Greg: FACE FRONT TRUE BELIEVERS! NOT A DREAM! NOT A HOAX! NOT AN IMAGINARY STORY! WELCOME TO YOUR FIRST IDW PICKS, GREG! HOPE YOU SURVIVE THE EXPERIENCE! … ok, maybe I should dial it back a bit. Anyway, it’s a pleasure to be here. I think I’ve built up enough indie antibodies for this. If not, I always have Marvel solicits to subject Lee to.

SC Collecting, at long last, the short-lived yet much-loved Archie superhero parody stories that first appeared during the "camp craze" of the mid 1960s. With the upcoming Archie Comics new Pureheart the Powerful series, IDW's reprint collection is the perfect way for fans to rediscover the original characters. This collection includes all six original Archie as Pureheart comic books, as well as the early adventures that originally appeared in Life With Archie. $19.99
Lee: This is just awesome because the Archie Pureheart books are very hard to find in any condition. The stories are good natured fun as only Archie can do. This is just as much a slice of Americana as it is comic book history.
Greg: Ah, the innocent days back before Archie was trying to turn America into a godless, socialist wasteland with interracial kisses and gay friends! Never read these, but I’m sure it is a very welcome publication for any Archie fans who have been searching for this stuff.

"Barney Google should stand beside Little Nemo, Krazy Kat and Pogo as one of the outstanding creations in comic strip history"-Brian Walker. Before there was Google the search engine there was Barney Google, with the goo-goo-googly eyes! This lovable comic strip character was brilliantly drawn in absorbing and hilarious stories by master draftsman Billy DeBeck. Barney gambled, hung with high-toned women and hillbillies, and played the horses! This strikingly designed hardbound book collects the most famous acclaimed adventures of Barney Google. $39.99
Lee: IDW continues collecting classic newspaper strips with Barney Google this month and I love it. Started in 1919, Google still runs daily in papers around the world today. I’m hoping these are strips from the 20’s because that appears to be the prime period.
Greg: Google Year One! Learn how a 20’s lay about sought his fortune in America before he became the premiere search engine in the world! …Or not. I’ll confess I am not the target audience for this, but I am glad that IDW is keeping these important parts of comic history in print and available.

Fan-favorite stories and characters are featured in this brand-new Best of Dick Tracy collection! Ride the edge of your seat as bullets, battles, and bad guys show creator Chester Gould on the top of his game. $19.99
Lee: If you’ve never read Dick Tracy then this is the collection for you. These are top notch stories with spectacular art. Ignore the hideous movie with Madonna and What’s-his-face, read the classic and see why Dick has been around for so long.
Greg: This collection must be for me! Cause I’ve never read any Dick Tracy. Must be the yellow trench coat. Who could believe someone would wear something so preposterous in a comic book? I mean his underwear isn’t even on the outside of his pants!

At long last, the book that zombie fans have been clamoring for-the original Deadworld series as illustrated by Vince Locke. Out of print for over a decade, the early Deadworld helped to launch the zombie craze, which has become a genre onto itself. In addition to the first seven issues of the original series, this first volume will be a collection of Vince Locke artwork including pinups, covers, design elements everything a Deadworld or Vince Locke completist could hope for. As a special treat, also for the first time, the original eight-page Deadworld story drawn by Vince that has never seen print before! See why Deadworld has become known as the "grand-daddy" of all zombie comics. With Deadworld signed for a feature film, with scripting by X-Men and Watchmen's David Hayter, now is your chance to get to the "meat of the story." $24.99
Lee: Before Walking Dead, there was Deadworld! Started in mid 80’s, Deadworld was the only zombie comic for a long, long time. I never read it but, for it’s time, I remember it being violent and pretty gory. But, by today’s (Kick Ass – Punisher) standards it might be tame.
Greg: See, this is what zombie comics are missing today – metal. That cover looks metal. That zombie looks like he should be taking up 1/555th of a Cannibal Corpse album cover, not written by Robert Kirkman. I think zombie comics should be far, far more metal and possibly involve axes.
Lee: And, ummm just how do you know so much about Cannibal Corpse albums? And, for those unaware, yes Vincent Locke did the covers for several CC albums and they involved lots of blood, and lots of gore, and usually an ax.
Ok. and since ya brought it up, here's the link to Locke's CC covers. AND WHAT LUCK! Several are for sale. My personal favorite is "Butchered at Birth." Now if I only had an extra $5k.

Final Sacrifice, Part 1 of 4: On a war-ravaged alien world, the Doctor and Emily fight to save Matthew from the Advocate, while avoiding a planetwide civil war and a space-and-time misplaced Edwardian Torchwood, still hunting the Doctor since The Time Machination! Everything leads to this point-but who will die?
Greg: It’s not easy to do a licensed series, but Tony Lee has been doing a pretty solid job with this book. He usually gets the tone of the show right without overdoing it and does a good job of embracing the show’s history without wallowing in it and alienating casual fans. This arc brings back Matthew Dow Smith, who has been one of this series’ best artists. If you’re even a little bit interested in Doctor Who, you should check this out. It’s fun stuff.
Lee: I'm a Dr. Who fans since the Baker days were rerun on PBS in the greater Boston area. I've heard lots of good things about the series and Greg's enthusiasm is infectious. It's not often the tables get turned on me and I get sucked into trying new things, but I'm gonna try this.

