Madam Mirage #2 – Seems like a long time between issues and I’m not sold on this series yet. The overt good girl cover instead of selling me on the book, made me question the seriousness of the title. Still I’ll give Paul Dini enough rope to sell me on the concept or hang himself.
Steve Niles Strange Cases #1 (of ?) – Steve Niles has come so far, that now he gets to brand a book to help sales. As with Tom Clancy and other “big names”, just putting your name on a product does not make it any good. The concept is supposedly by Steve Niles, with a writer and artist fleshing out the concept. The premise is a group of monster hunters get together and are given an offer they can’t refuse. It is a tie-into a video game, which makes me a little uneasy about the book. Still I’ll give it a shot.

30 Days of Night Red Snow #1 (of 3) – This is a prequel to the first 30 Days story and is set during World War II. So we have vampires and Nazis, this sounds like it could be cliché ridden tripe, but it is written and drawn by the co-creator of 30 Days Ben Templesmith. I trust Mr. Templesmith to deliver a great story as he has done with Wormwood Gentlemen Corpse and as co-creator of Fell.

Snakewoman: Tale of the Snake Charmer #3 – Virgin’s comic best title in my opinion. The Snakewoman is caught up in events that she does not really understand. The snake charmer seemed to be helping her, but for what end is unknown. A good solid entertaining series.
Strange Embrace #4 (of 8) – David Hines seminal work continues it’s reprinting from Image. This is a very odd book and it keeps going off on tangent after tangent. We start with character “A”, then we go to character “B and get their story, which leads to character “C” and their story. Slightly disturbing and askew,but a really good tale so far.

Star Trek Year Four #2 – The first issue was a poorly done story. It actually used every Star Trek cliché in the book. Steve Conley’s art appeared to be much weaker then I remember it being before; still it was issue #1. If they are just going to do typical Star Trek episodes, then I may drop this book, as each art form demands different approaches and the first issue read like a TV script. Let’s see what issue #2 brings.

Annihilation Conquest Wraith #3 (of 4) – Last issue we found out Wraith had a horrible past whereby he was tortured and abuse in all sorts of ways. This has been an okay little series and in general I’m enjoying the Annihilation stuff, but this series could have been skipped and there would have been no great loss.

Incredible Hulk #110 – In the midst of World War Hulk I’m tempted to drop the actual Hulk title. They have made this book the most worthless tie-in to the Hulk event of almost any other book. Nothing, I repeat – nothing has happened in the actual Hulk book. What a colossal waste, see Sinestro War for how to do this stuff the right way.

Uncanny X-Men #490 – More of Ed Brubaker’s one clunker of a title. He should just drop it. This arc has not been horrible as the first 12 page sleep fest, but it is not Ed’s best stuff. I also just noticed we are building up to issue #500, what climatic event will happen in that issue. Hey I know Jean Grey returns to life kicks White Queen’s butt, confesses that while she loves Wolverine, she is also really and truly in love with Cyclops. She uses her great powers to merge both of them together and marries Logan Summers.

White Tiger #6 (0f 6) – When the hell did the last issue come out. This was a series that anyone could have missed and they would not have missed anything.
Atom #15 – I have really enjoyed this series, but feel its interruption by the “Search for Ray Palmer’ is hurting the book. Ryan was just getting into the swing of his own stories when this happened. So the official hype has me happier “The Search for Ray Palmer is interrupted as the Atom is literally plucked from the Nanoverse by the mastermind behind all of the problems in Ivy Town — and the man who may or may not hold some answers for Ryan Choi about his fallen idol Ray Palmer!” As Atom book focuses back on Ryan.

Countdown #34 – Last issue really slowed the book down again. The whole Mary Marvel / Zatanna thing ended but it did nothing to really move the story forward. This book needs to have some end points other then the final three or four issues.
Detective #836 – The second part of the Scarecrow tale. Part 1 was terrific and John Rozum and Tom Mandrake delivered a great tale about Jonathan Crane going low tech with his fear. Looking forward to the concluding chapter.
Infinity Inc. #1 – I’m really going into this book with cold feet. Milligan is a good writer, I have no idea about the artist (the cover looks nice) and I loved the old Infinity Inc., but this guys are not related to the old group at all. Not sure if a group started by Lex has a good chance to survive.

Jonah Hex #23 – If you don’t read westerns, you should. The best western on the stands (among a limited amount) is Jonah Hex. Out of 22 issues there has only been one, maybe two that were anything other that very good stories.
Metal Men #2 (of 8) – The first issue was okay, not great, bit okay. I like these characters but I think they are very hard to write good stories about. If you make them too serious it becomes more like they are androids, too light hearted and it is missing a sense of drama. Very tough concept and I still can’t believe that they are trying to make a movie out of it.

Outsiders #50 – A final issue, which leads into a new series, called Batman and The Outsiders. Someone at DC has a sense of humor because years ago Batman and The Outsiders was cancelled and Outsiders was the immediate re-launch. This series feels like a set-up for what is coming with Countdown and Final Crisis.
Supergirl #21 – Written by Tony Bedard as Supergirl has a run in with Karate Kid. Tony Bedard seems to be DC’s we need you to help do a few issues of a book as other stuff is being done to get the book back on track. He shows up on so many writing credits in DC lately it is just incredible. Plus his stuff has been very solid. Having said that Supergirl is a title that is totally lost. We are on issue #21 with no sense of where this book is going.

Faker #3 (of 6) – Last issue got really interesting as we find out that the fifth friend of the group does not appear to be real. Where Mike Carey is taking us with this ride, I’m not sure, but last issue sold me on staying.
Scalped #9 – The official hype “Casino Boogie" part 4 of 6. SCALPED gets spiritual in this issue when the focus turns to Catcher, the mysterious rider glimpsed in previous issues, who has foreseen the murder of someone on The Rez. Now he must saddle up one last time to try to save their life, and perhaps his own soul in the process.” One of the toughest action books on the stands, very, very nice stuff.

Midnighter #11 – Keith Giffen and Chris Sprouse continue to explore Midnighter’s past. I really enjoyed the first issue by the new team and look forward to this issue. I never even thought about what or who he was before.
That’s a wrap for a rather decent size week. Since the books come out Thursday and the convention is the Saturday/Sunday after that, hardly anytime to read all of this stuff before the next week is here.
I think I know the answer already, but advice time. I've got enough Amazon gift certificates to get Jack Kirby Omnibus Vol 2 OR Amazing Fantasy Omnibus + $10 bucks. I definitely want to get Jack Kirby sometime (I loved Vol 1), but it seems like the Marvel Omnibus's loose their discount rather quickly. What do you recommend? Amazing?
ReplyDeleteMatthew - Amazing is what I recommend. It is a really well done book and has both Kirby and Ditko.
ReplyDeleteThe Black Canary Wedding Planner
ReplyDeleteI can hear B6's cries of joy now... admit it, Jim, you'd read it even if you weren't sending it to her!
arielle - Only as a curiosity.
ReplyDeleteJim I think you have a better reason to buy the wedding planner. It is supposed to lead directly into the JLA issue that starts Dwayne McDuffie's run. At least that's why I'll read it in the store.
ReplyDeleteIt can't be all bad - it does feature a girl in fishnets. How many wedding planners can boast that?
ReplyDeleteFishnets are almost always a positive.
ReplyDeleteUnless they're on Tim Curry. Or any other large, hairy man. Or large, hairy woman...
ReplyDeleteI'd better stop before the mental images get too painful. =D