was my first day off for the long Christmas break and while I would’ve loved to
have prepared this post on Thursday night, I was busy attending the 32nd
annual Stevens Forest Elementary School play directed by the super-awesome Mr.
Palmer. Mr. Palmer has been the gym
teacher since the school opened in 1972 and will retire at the end of this
school year. He’s a one-of-a-kind
individual who generously gives of his time to the children in our community
and I’ve had the privilege of helping him set up Field Day for the last several
years even though I no longer have kids attending that school. This year’s play was A Christmas Carol and it was a miracle that the school system
allowed a work that acknowledged God to be performed (There was a reason why he
waited for this to be his swan song production -- leverage). It was spectacular, especially the Ghost of
Christmas Future costume and the kid who did an outstanding job playing
Scrooge, and I ended up seeing it twice.
So, I’m writing this hours before my deadline and I’m going to (try to)
be brief (maybe too brief). Six titles
(I was going to do eight but I got too tired) are mentioned after the jump
(there could be spoilers):
FF #002

when the F.F. (see periods mean THE Fantastic Four – pay attention) left, an
atmospheric/cosmic-something anomaly remained hovering over the Baxter Building
(actually over the Earth – must be pretty big).
Darla spends some time watching it expectantly as if it were time for
Jesus to return again. By the end of the
issue someone does come through – The Human Torch! An older, blinder, half-crazed version of
Johnny Storm in an all-black (looking similar to Allred’s Madman) outfit, who
announces that the F.F. are dead and the portal is now closed forever. I have to say (despite his appearance on the
cover) I wasn’t really expecting to see a member of the original team to show
up in this book for some time. I can’t
predict what will happen next, I only know that I’m looking forward to it. I added this book to my pull list (I’m still
debating on the other title) and I dropped Captain
America. Boy, that looked like a
train wreck of chaos – One Year Later did not make me want to pick up #002.
hawkeye #006
AWESOME! You can read what my store said about it
here. I want to reread it, but this time
in chronological order. Now, that’s
All-New X-Men #004 (My
favorite Marvel NOW series)

THOR: god of Thunder #003
liked the story, but I don’t think I’m as enthusiastic about it as most people.
My reading experience was marred by the horrible printing on my copy (I need to
ask for a replacement one). The black
shadow minions of the god-butcher bled right into the bottom of the cover (see
the scan). The tree page was also
blurred. Pretty cool that Thor can use
his hammer as a reading lamp!
Indestructible HULK #002

Daredevil #21
title will certainly make my “Top 10” list or “Best of 2012” list, whenever Lee
tells us when we have to prepare them (I’m shooting for two weeks from today). Hey, if I write down generalities as to why I
like this book now, I’ll be wasting material for the Best Of post. I think I’ll quit while I’m ahead. And I still can’t tell who the Superior
Spider-Man is? I suppose we’ll find out
next week, I hope.
Okay, we’ve got two connected Fraction books (and one unconnected), two connected Bendis books, and two not really connected, but cool Waid books. I guess I’m following writers more than artists these days.
a Merry Christmas everyone (or Wonderful Winter if you don’t celebrate)!
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