52 Volume 3 TP – I’m really looking forward to having the complete set of all 4 trades of this book and then reading it over the course of a week or so in order. 52 was a good series, but a trade is the best format for it.

Batman/Lobo Deadly Serious #2 (of 2) – If you want pure undiluted cathartic comic book madness and fun, buy this book. It won’t matter if you missed issue #1 or not. Sam Keith pours pure energy and fun into this work, if a plot happens to develop, well no one is perfect.
Birds of Prey #110 – Apparently Tony Bedard is only pinch hitting on this book until Sean McKeever comes onto it. That is fine by me as Tony has proven himself to be a capable fill in, he maintains the integrity of the series, adds little character bits and tells a great story. This series seems to bring out the best in any writer.

Checkmate #18 – What you know has been coming if you follow this series starts in this issue. Amanda Waller is finally found out regarding her own black ops work. “The Fall of the Wall” starts here and if you have followed Amanda Waller at all, she won’t go down without a fight.
Countdown #32 – The Mary Marvel, Jimmy Olsen and Karate Kid stories continue to plow on and on. Really let’s get some end points into this book.

Dr. Thirteen Architecture and Mortality – TP – Brian Azzraello and Cliff Chang crafted one of the best back up stories of all time with this series. From Tales of the Unexpected #1-#8 this series ran without much fanfare or hype, but it was the feature I wanted to read most every time. Dr. 13 tries to debunk the supernatural in a mad story that only gets stranger and strangers as it progress. Great read, great art.
Flash #232 – Continuing the reintroduction of Wally into the DCU as we learn about his kids and their powers. Waid has in one issue set the seeds for storylines that last at least a year or more. Daniel Acuna is not my first choice as artist for this book, but it was okay last issue. Looking forward to this book every month now.

JLA/Hitman #1 (of 2) – Garth Ennis and John McCrea back together on Hitman, is this a great country, or what. Seriously, Hitman was a great series and woefully underrated when it came out. I just hope DC decided to put the entire series out as trades now that they have okay this project. Can not wait to read this book.
Robin #166 – This appears to be Adam Beechen’s last issue on Robin and he will be missed as he has made this a solid series every month with Freddie Williams on art. I hope DC keeps Adam around for a long time. Still bringing Chuck Dixon back as writer cannot be a bad thing. Good writer is replaced by good writer, so it remains a steady book.
Shadowpact #17 – This will be a tough issue for me as I have come to identify Shadowpact as a Bill Willingham book and bringing on a new writer is a little jarring. Matt Sturges is listed as the writer for this and the next two issues, so we will see if he can maintain the unusual chemistry and dynamics that has made this such an enjoyable series for me.

Tales of the Sinestro Cors Present : Parallax – One of four one shots giving us some back story on the Sinestro Corps and some of their biggest players. Curious to see how this plays out as we know Kyle has joined up with Donna. Jason Todd and a Monitor to search for Ray Palmer. This feels like it will add something to “The Sinestro War” as opposed to be meaningless add on.
Hellblazer #236 – Andy Diggle has made this series a must read again. I love when a long term series gets new life and we did not have to do a re-launch of the book or anything so insane. Of course I’m still mystified as to why Vertigo has lower sales numbers, with an older crowd these books should be doing better.
Testament #20 – This has been a decent read, but I’m about ready to drop this book as it may read better as a trade. I have enjoyed this book, but also may have had enough of it. This issue will be a decision point for me.

Programme #3 (of 12) – Last issue this book got a whole lot better. The story is coming together nicely now, but a few text panels saying that we are switching back and forth in time would not hurt this book.
Gutsville #2 (of 6) - I loved the first issue and can’t wait for the second. The concept of this group of people living for 150 years insides the guts of a giant whale like creature is just pure lunacy, but works in comic just fine. A big selling point is Frazer Irving on the art; a down point is issue #5 was solicited for September, so they are a little behind.

Ghosting #2 (of 4) – Okay I signed up after reading issue #1, but may drop it after reading issue #2. I decided to hang in on this book because it was slightly different and I like the writer, but my new harsher policy may cause me to cancel it before it ends as it wasn’t that good. Still let’s see how issue #2 develops.
Doktor Sleepless #2 – The first issue did not bowl me over and was Ellis’ weakest work in like forever, still no one can hit a home run every time out and this is an unlimited series at the moment, so I will give a few issue to find its rhythm.

30 Days of Night Red Snow #2 (of 3) – Ben Templesmith’s second part in his three aprt prequel to the 30 Days saga. Ben has grown as a writer and an artist over the last couple of years and he does a great job with the macabre element. Last issue was good and I look forward to another solid issue.

Wasteland #12 – This book is really moving again and I’m glad to see another issue arrive is a timely manner. This vision of what the world would be like after a major flood continues to draw me and I want to learn the secrets of how wasteland came to be.

Streets of Glory #1 (of 6) – Billed by Avatar as Garth Ennis remakes the American western, based on the covers it looks like Frank Castle goes back in time to kill the grandfathers of the criminals who killed his family. Going in with no real expectations, but always curious to see what Garth is doing.
Zero Killer #2 (of 6) – This is another post apocalyptic world setting, last issue was decent, but somewhat forgettable. I remember the art reminding me of Paul Gualcy and the Zero Killer being a semi-free agent in a world of bizarre gangs. This book feels like it would be better as a trade.

Captain America #30 – I had read that this was originally only going to be a 5 issues story arc, that expanded into nine issues and then was slowed down to put out the worthless Fallen Son mini-series. I still do not believe that Captain America is dead, but that is unimportant as within the context of the story it is believable that the characters believe it and are reacting to it. Ed did a great job of keeping the main title unto itself and entertaining even with the main character being dragged into Civil War as a key player.

Ant-Man #12 – The last issue of this series. This should be a fun issue as Kirkman knew going in it was the last issue, so why not go all out and have some fun. Glad to see this series come to an end, before I canceled it. The way it was set-up it could only go so far.
Marvel Comics Presents #1 – Usually I enjoy a book that has multiple features, but I have some hesitation with this book as it has Captain America, Spider-Man and Captain America on the cover. For these type of books I prefer second, third and fourth tier characters be given the spotlight. At least Hellcat (a D-Lister) is also on the cover.

Terror Inc. #2 (of 5) – I had no expectations going into this book and really enjoyed issue #1, regardless of the overused plot device of having the main character die at the end of issue #1. Still when you are a supernatural character with one of the most disgusting powers ever, his dieing was a way for the bad guys to capture him. Looking forward to issue #2.

That wraps up another monstrous week and if three books that I didn’t get last week show up it will be even bigger. I missed Bad Planet, Cthulu Tales and Spider-Man Fairy Tales. With my list growing to this level on my Best to Worst you will see more cuts then before.
I'm trying to figure out if Canary's outfit looks more provocative because she's wearing white... because really, isn't that always the amount of clothing she wears? That Batman/Superman cover still makes me wonder if the editors are smoking the peace pipe or what.