t think he is the gift he and some of his fans think he is, it
doesn’t mean he can’t entertain. A lot of what I read is to entertain and when
it does more great, but it doesn’t always need to do more.
The other category consists of stuff I’m getting from all
other publishers. It includes America’s
Got Powers, Invincible, Planetoid, Lobster Johnson, Mind Mgmt, Cobra, Mars
Attacks and Rachael Rising.
America’s Got Powers
has been uneven and the delay between issues has left me with a gap in memory
of what is going on. I know the young kid who apparently had no powers is very
powerful and a government conspiracy is in the mix, but the rest is a blur.

Planetoid is a
newer series and I still haven’t gotten 100% into the flow of the story. The
main character is stuck on a planetoid and trying to get off and shit keeps
getting worse. It is a fast paced story, with decent art. A solid book that I
hope continues to get better.

Mind Mgmt #4 hits
the stands and due to me not reading #3 until a few days ago I’m chomping at
the bit for the next issue. Matt Kindt is producing an engaging tales with
layers of mysteries. It is clear he has an extensive back story for this series
that he is playing into and revealing bits and pieces the story progresses. This
issue is part one of the secret history of Mind Mgmt and the agent who nearly
destroyed it from within. Do not miss getting into this series.
Cobra is the only
GI Joe book I get and I almost fell off this series. The newest arc with a
small covert Joe group working off information from a former high level Cobra
operative is back to making this a great spy series. Crosses, double crosses,
lies and hidden motives abound.

Last and far from least is Rachael Rising. Last issue revealed what the heck is going on with
dead people not dying and now we get to see how all the demons and witches will
play out. What makes Terry Moore’s work so great is that it reads well as
single issues, but I know it will work well as a collected edition.
Two posts in a short period of time, still not sure I want
to go back to working on a deadline all the time.
For a the list of all the books coming out click here and see the list from my store of choice Cosmic Comics (who does a great mail service for me since I moved).
For a the list of all the books coming out click here and see the list from my store of choice Cosmic Comics (who does a great mail service for me since I moved).
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