Rounding out the rest of the DCU we have Action Comics #888, Adventure Comics #10, Batgirl #9, Batman #698, Booster Gold #31, Green Arrow #32, Secret Six #20 and The Shield #8. Of these I have to say that I most interested in seeing Green Arrow #32. The way I see this story line playing out is Ollie has to give up being in Green Arrow and should even end up in jail. Hard to forgive cold blooded murder no matter what his justification was for doing it. I don’t disagree with killing Prometheus but I also know that when you go down that road you have to expect to pay a price. Let’s see if DC has the guts to make this story play out the right way and not pull a damn rabbit out of the hat to “fix” things.
Vertigo brings us three books with Daytripper #5 (of 10), DMZ #52 and Fables #94. Daytripper is a series that I look forward to with each and every issue. The quality of this book is extraordinarily high and the way it reflects on life is just brilliant. DMZ I’m slowly getting back into and Fables is still a good book, just not at the top of my chart lately. I really hope Vertigo puts out a solid hardcover collection of Daytripper as I absolutely love this series.
The other category brings us the new 12 part series Kill Shakespeare #1, which I reviewed here. Later today we have an interview with the writing team behind Kill Shakespeare. This is taking the literary characters from Shakespeare and putting them into a great adventure story. Following in the footsteps of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Fables this book is a lot of fun. Even with my recent Shakespearean knowledge being from The Reduced Shakespeare Company, this book is an easy read and enjoyable.
The rest of the indy category brings us Chew #10, BPRD King of Fear #4 (of 5), Irredeemable Special #1, Atomic Robo Revenge of the Vampire Dimension #2 (of 4), Farscape Scorpius #0 and Green Hornet Year One #2. What a great list of other books. Chew is just continuing to be a blast, the story behind the Plutonian going bad is still going great, Farscape with a new series – THIS IS GREAT NEWS – two ongoing series building on the story the TV series started, Atomic Robo always a blast, BPRD building to a climax, Green Hornet by Wagner done is a pulp fiction style, all great stuff. Okay now I have worked myself into really looking forward to Wednesday.
Marvel rounds out the week with five entries on my list, Daredevil #506, Iron Man Noir #1 (of 4), New Mutants #12 (Chapter 3 of Second Coming), Punishermax #6 and Siege Captain America #1. After interviewing Scott Snyder and reading American Vampire I went from having trepidation about Iron Man Noir to looking forward to this book a lot. American Vampire was a great debut issue for Scott’s first ongoing and this series is Scott’s first mini-series from Marvel. The level of work Scott puts into his stories was evident in American Vampire and I expect this should be as well done.
Nary a single trade or hardcover collection on my list this week, which means sooner or later I will be crushed with a bunch of stuff hitting the same week.
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