June begins and we get a five week month as well as a Thursday shipping day since we have the Memorial Day holiday this week.
For the blog this week we have a four part series running every afternoon where all of our members weigh in on the death of Ryan (Atom) Choi. Good thing or bad thing, racist or circumstance and other thoughts.
Let’s keep it simple this week and do the lightest part of the week first and build from there.

Marvel has
Avengers Prime #1 (of 5), Daredevil Omnibus by Brubaker and Lark Volume 2, Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1, Stephen King’s “N” #4 (of 4) and The Thanos Imperative #1 (of 6). It is interesting that Avengers Prime is a bi-monthly mini-series. So that means issue #5 shows up February 2011. I’m not sure I can follow a five part series spread out that far, but I will give the first issue a shot. I’m hopeful that the Hawkeye and Mockingbird series is fun and can succeed in that type of book where Green Arrow and Black Canary failed.

As is the norm for me the DCU side of the ledger has the most books coming in with
Adventure Comics #12, Batman Confidential #45, Brightest Day #3, Great Ten #8 (of 9), Joker’s Asylum The Riddler, Jonah Hex Now Way Back HC, JSA All Stars, Justice Society of America #49, Nemesis the Impostors #4 (of 4), Red Hood The Lost Days #1 (of 6), Red Robin #13 and Superman/Batman Annual #4. Rounding out the DC Entertainment side is
IZombie #2 and,
Demo Volume 2 #5 (of 6) from Vertigo and
God Somewhere TP from Wildstorm. I have to say that Brightest Day has my attention and the bi-weekly publishing schedule is perfect. I have to laugh though as Marvel and DC are both doing new scheduling options with DC going bi-weekly and Marvel going bi-monthly.

The other category is its normal eclectic mix with
Invincible #72, Sea of Red Slipcase Collection, Blacksad HC Volume 1, Irredeemable #14, Killer Modus Vivendi #2 (of 6), Mouse Guard Legends of the Guard #1 (of 4) and Echo #22. The new Mouse Guard series is a nice idea with David Peterson overseeing other creators doing some short stories on his creation. This is a great way to keep Mouse Guard on the stands as David works on the third mini-series.
I was trying to keep it as short and sweet as possible this week as we have the four part series going out this week also which I spoke of in the introduction. I have also been reworking my list a lot lately and trying to cut further back on book so that hopefully the list will be more comic centric and average fewer books per week in the future.
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