Lee and I were discussing the mission statement of the blog and my reply was to have fun. Coming up with content on a daily basis can be draining at times and I know that without Lee and Gwen the blog would not have made it this far. Ultimately if it is no longer any fun, then we will stop. If I had my druthers I would like to be able to focus on independent books to preview and review and try and do five question interviews with creators of those books. I love a lot of DC and Marvel material, but they have everyone and their big sister covering the crap out of every time they announce anything. I want to try and put emphasis on Red 5, Boom Studios, Raw Studios, Dark Horse projects and books like The Surreal Adventures of Edgar Allen Poo. So hopefully as we move forward outside of the post that have become set formats to a degree, I hope to try and make that happen. I would love to bring material to you before it hits the stands more often and hope to start a dialogue with some creators and do short five question interviews with them. Always good to have a goal.

Countdown Search for Ray Palmer Crime Society #1 –

Green Lantern Corps # 16 – The Sinestro War continues to heat up and this issue was great as it portrayed a battle in the war and showed the Green Lanterns reacting after they were given the ability to kill their enemies. Really has felt like a war has been going on.
Action Comics #856 – Eric Powell was born to draw Bizzaro. This story arc is so well done and so enjoyable, that it has really brought Action back into the forefront as a very good series from DC.
Jack of Fables #15 – This series is incredibly fun and I have determined that why a series about such a despicable rogue works is because his plans to enrich himself ultimately never work.
Conan #44 – Nice way to go out on a high note as the ending of the Rogues in the House story line was Cary Nord’s last as the interior artist. Really well done and a great ending with Conan killing the wizard with a stool.
Jonah Hex #24 – A little too far on the supernatural side to feel 100% right in a Jonah Hex book, but still another solid issue and a great portrayal of Bat Lash.
Faker #4 (of 6) – This has really gotten better every issue and the whole liquid tech stuff is really a neat element in the book. Good work by Mike Carey and Jock.
JLA/Hitman #2 (of 2) – This was a good issue, but almost too sentimental and felt like Ennis bidding a fond farewell to a character that he may never return to, still a very good two part series. Well worth the price of admission.
Lobster Johnson The Iron Prometheus #2 (of 5) – They are going for a pulp story type of feeling and it has worked for me, just a thoroughly enjoyable and wacky adventure in the Mignolaverse.
Vinyl Underground #1 – A book about four people who are acting as occult detectives. A nice beginning to this book and a good introduction to the main players.
Tales of the Sinestro Corps Cyborg Superman #1 – Nice add on book. Did what I think a side book to a major event should do, enhances the event, without being essential to enjoying the event.
Parade with Fireworks #2 (of 2) – A really well done story of a family history and laying that against the background of the rise of fascism in pre-WWII Italy.
Detective Comics #837 – Not a bad issue, just it was almost a Riddler story and I buy the book for Batman.
Metal Men #3 (of 8) – This book is way too dense for the type of series that Metal Men is normally and has probably lost half it’s audience, but I’m enjoying more as we get deeper into the story.
Weapon #4 (of 4) – The ending saved this book for me. I had really started to think the whole series was a waste, but the action packed ending and a few twists made if a solid read and saved the series for me.
Welcome to Tranquility #11 – Solid series that continues to be an under the radar book. Once you get to know the characters the book really draws you in.
Uncanny X-Men #491 – The end of the Morlock story was decent and this arc was better then the year long sage. The back up has been worthless.
Nightwing #137 – Well Marv Wolfman’s run is over and he moved the book forward, but this last story arc was more of an introduction of the Vigilante and did little to add to Nightwing.
Supergirl #22 – Further confusing the whole different Legion of Super Heroes stuff further, but an enjoyable read.
Atom #16 – For a fill-in issue by writer Roger Stern, this was seamless. Roger told a great tale and added just enough to push the story forward a little more. Good issue and perfect pinch hitting job.
Midnighter #12 – I’m up and down on this book, still Giffen is crafting an overall story and the book has better then it was a few issues ago.
Gamekeeper #5 – Good issue, but felt like it rushed to wrap up everything, especially after the pace of the book had been horrendously slow. I believe this was the last issue, as least it was for me. Virgin comics has tried but essentially missed the mark.
Countdown #30 – Nothing wrong with this book, just nothing is really happening. My same lament week after week after week.
Metamorpho Year One #1 (of 6) - One and done, added nothing to Rex’s origin and in updating it, made it so current it must have happened three years ago and Metamorpho has been around forever. Nothing wrong with it, just nothing compels me to continue with it. If the whole series is great I’ll buy the trade. Cancelled.
Deadman #13 – A book that got lost in its own complexity and earned its cancellation. Plus I never liked Vertigo co-opting the name Deadman away from the Boston Brand character.
That puts a wrap on this week. A relatively quieter week, but still I believe worth the price of admission. A side note when you are typing stuff with spell check and you have a lot of comic book words you see a lot of red lines, a lot. Side note #2, are blogs like comics, we are 42 posts away from #500 do we get a prize or something for that?
At 500, you get a hearty handshake and a pat on the back. The real rewards don't kick in until you hit the 4 digits.
Damn - miles to go.
ReplyDeleteHey, that's a very respectable milestone - I think you guys have been doing a great job with the blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks Arielle!