Rodd Racer (One-Shot) by (W/A/C) Toby Cypress
In a crowded futuristic city controlled by gangsters, the Thunder Alley Rally is the biggest racing event of a generation. The city's greatest racers battle across the concrete jungle, through chasms of wet neon city streets for fame, glory, and sacrifice...But one racer races for much more. Rodd Racer races for revenge while the city's deadliest killers chase him. Greatness has a price. 80 Pages / FC$7.99 Visit Toby here.
Lee: Yep, write ups don’t get much more generic and uninteresting than that. Luckily I know that Toby is one heck of an artist so I am going to give him benefit of the doubt on this one. He has a wonderfully fluid and exaggerated line that suits this material perfectly. You may remember him from the Killing Girl Image mini a few years ago.
Gwen: As I'm more of a story person the art alone isn't enough to pull me in. Now maybe if they were racing horses I'd be more interested...

Binky to the Rescue Vol. 02 GN by (W/A) Ashley Spires While in hot pursuit of an alien invader (a bug), Binky accidentally falls out the space station porthole (bathroom window) and finds himself in outer space (outside) for the very first time. But just as Binky begins to explore, he discovers that his copilot, Ted (stuffed mousie), is trapped beneath an enemy warship (wasps' nest)! Binky must rescue Ted from the clutches of these evil aliens! 64 pgs, $8.95 I highly recommend visiting Ashley’s excellent site here.
Lee: Ok, this is probably a little younger than most of what we read but darn it, this looks great. It’s hard to beat stories about house cats with over active imaginations for pure fun. I just might have to get this for the kids.
Gwen: I'm not sure why but this kind of reminds me of Egg Story. As I absolutely adored Egg Story I find myself drawn to this book. The art is pretty cute too :) Also, for whatever reason, Binky is the perfect name for the main character. I need this book.

America Yakuza Moon: True Story of Gangsters Daughter GN by (W) Shoko Tendo, adapted by Sean Michael Wilson (A) Michiru Morikawa
Born into the family of a wealthy yakuza boss, Shoko Tendo lived her early years in luxury. But labeled 'the yakuza kid, she was the victim both of bullying and discrimination from teachers and classmates at school, and of her father's drunken rages at home. By the age of fifteen she was a gang member; by the age of eighteen, a drug addict; and in her twenties, a willing participant in a series of abusive and violent relationships with men. After the death of her parents and her own suicide attempt, she began a tortuous, soul-searching reevaluation of the road she had taken and an unconventional act of empowerment finally helped her take control of her life, leading to redemption and happiness. 192 pgs, $15.95
Lee: Tendo’s story was originally a novel and has since been adapted into comics. In terms of content, this looks to be a fascinating book about life within the Yakuza. If you enjoy American crime fiction, there’s a good chance you will enjoy this.
Gwen: I think I'll pass on this - not that it doesn't look pretty amazing - but so was House of Sand and Fog and that left me feeling wrung out for days after experiencing it. Maybe in a few years I'll come back to these type of soul searching stories but recently I've appreciated slightly lighter comics.

Judge Death: Life and Death of GN by (W) John Wagner (A) Pete Doherty, Frazer Irving, Andy Clarke, Various
Who is Dredd's Nemesis Judge Death and where does he come from? The answer to these questions and many others can all be found here! From Death's origin through to his final destruction - killing was his business! 224 pgs, $23.99
Lee: I have always been a huge Judge Death fan and this book is sure to be great. I believe this will collect all the Frazer Irving JD art/stories and that alone is worth the price of admission. It is just fantastic, and Wagner wrote a story that matched the art. Good stuff.
Gwen: I remember loving the Judge Dredd books when I was a kid. I was so sad when the movie came out though. I mean I get that they had to show his face since they cast "name" actor as Dredd (Sly. Stalone) but they never show his face in the comics - it just threw the whole thing off. As a result of that movie I started dislike Stalone in pretty much everything. But I digress - the comics were good stuff.

