We are getting closer to my daughter Jamie’s wedding coming up on August 28. She is marrying a young man who originally hails from New Zealand. It is my first time giving away the bride as opposed to the three times I was the groom (three marriages, two women, long story). Anyway it should be an exciting time and I’m looking forward to it. I’m a little disappointed as I have not received any donations for the please help me pay for this wedding fund, but I’ll forgive all of you (still time to get it done). Anyway when you don’t see my normal Monday and Tuesday post on August 30 and 31 you will understand I was busy that weekend.
The Adventures of Superboy HC Volume 1 is coming out and I have buyer’s remorse. I’m not sure that I want this book in my collection and that means it may sit for a couple of years before I read it. Still from a historical perspective I do want to read it one day, just not sure I needed to get it now I guess. (Could I be more ambivalent?)
Speaking of books I don’t want Adventure Comics #517 hits the stands and Levitz take on the early Legion has been painful. As much as I enjoyed the Atom back up this book is on my “to be cancelled” radar.

Happy times are here with
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #1. Peter Tomasi is the guiding hand of this book so that means a quality script and the art in the previews by Pasarin looks great. I’m not exactly sure what the mission is for Guy and why it will destroy his relationship with Hal, but I’m signed up for the ride with this creative team.
Northlanders #31 is also out. This has been a solid series since issue #1. I love the fact that each arc is about someone else as we continue to collect stories from Viking times. I also enjoy that Wood has the characters talking like we do today and did not get caught up in trying to get a speech pattern from yesteryear going. While it may have given the book a more authentic feel to it, I think it would have just made the book a less enjoyable read. As a bonus it is Brian Wood week times two as
DMZ #56 also hits the stands.

It is a bittersweet release of
Daytripper #9 (of 10) as this is one of my favorite series and while I know it needs to have an ending I hate to see it go. DC needs to collect this series in a higher end format then just a trade paperback as the brothers Moon and Ba have crafted a wonderful series full of heartfelt moments and stories that make you stop and think of your own life.

Robert Kirkman has a two fer week also as
Walking Dead #76 and
Astounding Wolf-Man #24 are coming out. Walking Dead continues to impress and is always telling great stories with the characters in the book. Wolf-Man is hitting the penultimate issue and boy has this series slowed down. I know it is ending with #25 but the slow publishing schedule is killing any excitement that was building.
A lot of two fer weeks as Locke and Key: Keys to the Kingdom #1 (of 6) is coming out as well as Locke and Key Crown of Shadows HC is hitting the stands. I love this series so much that I get the regular issue and always pick up the collections for later reading as I never keep any of the comics I buy. This is such a strong story with great characters, compelling mysteries, murder and the supernatural all combined into a compelling tale. Like Echo, Scalped and American Vampire this series is on the top tier of what is being published.

Maintaining the two theme for this week, Dark Horse has
Buzzard #3 (of 3) and
BPRD Hell on Earth New World #1 (of 5) hitting the stands. Buzzard has been an enjoyable little mini-series and I’m anxious to see where BPRD goes now that the main storyline has finally reached a conclusion.

I can managed another two fer week with BOOM having two books out on my list with
Calling Cthulhu Chronicles #2 (again a 2) and
Farscape Scorpius #4. Both titles that cause my spell check to have conniptions when I don’t correct what appear to be three spelling errors. Calling was a good first issue and had a nice horrific vibe to it and of course I love Farscape.
To stretch the two theme to its end point we have Team Ups of the Brave and Bold HC collecting the beginning of JMS’ run on Brave and Bold. Jesus Saiz’s art has been gorgeous on this series and the stories have all been well written. Not something I would usually pick up to put on my shelf but these were so well done I know I will want to read them again.

Well that ends the twos, but Marvel only has three books on my list with
Daredevil #509, Thanos Imperative #3 (of 6) and
Thor The Mighty Avenger #3. Daredevil maybe a cancellation point as this book is missing the mark with the whole Shadowland stuff. Thor is a real bright spot for me and this series continues to impress as a great new continuity for Thor set in its own little corner of some MU.
Route Des Maisons Rouges #1 (of 4) is on the stands and you are all saying “what is this book?” It is apparently an Italian comic being translated about a group of brothels in Paris fighting for control of a red light district. Sounds like one of the more compelling reads of the week. I’m sure the intellectual quality of this book will be superb.

Add to that
Batgirl #13, Zatanna #4 and
Birds of Prey #4 and another whole new theme for this week starts to emerge. I read where Jamal Igle is taking over Birds of Prey and based on how slow Ed Benes seems to be I think this is a good decision. If an artist can’t cut a monthly schedule he should not be assigned as a regular artist on a book.

Rounding out the week is
Justice League Generation Lost #7, Mighty Crusaders #2 (of 6), Superman #702 and
Titans #26 (an aside to Greg, I’m not related to anyone writing this book). Of these I’m very curious to see how the second issue of Superman’s walking tour will work out.
As I type this the Orioles have apparently returned to life under new manager Buck Showalter. I hope this is the turning point for this team as I want to be able to be a fan like I was when I was younger and the team was entertaining. It is sort of what I look for from each week of comics.
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