Every now and then I think it's important to help former comic book writers and artists. This is an industry that tends to discard those that have worked in it. Today, we should try and help Bill Mantlo. Fpr those unfamiliar with Bill, he wrote on just about every Marvel book from the late 70's through the early 90's. Anyone who is a fan of the Micronauts or Sword of the Swashbucklers knows Bill Mantlo's work.
In 1992, Bill Mantlo was struck by a car and suffered extensive brain injuries. Today, he requires 24-hour care and is not expected to fully recover. Though Medicaid covers his basic needs, the project will help with new clothes and other life improvements.
WOWIO, a site where readers can legally download high-quality copyrighted ebooks (and comics) from leading publishers for free, is offering the Sword of the Swashbucklers GN and 12 issues mini series for free. Each issue contains an ad and the publisher is paid . 50$ for each download. With the cooperation of Bill's brother Mike Mantlo, co-creator Guice and series artists Geof Isherwood and Colleen Doran, all royalties from Swords of the Swashbucklers will be redirected to Mike, to assist with Bill's quality of life.
If you have never read the series this is a perfect time to check out some great art and cool swashbuckling stories. Even if you own the gn and the series I asked that download them all. It goes to a good cause. Besides the Swashbucklers WOWIO has other comics and graphic novels to download for free.
Just goto
Sign up and download. You can only download 3 a day and the swashbucklers issues are started to be offered Dec 18.
Be seeing you,
Jim: Thanks Lee. - Just in case some people don't remember Bill gave us Rocket Racoon and one of the best series from Marvel in that era Rom. Thanks Bill
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