Following up on the popularity of the ever-growing phenomenon known as Drink and Draw Social Club™, Vol. 2 contains even more scribblings and scratchings. Featuring illustrations done strictly in bars and restaurants-the pints and pencil shavings make for good times and even better art. Established in Los Angeles in 2005, the core members of DDSC™ (Dave Johnson, Dan Panosian, Jeff Johnson, and Brad Vancata) have now multiplied to over 1,600 participants, with splinter groups popping up everywhere from L.A. to New York, and beyond. $29.99
Lee: There something about art and beer (or scotch) that just seems to work. I’m sure the art is very… umm inspired and I can only imagine what the doodles are. I bet this is a fun read.
Greg: Hey, if Robert Crumb’s career has taught us anything, it’s that substance abuse can lead to some outstanding comics. This does look pretty good and the talent is certainly impressive.

The surreal and sweet Nancy comic strip character had an Aunt Fritzi-who in her heyday was very... Sexy! Fritzi Ritz leads off the exciting new series, "The Good Girl Art Library," with a bang! Fritzi was famed for assuming pin-up type poses to delight both her fictional beaus and her avid real-life comic strip followers. But, the hotness drew the reader in for the gags, as each Fritzi Ritz strip is also a laugh riot. The revealing introduction has rare Bushmiller artwork and photos by Craig Yoe. $21.99
Lee: This is just fun. As always, it’s time by today’s standards but it’s neat to see what pin-up girls were all about.
Greg: Not really my thing, but the pin up girls phenomenon is certainly worth studying, as I’m sure Betty Page put someone at Dark Horse’s kids through college.

Darwyn Cooke's adaptation of The Hunter was one of the best-received and most popular graphic novels of 2009. A New York Times best-seller, it has appeared on over 50 "best of the year" lists. The second book, The Outfit, will debut in the fall, but IDW and Darwyn are presenting the first chapter here as a stand-alone preview comic. This is a full, 24-page story that offers new readers a perfect introduction to Richard Stark's classic crime novel anti-hero, as well as a great story that stands alone. As an added bonus to readers, this preview is a whopping 8" x 12." $2.00
Lee: IDW is never short on new promotional ideas! I love the idea of seeing Cooke’s art near full size. But, ‘The Hunter’ was excellent so I’m expecting no less from the full length book this fall. If you haven’t seen, or bought the first collection, then this is a great way to try it.
Greg: The Hunter was one of the best comics last year, and it may have been the best comic Darwyn Cooke has ever done. This seems to be a bit of a gimmick release, but it’ll probably be worth reading in spite of that. Hopefully IDW has Cooke chained to a desk drawing these Parker novels.

This tongue-in-cheek commentary is written and illustrated by award-winning creator Scott Morse. Each chapter is a seemingly stand-alone tale, grounded by insane landscapes and surprising characters. Take, for instance, this first installment's "Dawn of the Gearheads!," where hip hot-rodders take over a world gone crazy, DaddyO! Or the cinema-minded noir throw-back "The Projectionist." Strange Science Fantasy harkens back to the inspired pre-hero comics of the Golden Age! Issue 1 offers a full 28 pages of story and art plus a bonus 1-page Paul Pope strip! $3.99
Lee: I’m a huge Scott Morse fan so I’m already sold on this. But, humor and great art is always an easy sell for me.
Greg: I’ve always thought one of the greatest mysteries of the comic industry was the relative lack of fame for Scott Morse. You’d think someone capable of producing something like Soulwind would get a little more recognition. Anyway, Morse is one of the most innovative artists in comics today. He’s always worth a look, but the fact that he’s doing something as awesome as off the wall scifi makes it even more appealing.

Al Williamson's run on Secret Agent Corrigan from 1967 to 1979 stands as one of the artistic highlights in the history of the American comic strip. Williamson's illustrious career included stints at EC Comics on their legendary science fiction titles, Star Wars, Flash Gordon, and Secret Agent Corrigan (AKA X-9). Archie Goodwin was one of the most acclaimed writers and editors to work in comics. He edited the groundbreaking Blazing Combat series for Warren Publications, as well as Creepy and Eerie. His writing credits included Batman and the Eisner Award-winning Manhunter series. $49.99
Lee: And, wrapping up this month, another strip. This one by none other than Al Williamson! A solid story and art by one of the Grand Masters of the medium, what’s not to like? This is beyond excellent. Even if you don’t read it, you should get it for the art because it’s that good.
Greg: One day IDW is going to run out of comic strips to publish. I can’t wait to be reading IDW’s ‘The Authoritative Garfield’ in twenty years.
Greg: Well, a whole lot of reprints from IDW this month that are going to be of interest to comic history enthusiasts, but some strong original stuff as well. Not all of its my bag, but I’m glad its out there. Now. That wasn’t so bad. How’d I do for my first foray into the wild world of indy comics, Lee? Can we talk about FrankenCastle punching that dude in the face yet?
Lee: Now that’s what I call energy. While I miss Jim’s one line grunts “Ugh, not for Thag,” you did a great job. Be careful what you wish for because you might have to start doing Marvel picks. Then you can talk all the FrankenCastle you wish.
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