Teen Angels & New Mutants SC by (W) Stephen R. Bissette
Writer/artist Rick Veitch's career bridges the underground comix of the 1970s, mainstream DC and Vertigo Comics, and the self-publishing revolution of the 1980s and 1990s. In that extraordinary body of work, Brat Pack remains a landmark, and Teen Angels & New Mutants is the first in-depth study of a creator and graphic novel worthy of the autopsy. Teen Angels offers a crash-course on teen pop culture and superhero sidekick history, fresh analysis of Dr. Fredric Wertham's seminal books, and charts the 1980s comic book explosion and 1990s implosion. 412 pgs, $30.95
Lee: Where to start with this selection? The fact that Brat Pack is a forgotten classic, Veitch was a creator ahead of his time, or the fact that the author, Bissette, is amazing in his own right. Brat Pack was one of the most brutal, deconstructionist comics about side kids ever. In fact, it may still be the mostest. A chance to read more about it, and a study of comics at the time is not to be passed up.
Gwen: Hmmmm, I have never heard of this before - not that Lee doesn't do a better job of selling it that the solicitation :)

Munchkin Card Game Deluxe Edition
Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Admit it. You love it! Munchkin has been a runaway hit for the last 10 years, with international sales of more than a million Munchkin games, plus lots and lots of supplements! Compete with your friends to kill monsters and grab magic items. Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin will make your group laugh out loud. And while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff! Now in a special deluxe edition complete with gameboard, 6 plastic munchkin pawns, dice, cards, and more, Munchkin is illustrated by John Kovalic! $29.99 Visit the official site here.
Lee: Sadly, this sounds like a great deal of fun because this is exactly what I want out of my role playing games. I don’t care about abilites, or playing nice. I really just want to kill monsters and occasionally screw with my buddies just for fun. This just might be the game for me.
Gwen: This is a great game :) As I have many many gamer friends I was first exposed to this years ago. It is a lot of monster killing joy - although I still prefer D&D but I like my characters to have a good story more than anything else.

Forgotten Fantasy Sunday Comics 1900-1915 HC by (W/A) Lyonel Feinigner, Winsor McCay, George McManus, Various
From 1900 to 1915, American newspapers offered some of the most beautiful and fascinating comics ever printed. Winsor McCay's Little Nemo in Slumberland is known worldwide, but many of the great fantasy comics have virtually vanished - until now. Complete runs of Kinder Kids, Wee Willie Winkie, Nibsy the Newsboy, The Explorigator, plus Dream of the Rarebit Friend and a dozen more. A genuine treasure of classic comics, all in the original size and colors. $125.00
Lee: Yes, I know this is unaffordable to most, if not all, of us but it is too good not to mention. These original Sundays are filled to the brim with absolutely stunning artwork. It is stuff you probably haven’t seen but will blow your socks off. It is incredible. And, this art will be published at full size, a whopping 17 x 15! Order your copy from Amazon now.
Gwen: Wow... waaaaaay out of my price range :(

Okie Dokie Donuts: Open for Business HC by (W/A) Chris Eliopoulos
Good morning! Welcome to Okie Dokie Donuts. Run by pastry pioneer and cunning culinarian, Big Mama! Okie Dokie Donuts is the best little donut shop in town! What's her secret? Big Mama rolls in a heaping serving of love into each of her hand made creations! Loyal customers can't get enough of her tantalizing turnovers. But running a donut shop isn't easy! Trouble is always poking holes in Big Mama's fun. But as long as our large and lovely heroine has friends and plenty of chocolate icing, nothing can stop Okie Dokie Donuts from reaching the highest levels of becoming a pastry powerhouse! 48 pgs, $9.95 Visit Chris here, and read his webcomic.
Lee: Eliopoulos, writer/artist of the fantastic Franklin Richards series from Marvel, brings us his latest offering Okie Dokie. And I am very excited! Eliopoulos has proven time and again that he can write consistently funny stories and I am a sucker for a humorous story. A little slim for the price but sure to bring a smile and a chuckle to your life.
Gwen: What an off the wall concept. Definitely not my cup of tea but really, I have this issue with eating what I read about. So I really try to avoid anything that has pastries and such as a focus point.
Lee: Overall an excellent month. As usual I think I am most looking forward to the stuff from Humanoids and Fantagraphics. Time and again they continue to provide quality material.
Gwen: I'm looking forward to the Binky book. I'm not sure why but that one really stuck with me.
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