1:25 variant cover by ETHAN VAN SCIVER
Don’t miss this fantastic finale as BATMAN AND ROBIN’s storyline connects with THE RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE! The climactic showdown between Batman and the Black Glove is finally here. It’s payback time for The Dark Knight as Batman and Robin face the ultimate evil. Will Damian betray his father’s legacy? Will Bruce Wayne return just in time to see Dick Grayson die? Plus, The Joker and Professor Pyg!
This is only the beginning of a startling new status quo for the Batman…
SEPTEMBER 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Jim: Now I’m worried. I really have no clue where Grant is taking this and as much I have loved his run I’m worried how we will end up.
Lee: This is a super easy pass for me. I just finished the first B&R trade of Morrison’s run and it really was junk. Actually, that’s not true, I’m sure it’s great as a monthly where it doesn’t have to make sense issue to issue. But, reading a huge block of it all at once….. it was painful.
Gwen: Ah, the one Grant Morrison comic book I’ve actually been enjoying. Really, this issue will probably determine if I even want to read Batman from here on out depending on how they shuffle things with Bruce’s return.
Greg: I hope this involves Batman dressed as a pilgrim.

Lee: So, I’m looking at this cover and it the usual greatness that I expect from Cassaday. I liked it so much that I decided to look at it a little more, when I noticed… is that a piece of gum stuck to Superman’s boot? I sure hope it’s gum otherwise it’s… eeewwww that’s just to nasty to think about. But, if Superman did step in… you know, ewwww… would he just use his heat vision to burn it off?
Gwen: Lee, what is wrong with you?
Greg: Hey, they began brightest day with a dead bird. Comics aren’t just for kids anymore.
Jim: I just hope it involves Batman dressed as Pilgrim.

1:10 Variant Cover by SHANE DAVIS
A new call to arms begins as Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters return in an all-new action packed ongoing series helmed by the writing team of Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti with art by Travis Moore and Trevor Scott!
A national mystery unfolds when the government learns of the existence of a Confederate super weapon intended to insure the South won the Civil War. Who built it and why wasn’t it used? Find out when Uncle Sam leads the team on a quest through the hidden history of the United States! With new challenges and old threats returning to plague them, the stakes are higher than ever. Can even these stalwart heroes stand by their duty when their country calls?
On sale SEPTEMBER 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Jim: The only new #1 from DC this month and it is a book that has had two previous mini-series. I don’t understand why DC is not green lighting more series from various creators and taking a shot with stuff that has been done before. How about a solo series for Jade, Catman, Cheshire, anyone? This should be good as I like the first two mini-series, but only one new series, that feels weak.
Lee: Ok, settle down up stairs. You can’t complain that Marvel is flooding the market with pointless mini-series and clogging the racks with junk and then slam DC for not doing it. Give DC benefit of the doubt, maybe there were any other good pitches. I’d rather see one new book than a dozen pointless new mini’s.
Gwen: I can honestly say I am not interested in this concept. Is this some sort of bizarre National Treasure type concept? I’m not sure if this will be awful or really entertaining.
Greg: I remember some positive acclaim about this book back they published the miniseries a few years, but I don’t think I'll get it. DC hasn’t put any promotional muscle into this or featured them in any books to my knowledge. I wonder if this will sell less than the Great Ten miniseries?

Written by PAUL LEVITZ
Art by KEITH GIFFEN and others
The godlike Darkseid emerges in the 30th century with an ingenious plot to finally conquer the universe in this Deluxe Edition hardcover of Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen’s timeless Legion of Super-Heroes epic! Not only is THE GREAT DARKNESS SAGA collected here for the first time in hardcover, this edition also includes several LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES issues written by Levitz that have never before been collected in any format!
Using his faithful minions to acquire all of the mystic artifacts of the time, Darkseid gains mental control over a race of three billion all-powerful beings. Now, as their universe teeters on the edge of Armageddon, the Legion of Super-Heroes amass their own army of every champion who ever held the status of Legionnaire to stand against the Dark Lord and his invincible soldiers. But as the Legion suffers defeat after defeat, they realize that salvation and victory rest in the hands of a mysterious baby that has aged into adulthood before their very eyes!
This is the perfect edition of the classic Levitz storyline that was decades ahead of its time and still stands as one of DC’s most enthralling superhero tales! Collects LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #284-296 and ANNUAL #1.
On sale NOVEMBER 17 • 7.0625” x 10.875” • 416 pg, FC, $39.99 US
Jim: About time, I think I sent my trade off to Gwen a long time again as it was falling apart from being over read. One of the best Legion stories ever.
Lee: One of the best ever, I guess that it’s safe to give Boy my trade now.
Gwen: Hey! You never sent this to me because you said I couldn’t have it until it came out in a better edition – so now I hope to see it soon ;)
Greg: I guess this is great for Legion fans. I’ve never really gotten it myself. The description of the story is always more interesting than the actual books.

Roaming the post-Apocalyptic American landscape, it’s Wetworks like you’ve never seen them before. With their symbiotes no longer reliably functioning, the team finds themselves running up against Lord Defile, intent upon remaking the ruined Earth in his own vision, which includes experimenting on human prisoners to create a hybrid species! Writer, actor and co-creator of the Underworld movie franchise Kevin Grevioux and co-writer Christopher Long bring their unique take to this classic WildStorm team, with incredibly detailed art by newcomer Julius Gopez.
ONE-SHOT • On sale SEPTEMBER 29 • 32 pg, FC $3.99 US
Jim: Whoppee! A $4 one shot about a group that no one cares about anymore.
Lee: But, you cared enough to pick it. Me thinks thou doest runneth thy lippies too muchy.
Gwen: Nope, I don’t care about this either.
Greg: Guys, this is clearly going to be the Giant Sized X-Men #1 of our generation and redefine the comic market for years to come. Stop being so cynical.

Written by T.J. FIXMAN
The best-selling Sony franchise finally becomes an action-packed comic!
With Dr. Nefarious defeated and the universe safe, galactic heroes Ratchet and Clank return to the Solana galaxy for some well-earned rest and relaxation. But when entire planets begin disappearing from the universe without a trace, Galactic President Qwark calls them back into action to solve the mystery. As the rest of the universe erupts in panic, the duo must embark on an epic adventure that will pit them against their most capable adversary to date: a Markazian planet thief named Artemis Zogg!
On sale SEPTEMBER 8 • 1 of 6 • 32 pg, FC $3.99 US
Jim: Wildstorm has created their niche and it is comics based on video games. Not someone targeting me.
Lee: If the hype hadn’t said Sony I wouldn’t have known what this is. Easy skip for me.
Gwen: I still don’t know what this is.
Greg: I have no idea how this comic will be, but the games are really fun.
Jim: I was pretty much of a Debbie Downer this month, but DC did little to make me a giddy fan boy. Maybe they can get better next month.
Lee: It always the same for me. But, the Great Darkness Saga in hc is just awesome.
Gwen: For once Lee and I agree about what is awesome. Amazing!
Greg: Guys, I think we all know what DC needs: Franken-Castle.
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