Now, for most readers of this blog, we collect comic books and action figures. Those types items are a little harder to share. You can’t really hang a comic book on a wall. That’s not true, you can but it’s really, really, really hard to do without it appearing silly. The "letting people look at your collection" form of sharing doesn't work all that well with comic books either.
You see, by sharing your comic books it really means you are letting a person touch your toys. You have to open the plastic bag, remove the comic book, and actually GIVE IT to another person to… *GASP* touch. Now, most readers will attest to how hard this actually is. Most, but not all of us, are complete anal retentives when it comes to the condition of our comic books. When someone asks to see our books the first question is "what if he/she damages it?" or "What if they crease the spine? The book will be ruined!" We pride ourselves on our 9.4 NM++ collection hermetically sealed in plastic so it can never be damaged yet we want to share it with our friends.

I finally reached a compromise where I share my hardcovers with them. Not my super fancy ones. Not my really expensive ones. I share my DC Archives. Why? Because they are easily replaceable if I ever want to, AND, more importantly, nothing is more wholesome and kid friendly than silverage DC material. Girl loves the Black Canary and Hawkgirl and Boy loves it all. He frequently struggles between Kamandi, Captain Atom, Batman, and every other book on the shelf. There isn't a superhero he hasn't liked yet.
And, the kids are good with the books. They know they are Daddy's special books and take good care of them... for the most part. There was the time Girl fell asleep in the book and drooled up a storm. And, the more recent episode with boy when he asked to borrow my Superman book. It is an oversized hardcover that reprints Superman Sunday stories from the newspaper. It's very nice and a ton of fun to read. I loaned it to him and he seemed to enjoy it.

That night, as we were getting ready for bed, Boy came up to me.
"Daddy. I have to tell you something" he said.
"I ripped a page in your book Daddy." He stammered. But it wasn't just a stammer. It was more of a mixed sob, gasp, stammer with a heavy dose of 'I'm really sorry' underneath it all.
It just about killed me. Not for the book but because he was so upset over such a little thing.
I asked him if he remembered where. And, he knew the exact page. He showed it to me and it was a tiny rip near the spine. He said it was an accident and I reminded him that he was supposed to be turning pages from the outside and not the middle of the book. He nodded his head and it was obvious he couldn't speak.
Then I told him it was alright and accidents happen. But, I stressed, the most important thing was that he told the truth. Finally, I told him that I was really, really proud of him for telling me. It seemed to cheer him up some and he was happy with that.
My book may no longer have been perfect but my little boy seems that way to me. And, without a doubt, I'll share the book with him again this weekend if he asks for it.
Great post Lee. I'm really impressed that you're letting your children read the archives by themselves. They're still in the "expensive" HC category for me. But, it is the best way to breed new comic readers. They have to have the book in their own hands. (I grew up with the Pocket Marvels, the 30's-70's Superman/Batman/Shazam HC books from the library and the stuff I got at 7-11 of course.)
ReplyDeleteI've been trying for weeks to write a review of JLU #41 for Ron's blog and I still hope to finish it. But get that book for your children -- it's awesome!!!
"I asked him if he remembered where. And, he knew the exact page. He showed it to me and it was a tiny rip near the spine. He said it was an accident and I reminded him that he was supposed to be turning pages from the outside and not the middle of the book. He nodded his head and it was obvious he couldn't speak."
ReplyDeleteGod, Lee. You need to work on your writing. I get your point, but you come across as a douche, just like in the so-called "anti-gay" post.
The problem is that reprint HCs are worth shit, and you should have just told your kid not to worry about it. If your kids can't be trusted yet to not trash your collection, don't share your with them.
Start them on their own collection. Then they can trash whatever they want.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the good words. Yeah, the archives are expensive but there it's at least material I trust them reading. There is so much of the current material that I can't/wouldn't show them that I almost have to go with them.
I loved those pocket books too, replaced most of them from ebay already! I always remember most of the panels from the pocket book and it's hard to read the original comics some days.
ReplyDeleteLet me see... I told him it was ok and accidents happen and that qualifies me as a douche??? Did you read what I wrote?
Did it say I yelled at him? Nope. Did I say that I was mad? Nope.
AND by giving it to him doesn't that imply that I trust him? Uummm pretty much.
There were lessons to be learned. A lesson in taking care of other peoples things and a lesson in honesty and integrity. He passed ALL in flying colors and I was proud of him! Exactly how does that make me a douche?
AND I even said I would let him borrow them again if he asked.
And, what do you think he likes more.. his own books, which he has, or my books because I share them with him.
Lee's right, if he had just said no problem! it could easily be misinterpreted by his son. I remember when I was a kid and I messed up some of my Dad's comic books. He was pretty mad - but not about the comic books so much as by the fact that he wanted me to understand that when you borrow something from someone that you should go out of your way to take care of it. I was pretty young at the time - but I still remember that lesson. From that point forward I've always gone out of my way to take good care of borrowed items out of respect for the lendee.
ReplyDeleteIt's an important lesson to learn.
Also, by acting like it was important Lee probably made his son feel as if his concern had been valid. He treated him as an intelligent person as opposed to blowing the whole situation off. I think that's the best way to treat kids - I always hated it when people would act as if everything was okay when I knew it wasn't as a child. Lee's comment to him about turning the pages gave his son a way in which he felt he could improve in the future and and avoid agonizing over further mishaps.
So bravo Lee. It was a cute post :)