As always I’m playing around with my format. As much as
possible I’m trying to write my capsule reviews and/or impressions of certain
titles shortly after I read the book. Hopefully it gives my view more of an
immediate impact. Often over time my opinion can change on a book or the
visceral rush goes away and I have more of a dispassionate view of a work.
Anyway that is this week’s thought process. Then I want to add some comment to
every book I got that come out last week, so at least every book gets some mention.
Scalped #60
brings to a close the story of Dash Bad Horse. The issue itself was full of the
raw emotional content that was a hallmark of the series and instead of a
“Warren Ellis” ending we got two men who are left with vastly different lives
then the ones they had been living. This series deserves a deluxe hard cover
format reprinting and hopefully it will be spread over two or three volumes. It
has to go down as one of the best series ever done and the fact that the story
had an ending made it even stronger. The story often went exactly where you
thought it would go and that makes sense or else the characters would not have
been true to themselves. The story also went to unexpected places and again
that is the nature of life.
Jason Aaron
with RM Guera as the main artist produced a story that should stand the
test of time.
Before Watchmen Dr.
Manhattan #1 by
JMS and Adam Hughes
was a bit of a disappointment. So far all the series have been very good or
great and this one was just okay. Adam Hughes is one of the great good girl
artists of our time and the script almost never allowed Adam a chance to show
his stuff. Otherwise his interiors were very good, but not as great as his
covers. I think Adam may have been too long away from the party and interiors
are not his thing anymore. The script itself was playing with the quantum
theory of the universe and Dr. Manhattan’s ability to play within it. It had
some interesting moments, but compared to the other series this one has started
out a little slow. Of course my expectations were high and that always makes it
harder for a book to succeed.
Batman Inc. #3 by
Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham is
pure genius. This is Grant at his best with an artist who is a rising star,
heck he is a star in my mind already. The way Morrison set out how Leviathan
has infiltrated Gotham was just magnificent. The return of Matches Malone was
also a master stroke. Grant is using all that he has built before and taking
the concept even further. His use of Bruce, Damian, Dick and Alfred is perfect.
Batman has brought out the best in Grant and even the DCU hitting the re-set in
the middle of it has hardly caused a ripple in his story. In some ways it has
been ignored and in others he has made the changes needed to keep his editors
at least semi-content. Talia’s organization is right now outsmarting Batman.
Damian adopts a Redbird identity to play by the rules that Robin is dead, but
he is not about to be benched in this battle of his parents. This is a truly
fantastic series and the best Batman book on the stands, beating out even Scott
Snyder’s work.
I,Vampire #12 by
Joshua Hale Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentio
is the one reason I’m happy about the new DCU. This book has been nothing short
of a revelation. Fialkov continues to move the plot forward at light speed,
integrate the book within the DCU and build characterization. Andrea’s work is
moody and has grown from reminding me of Jae Lee to being more and more of
Sorrentio’s own unique style. This issue the Vampire Zombie war is visited by
Stormwatch. Everything is going tits up when Andrew tries a trick that changes
the entire playing field. If you are not reading this series you are missing
out on what has to be the best new series coming out of the new DCU. I’m just
constantly amazed how well Joshua has managed to incorporate Batman, Justice
League Dark and now Stormwatch into the flow of the series. Also where other
series have taken a year to barely tell one story Joshua has told at least
three different stories as he continues to build a rich overall history of
Andrew Bennett.

Rachel Rising #10
by Terry Moore is always a favorite
and now that the mystery of why Rachael came back from the dead has been
revealed the book has taken on a new dimension. At first I thought this was just
an odd book where some poor girl had come back from the dead and this issue we
find out she was a witch in a former life. Rachel now seems more than willing
to help make the town of Mason pay for their past sins.
John Layman with John
McCrea are making a mockery out of Mars Attacks as well they should. With
Mars Attacks #3 their tongue in cheek
work is hitting new heights. I’m not sure anyone other than John Layman could
make this type of book work so well. It is about Mars attacking Earth and
basically killing everyone and causing great death and destruction. Yet it is
just out and out fun. John McCrea made Hitman work and he is making this book
work also. He is a great artist, who is sorely underappreciated. This issue
giant bugs and a man with a flea circus gets his revenge against the invaders.
Mind Mgmt #4 by
Matt Kindt was another great issue in
what is already a great series. In this issue we are learn more about Mind Mgmt.
Meru has finally found Harry Lyme and Harry tells her of his being recruited by
Mind Mgmt and some of the work that he has done. We learn that one group of
Mind Mgmt agents are the Immortals. These are people who have learned how to
heal injuries of almost any type with their mind. Harry was a major operative
who was used to smooth over everything from getting countries to agree to oil
pipelines to helping to make a populace happy to see American troops come into
Iraq. Harry also was in love with one of his teachers and over time she
consented to marry him. Eventually Harry started to realize that he may have made
this happen. This caused Harry to wonder what was real in his life. This book
is great and you could read this book
multiple times and continue to pick up new layers of what is going on. Matt has
obviously written a huge back story about Mind Mgmt and with each issue this
series gets better and better. This is a true gem and one of 2012’s best new

For the record
League Dark #12, Secret Avengers #30, Fables #120, Cobra #16, Planetoid #3, Invincible
#94 and
All Star Western #12
were all good books this week. Each book provided solid stories and anywhere
from good to very good art. Not every book will get a capsule review.
Super Crooks #4 (of 4) was typical
Millar and entertaining,
Lobster Johnson
The Prayer of Neferu was a decent one shot with art that I thought was
weak. On the other hand
America’s Got
Powers #3 is being canned with this issue for me. The story is not
compelling even with great art.
In total it was a good week for comics. Of course with
winnowing my list it ensures that most of what I get is already a book that I
Isn't tits up a good thing?
ReplyDeleteIn the right context, it can be.
ReplyDeleteI think Justice League Dark has completely rebounded since Lemire took it over.