So outside of my rant on the kid heroes I have decided this
week to go old school and just spew out some commentary on all that I have read
at this point. I actually managed to read most of everything this week. Just to
keep the posts to a reasonable size I have decided to break out the books into
my basic categories of DC, Marvel and Alternative.

Suicide Squad #18
by Adam Glass,
Henrik Jonsson and Sandu Florea is losing my interest. I keep
thinking back to the Suicide Squad by John Ostrander and Luke Ross for the most
part and realize this book is inferior to that work. They had missions and
actual objectives. This book is all over the place and the normal DCU problem I
have keeps creeping into my enjoyment of the book. I think I know these
characters and I don’t. Amanda Waller is not what she was, Harley maybe,
Deadshot I have no clue. Regulus who has been built up as a bad guy is back
already. We have had the “Death of the Family” interruption to the book. I’m a
little lost and also a lot of don’t care. I may go one more issue, but I doubt
Before Watchmen
Ozymandias #6 (of 6) by Len Wein and Jae Lee was a good issue but suffered from
wrapping it up and tying back into Watchmen. The last panel is Ozy kicking in
the door to kill the Comedian. Jas Lee’s artwork has been fantastic. His
stylized panel design is interesting and often adds to the story. It creates a
different narrative flow that suited the way the story was being told. I’m
curious as to how Wein and Lee worked on this book as many writers give art
direction by Wein grew up with the “marvel” method. We have one last Before
Watchmen book left. I want to re-read Watchmen and then read the collected
editions of these books down the road. Which is a vote to drop a book like
Suicide Squad to give me more time to re-read and read other stuff I own.
Batman and Robin #18
by Peter J.
Tomasi, Pat Gleason and Mick Gray was a great wordless issue. It was
showing the emotion and rage that Bruce felt over the death to Robin. In many
ways Tomasi had made this comic a Damian book and had built up the relationship
between father and son. This book will miss Damian the most since he was the
foundation character that the series was focusing on. I feel sorry for the DC
writers who are constantly forced to adjust for crap out of their control, the
new 52, the death of a character, two cross over events, a tough job to make
all of that work.

Batman and Robin #18
by Scott Snyder,
Andy Kubert, Sandra Hope and Alex Maleev was another Batman
beating up everyone while mourning over Robin. It was also Harper Row centric
and setting her up to be the next Robin. How about we drop Robin all together
for about five years? Instead we get Harper
Row, She feels like such a shoe horned character into the Robin role.
Originally Jason Todd had the exact origin as Dick (later changed and changed
and changed again). Tim used his Detective skills to try and help Batman and
his coming into the role was more of a natural feeling progression and that was
changed. Damian was Batman’s son (never before actually called a test tube baby
until recently I believe). And now, Harper Row is some street wise electrical
genius with an awkward nose piercing, gay brother, tragic parent death and
criminal father. Harper is now training to be an Olympic level athlete in her
run down apartment. This is a totally believably scenario and of
course she will fit in as the next Robin (sarcasm font please). In about two years Snyder could win me
over as change is always a rough transition. I just wish Row being built into
the next Robin was not so obvious.
Next Part 4 – Make
Mine Marvel – Nuff Said.
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