In terms of story, it was a re-set a la the recent Star Trek movie. In fact, it used the same s
ort of time traveling devices to re-write some of the origins of Barry Allen. Unlike the Star Trek universe, which has never held that the past is inviolate and can't be changed, more than once this story mentioned that various Flash incarnations have traveled in time previously without any ill effects or even an ability to affect history, yet the Reverse Flash can. Rather than explain that, Johns just has Barry Allen say the Reverse Flash can and that's that.

I suppose the most significant thing to come out of the tale is that Barry Allen is the Spee
d Force, or at least the source of it, while Eobard Thawne is the source of the Reverse Flash Speed Force. I'd have liked to have seen more about what that means rather than just revival of characters and a more tragic childhood for Barry Allen. How is it that Barry Allen is the source of the Speed Force? Does that make him timeless/immortal? Wouldn't the Reverse Flash's Speed Force be opposite, or is his name just a gimmick without meaning? He's a bad guy, sure, but is that the only "reverse" about him? Speed's his thing and his Speed Force appears to operate in the same way, except for allowing him to change history, which isn't so much a "reverse" of Barry Allen's Speed Force as an additional ability. How is the Reverse Speed Force dependent on Barry Allen's Speed Force? If they're symbiotic, how can Barry Allen's Speed Force exist prior to the Reverse Speed Force? If the Reverse Speed Force is dependent on the former, how can the Reverse Flash have additional abilities that the Flash does not?

Ouch. Damn time travel stuff. Always makes my head hurt.
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