Jim: So last month was the villains theme and this month is origins and omens, but I’m not seeing many new series coming out from DC after Final Crisis and usually all major events serve to launch one or two titles.
Lee: I see a snooze fest coming. It’s too the point I just find the indies more exciting these days.
Gwen: I just wish I understood how any of these events tied together at all =/BATMAN #686 Written by Neil GaimanArt by Andy Kubert & Scott Williams Covers by Andy Kubert and Alex RossVariant sketch cover by Andy Kubert“Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?” part 1 of 2! Best-selling author Neil Gaiman (THE SANDMAN) and superstar artist Andy Kubert (BATMAN, Marvel 1602) join forces for a special 2-part BATMAN event! “Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader” is a captivating and mysterious tale the likes of which Batman and friends have never experienced before. Delving into the realms of life, death and the afterlife, Gaiman leaves no stone unturned as he explores every facet and era of Bruce Wayne’s life.On sale February 11 • 48 pg, FC, $3.99 US
Jim: How cool is this, having Neil Gaiman writing the end piece for the Batman books. I have to give DC credit they have taken Bruce Wayne out of the equation and now have canceled all the Bat books to lead up to the “Battle for the Cowl” and where we go from there is still unknown. Personally I love it, the great unknown is always more exciting.
Lee: I dread this. Sorry but Gaiman hasn’t had a stellar run on superheroes (Eternals anyone? Blah!). Gaiman is strongest when he’s doing his own, or fantasy characters. I don’t have high hopes for this.
Gwen: I’m excited for this. First of all, I kind of enjoyed the Eternals but you can only do so much when doing something that’s not your own creation. I don’t expect every story from him to be Sandman or American Gods. Also, if any mainstream character works within Gaiman’s style I think Batman would qualify. I’m not excited about the battle for the cowl though – I mean even Bruce Wayne never wanted to be Batman so why would people fight for the mantle?
NIGHTWING #153 Written by Peter J. Tomasi Art and cover by Don Kramer & Jay Leisten It’s

ROBIN #183 Written by Fabian Nicieza Art and cover by Freddie E. Williams IIA “Batman: Last Rites” tie-in and featuring an “Origins and Omens” backup story! Gotham City has found a new hero and his name is Robin – but with a battle for Batman's cowl looming, is Tim Drake ready to become something more? Guest-starring Jason Todd and Lady Shiva. And don’t worry, this final issue doesn’t mark the end of Robin – it’s just the start of an all-new beginning!FINAL ISSUE • On sale February 18 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Jim: I know after the Battle for the Cowl this two books will probably be re-launched or something, but it is exciting to think that we could finally make someone else Batman for “real” as you always knew Az-Bat was not going to last (from the nineties).
Lee: It’s funny that you’re excited about this but not all the other cross-over things. This is the same as any other mega-event but self contained to 12 books instead of the entire line. It smells like “ploy” to restart the numbering to get an artificial sales boost.
Gwen: Ugh. Just make Nightwing Batman already.

Jim: I’m so back on this book it is not even funny. Peter Tomasi with the great art team of Garbett and Scott, what a no-brainer.
Lee: I’ll agree with you got no brain. Even worse, if you skipped the “epic” BaTO Special you won’t even know what’s happening. It’s trash.
Gwen: It’d be nice to see the Outsiders pick up again but we’ll just have to wait and see how it goes.
ADVENTURE COMICS #0 Written by Otto Binder Art by Al Plastino Cover by Aaron

Jim: Does this hint that we could have a new Legion series again????
Lee:OOOHHHH A new Legion series. WHHHEEEEE. I’ve been dying for a new Legion series since they… CANCELLED THE OLD ONE LAST MONTH! I’m glad you were able to hold out a whole month before wanting a new series.
Gwen: You know – I already have this issue republished. Hm. Still, I really do hope the Legion gets relaunched. I’ll be going through withdraw =/

Jim: Hate to see this series bite the dust, I personally think it was as good as Invincible.
Lee: I think you should start an online campaign to save it!!! Works for Spidergirl and Manhunter EVERY time. All you, Jumpin’ Jim, all you!
Gwen: AHHH! Why do they keep cancelling books that I like? *cries*
THE MIGHTY #1 Written by Peter J. Tomasi & Keith

Jim: I’m so sold on Peter Tomasi as a very good comic writer, that I will try out a new series by him in a heartbeat. From the premise I’m not even sure this is set in the normat DCU.
Lee: Huuummm, so, if I read this right, it’s a superhero that’s.. *GASP* actually a policeman too!!!! WOW! Is that novel? I haven’t heard of that concept since, ohhhhh, Savage Dragon. I’m sorry but I’m not feeling the DC love this month.
Gwen: Eh, I’d be willing to give it a shot but it doesn’t look like something that would interest me all that much.

