Uncanny X-Men #491 – The conclusion of the Morlock story line. I don’t know all of the X-stuff in this and X-Men is just still way too convoluted. At least Morrison’s run was accessible. I have followed the X-Men for the most part, but have skipped a few years once in a while and I did not buy every frellling spin off and I feel like I do not even know half of these characters anymore. Too many villains, betrayals, secrets, mysteries, on and on, I mean X-Factor I can read and be drawn in, this feels like I need to read a 50 page handbook before I can understand all of it.

Weapon #4 (of 4) – An average tale of a martial artist with a tech weapon caught up in a mystery surrounding his family’s past. If I had been in my harsher mode of dropping mini-series if the first issue is a very good start, this book would not have made the cut.
Gamekeeper #5 – One of only two ongoing Virgin titles that I get and this book is always a little iffy as the story is dragging on way too slowly. Every issue since #2 has been “I wonder if I will continue to get this book” question for me.

Lobster Johnson the Iron Prometheus #2 (of 5) – Mike Mignola’s little universe is a throwback to an almost pulp fiction type world and this book is set in the past. Usually I’ve grown tired of Nazis, but it fits this story. The official hype “The Lobster and Jim delve deeper into the sinister forces behind Professor Gallaragas’s mysterious disappearance and discover a conspiracy wilder than they could possibly have imagined, with Nazis, Tibetan cultists, and a prophesy whose fulfillment could mean the end of the world . . .”

Welcome to Tranquility #11 – One the few successful books from the Wildstorm re-launch contines with its Zombie tale. I believe that no comic series can resist doing a Zombie tale lately.
Deadman #13 – Final issue. This book suffered from never having any real resolutions and a very complex plot line. Bruce Jones has not had a single successful series since coming over to DC. I think he is a good writer, at least he was in years past, but nothing has gelled for him lately.
Faker #4 (of 6) – The exact opposite of Deadman, this is a complex and strange storyline, but it has been straight forward enough to keep your interest in the book and is a mini-series. Mike Carey and Jock have a nice book on their hands. The official hype “Jessie and her roommates encounter some people who are a little too interested in Nick and the secrets he might be hiding — people who are prepared to get answers with a scalpel. But Jessie is every bit as intent on finding out the truth — and for the ultimate faker, love and intimacy are just weapons in the armory…”
Jack of Fables #15 – The conclusion of the “Bad Prince” story. This book really works and against all odds. The lead character is a morally reprehensible person, that you end up getting a kick out of his stories. I think what helps is that since Jack is a total a**, you are happy when all this crap happens to him.
Scalped #10 – The best book on my list this week that enough people are not reading. The official hype “"Casino Boogie" part 5 of 6. Experience life on the rez for 19-year-old Dino Poor Bear, a kid just struggling to survive in America's most impoverished community. On the night of the casino's grand opening, a chance encounter with Chief Red Crow might provide Dino with an opportunity to finally realize his dream and escape the reservation. But will he take it?”

Atom #16 – More on exactly why Ivy Town was messed up and a lot of the evidence points to Ray Palmer. Guest Writer Roger Stern with art by Mike Norton. Atom and Blue Beetle are both good third generational heroes and one of the reasons that I think DC does better then Marvel as new characters under the mask give us more of a blank slate to work on.
Countdown #30 – More stuff seems to happen as these stories just continue to drag on and on.

Detective Comics #837 – Features the reformed Riddler and Harley Quinn. Written by Paul Dini with art by the vastly underrated Don Kramer. This story provides some background on how Harley ended up in the Amazonian Women’s Help Center. As the halfway point approaches to final crisis you can get a feeling that things are coming to a head throughout the DCU.
Green Lantern Corps #16 – Arguably the best “event” in comics this year is the Sinestro War and this issue the focus on the battle to save Mogo. Also it is nice to see Arisia back. It was a little creepy when she aged herself and Hal dated her, but since a lot of time has passed and she has been an adult for awhile I’m glad to see her back in action.
Infinity Inc. #2 – Last issue really surprised me as I was thinking just another group book, but with Peter Milligan at the helm I should have known better. Right now the story is focusing on the ex-members of the group and Steel trying to figure out what is wrong with them. Good start with the first issue and hope issue #2 is as good.

Jonah Hex #24 – Featuring the return of El Diablo and Bat Lash! Hard to ask for anything more and DC has announced a Bat Lash mini-series, Marvel is publishing a second Masterworks of the Rawhide Kid, 3:10 to Yuma has been a hit movie, a nice little resurgence of the western!
Metal Men #3 (of 8) – The official hype “Magnus and the Robot Renegades form an uneasy alliance to save Gold and the Metal Men as they come face to face with Doctor Tomorrow and his deadly Death-Metal Men! Plus, the time-war between the ancient alchemist known only as the Nameless and the twisted future shock versions of himself rages on! Who will be the victor? And more importantly, will the Metal Men ever be created?” Which is my official problem with the book, way too much being crammed into a little mini-series. Duncan Rouleau is the artist and writer and he is over writing this book. Normally I think artists are good at letting the pictures carry the story.
Metamorpho Year One #1 (of 6) – This is one of those series where I’m going into it, saying why did this get green lighted as a project? Is anyone clamoring for it? Dan Jurgens and Jesse Delperdang are the creators and I’m going in with no real expectations.

Question Zen and Violence TP – Reprinting the first six issues of Denny O’Neil and Denys Cowan’s Question series. This was a really, really good series and I’m very happy to see it get into a higher end trade format. I hope this book sells well enough to push for more of this series to be collected.
Supergirl #22 – The second part of the Karate Kid storyline. Since I love the original Legion I’m enjoying this two issue arc as we await Kelly Puckett and yet another new start and direction for Supergirl. The character is very cool and her potential keeps me on this book, but eventually it needs to be a real series.

So ends the DC domination week. As a big DC and independent guy, this week works fine for me, just needed more of the smaller press stuff.
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