Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Help Make the Long Con Game a Reality -- Support Thom Zahler's Warning Label Kickstarter Campaign

Okay, I'll try to keep this brief (for once).  One of the best Web Toons of the last year was Thom Zahler's romance strip, Warning Label.  It came out weekly every Thursday beginning about a year ago and consisted of 39 chapters (plus a bonus one).  It's your classic love story: guy meets girl, girl turns out to have been cursed by her ex, and now the guy has full knowledge of all her faults going into the relationship.  Thom is a master of dialogue (and pop culture references) and you already know what I mean if you've read any of his other classics like Love and Capes, Long Distance, or Time & Vine.  The lady love interest, Danielle, works for a gaming company and during the story she pitches her own game idea at her company about putting on a successful Comic-Con, called "The Long Con".  Well, now Thom is the midst of a Kickstarter campaign to publish the series as a trade paperback.  It was funded in like less than 3 days, so now he's hitting his stretch goals, which are all incredible (pins, T-shirts, bonus stuff, etc.).  However, the best of the best is if he hits the $20,000 mark (less that $8000 away) -- then he actually creates the Long Con board game!!!  And if you're a "more than book backer", which I am, you'll get a copy (if the goal is reached, of course).  I really, really want to see this game get made!  So, that's why I'm doing my part to pitch the series.  Here are some handy links for you:

Read the entire series for FREE here.  If you don't want to take my word for it, TRY IT and then tell your friends.

Support the Kickstarter campaign here (only 12 days to go)!

Thanks and Enjoy!

Oh, and when I wanted to commemorate my 20th wedding anniversary I commissioned Thom to do the excellent piece seen here.  He translated my idea splendidly!  I knew I could trust Thom, the king of romance, to depict this once-in-a-lifetime celebration.

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