Jim: Glad to see Tony Bedard be given a new on-going series, but have to question green lighting this premise. I enjoyed the old L.E.G.I.O.N. from the eighties and the subsequent REBELS, but I can’t imagine that there is much demand to see this book.
Lee: No D.E.M.A.N.D. at all. Although, I’ve heard Gwennie-Pooh has a thing for Brainy.
Gwen: It’s true; I have a huge crush on Brainiac 5. I never read much about Vril though (except in the Valor series a while back) so I’m looking forward to reading this.
WONDER WOMAN #29 Written by Gail Simone Art by Aaron Lopresti & Matt Ryan Cover by

Lee: I’m not saying the bird suit is stupid… but the bird suit is stupid. Someone has got to be able to design something better than protective pigeon armor. Yick.
Jim: Someone needs to give Lee a happy pill.
Gwen: While I’ve enjoyed Gail’s work on Wonder Woman there’s something still a bit off about the series for me. Maybe I just find it easier to relate to Batman – and even Superman – than Wonder Woman. Also, her current relationship seems forced – it’s like Tom’s her pet or something.

Jim: This is an interesting choice for the new DC Classics hard cover line, I mean I’m getting it, but this is some pretty dated material and with all that is out there to be printed and collected this would not have been one of my top choices.
Lee: I can’t believe they picked this at all. I can think of at least half a dozen things I would like to see before this. Giffen Legion, Ditko Creeper, best of Kubert War stories, Best of 50’s westerns with art by Kane, Infantino, Toth… I can think of lots and lots of things before this.
Gwen: Most annuals aren’t all that great. If they want to collect some cool annuals they should take some of the old Legion/Legionnaires ones.
ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN: FOR TOMORROW HC Written by Brian Azzarello Art by Jim Lee &

Jim: You have got to be kidding me! This is getting the Absolute treatment and getting it before All Star Superman. Easy pass for me (until someone sells it for 50% off).
Lee: You’re far to kind. I need 75% before I nibble.
Gwen: Ugh, this was a terrible story – why would you get it at all?

Jim: This stuff was much funnier then the mini-series currently being published.
Lee: The early stuff was funnier. The later stuff was like the recent mini-series… which is why it was cancelled. Another “interesting” choice by DC.
Gwen: I never read the earlier Ambush Bug stuff. I’m not to thrilled by the current run either.
BANG! TANGO #1 Written by Joe Kelly Art by Adrian Sibar & Rodney Ramos Cover by Howard

Jim: If it wasn’t for Joe Kelly doing some great work with “I Kill Giants” and “Four Eyes” I would have probably skipped this one, but it has potential.
Lee: Waitin’ for the trade.
Gwen: Yay! More Joe Kelly!

Lee: I really like Pope's art and his stories are always... interesting to say the least. I didn't get 100% when it first came out so I'll get this instead. Great stories in a very strong Vertigo vein.
Jim: Paul Pope is an acquired taste, but once you do you can appreciate what he does. I enjoyed his Batman from a year or so ago.
Gwen: I have no idea what this is.

Lee: I DON’T WANT A NEW TPB!!!!!! I WANT A NEW HC!!!!! This is better than 1960 Batman Annuals!!!!!
Jim: Agreed.
Gwen: I’ve never had the chance to read this stuff but I may have to go pick up a copy. So many people have told me how much they enjoyed this series.

Jim: Pretty damn cool that this book made it to its conclusion. 100 issues is a hell of a job for any comic. I wish more Vertigo series were proposed as fifty or forty issue stories as opposed to trying to make them unlimited series.
Lee: Just in case you weren’t sure… NOT A JUMPING ON POINT!
Gwen: I agree, many Vertigo books would work better if they had a set ending.
SUPERMAN MINI NEON SIGN Decorate your home or store with this exciting, affordable neon sign featuring Superman’s classic S-shield logo! The adjustable base unit can sit on a tabletop or be mounted to a wall.Powered by a plug-in UL-adapter, the sign itself measures approximately 12" wide x 9" high and has a base measuring approximately 5.5” in diameter. Packaged in a 4-color box.Advance-solicited; on sale July 29, 2009 * Neon Sign * $89.99 US
Lee: MORE NEON SIGNS!! Gwen, you’re the tie breaker.

Jim: Shoot, I may have to buy the Creeper figure, so that means which one gets shipped to Gwen, hmmm…
Lee: The Creeper is a good looking figure but it’s not translating from the page to figure. I’m not sure if I’ll get this one. But the BL fro is cool!
Gwen: AHHHH! I have no more room! There is only room for Legion action figures and the supercat stuffed animal!

Jim: This looks like one of the breast….err best statues DC has done.
Lee: It looks like they are floating, the girls, not their balloons. Uuuumm, I mean natural assets.
Gwen: Why does Batgirl look like she’s rolling her eyes? They should add a thought balloon: “Does she really thing anyone believes those are real?” They can both be thinking it!
Jim: An interesting month for DC and we are starting to see them set the stage for 2009 and beyond. This month has a lot of decent stuff and interesting changes to look forward to.
Lee: I’m glad you liked it. I think it’s a waste of a month.
Gwen: I want my favorite books back – LoSH, Manhunter, Blue Beetle… if the cancel Madame Xanadu I quit =/
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