To round out the week let’s do a few quick hits on a bunch
of books.
Thunderbolts #5 by
Daniel Way
Steve Dillon
is an okay book, but one that I find is losing my interest rapidly. First off I
skipped reading the recap on the front page and I was totally lost in the
story. If a need a recap to get me back up to speed it often means a comic is
not holding my interest. Second the whole scenario is that the Thunderbolts are
in the country of Kata Jaya to take out General Awa, too many “A” and too many
made up names. Finally we are on issue #5 and we end with Frank and Electra
making out, Deadpool watching and being jealous and I believe the de-powered
villain the Madman being happily taken by venom to see General Ross. The
characters feel out of character. I like Dillon’s art and I like some of the
characters but the book is not giving me a sense of why it exists. I’m debating
whether to get the next issue of not.

On the other hand
Answer #2 by
Mike Norton and
Dennis Hopeless is just out and out fun. The
Answer is fighting bad guys dressed in scrubs left and right and the action is
almost non-stop. Devin MacKenzie, the girl The Answer is protecting, is
snatched by a group who is trying to convince her they want her help being part
of a group of futurists. They claim to not be associated with the bad guys, but
it is apparent they are the same group. I liked that Devin is not buying the
story that she is being sold, but understands that she needs to acquiesce due
to circumstances. I hate when a character is suppose to be as super smart as
Devin does something anyone else would think is stupid. Plenty of questions
about whom and what The Answer is and what the organization is about to keep
you in the story. It is a wonderfully fast paced story that I have enjoyed from
the jump.

So the
Uncanny Avengers
#4 wrapped up their first story arc pretty fast. They beat the Red Skull,
but he escapes. The group is beaten up and Havok question his leadership
ability. Cap comes in and tells him that the Avengers Unity Squad is in good
hands. Who knew the Avengers had a Unity Squad. Uncanny Avengers is a better
name then the Unity Squad Avengers.
Rick Remender is setting us up for a long story
line as he has done with other books; the opening arc is just setting the
stage. I know
Cassaday can’t carry a monthly book, so I wonder who is on the next
arc. Hard to be the other artist in a rotation that has Cassaday in it. The
most interesting part of the book was the three month time jump showing Havok,
Scarlett Witch and Sunfire on the run. On the last page we see Onslaught – the
horrendous villain that set off the whole horrible shifting of Marvel heroes to
a different world. Image took over some Marvel titles and then they had the
whole heroes return stuff, if was some horrible crappy stuff. Can Remender make
a horrible idea seem cool? I give Rick credit he will pick up almost any old
story line and take a whack at making something lame cool. Just don’t go back
and read the original stuff because it was bad and not worth your money.
Before Watchmen Dr.
Manhattan #4 (of 4) by JMS and Adam Hughes was a good ending. I need to re-read
Watchmen because this issue actually went past the end of Watchmen. The artwork
by Hughes got better and better with each issue. He is a very good artist but
he has not done interiors for a long time and I felt that each issue was better
then the last. We only have three more BW books left and it is over. My
favorite material from DC is concluding and nothing on the horizon looks as
Punisher War Zone #5
(of 5) brings the Frank Castle story by
Greg Rucka to an end. It is funny
because Frank ends up in prison to help Sgt. Coles escape with Wolverine’s
help. The Avengers put him in an escape proof prison which confused me a little
since General Ross managed to find Frank over in Thunderbolts and he sure as
hell was not in prison. I know continuity is not all important, but I get the
feeling if Daniel Way had picked up the phone and called Greg he would have
know how this series ends and built a better bridge. Greg pulled off a great
story of the Punisher fighting the Avengers and essentially winning and made it
seem “believable” in comic book terms. The Punisher character has had three
great takes done on the character in recent years with Ennis, Aaron and this
run with Rucka. Each different from the others and yet all true to the core of
the character. Greg Rucka continues to impress me with his work as his writing
seems to get better and better over time. At some point certain writers are
better off leaving the big two to develop their own creations, but I’d be happy
to try any book with his name on it no matter who is publishing the book.

FF #4 by Matt Fraction
and Mike Allred
is one hell of a fun ride. I also keep getting the impression that Matt is
using stuff from the first ten issues of the FF for fun. The reference to Miracle
Man and they already fought the Mole Men, now if they have a run in with Kurrgo
I’ll know I’m right. It is a totally offbeat book and the Allred style adds to
that feeling. I’m sure many super hero comic fans are running away from this
book, but I love it. This issue was a Young Romance novel about She Hulk and
Wyatt Wingfoot. The jealous Moliods with help from Bentley-23 try to sabotage
the date and end up making it better. In the span of one issue Matt touches on
almost ever single character in this large cast and tells both a fun love story
at the same time advancing the plot. Nothing is what it seems and I can’t wait
for the next issue to see if Medusa is actually a Machiavellian bad guy or just
doing her thing her own way. Finally so many of the Marvel books have the AR symbol
and often I don’t bother to check it out. Matt Fraction is actually giving us
some creator commentary and is also having some fun with it. Where many books
have very lame and pathetic AR, Matt is involved with making his book the best
it can be.

The last book I will mention is the
Legend of Luther Strode #3 (of 6) by
Justin Jordan and
Tradd Moore.
I liked what Justin said in the back matter that he doesn’t subscribe to the
theory that the characters write themselves, but agreed that once you establish
a character the story needs to be true to that character. I think that says it
better then the shorthand versions that they write themselves. So often in
Marvel and DC books a writer has a story and cast the characters into roles.
Those character have to act out like he wants his story to work regardless and
whether the actions are true to who the character has been established to be.
Worse, the DC and Marvel heroes have been around so long and so many writers
have done so many things to them; there is no consistency to the core of the
character. Anyway this book was wall to wall violent and gory action as Luther
is going up against others who have his powers. I like that we don’t have a
true sense of whether Luther is a hero or a Punisher type or something else. I
get the feeling Luther is learning who he is as he goes along, like we all do.
Okay that puts another week to bed, thanks for reading.
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