PART 3 of the Indies - Enjoy
Dynamite Entertainment
Bad Boy 10th Anniversary HC – Frank Miller and Simon Bisley
Dynamite Entertainment proudly presents a brand-new hardcover production of Bad Boy by Frank Miller and Simon Bisley! Bad Boy features Jason, a little boy who comes to realize his parents aren't his parents, and that he's part of a sterile experimental community. Originally produced as a strip for the British edition of GQ, Bad Boy is a powerful piece of graphic fiction as only Miller and Bisley can produce! Featuring an all-new cover by Frank Miller, created exclusively for this Dynamite Hardcover Edition, this new production presents the lost classic as the creators originally envisioned!
Jim: I have never seen this material, but with those creators it has to be over the top madness.
Lee: Now isn’t this interesting, this was originally in the August 2007. Doubt me? Check here. I can’t believe it’s only be getting released now. Sheesh, I love when previews is timely. The book itself is very good. It’s Bisley doing his thing and Miller doing his thing. I have the originals and I ordered the HC (back in 2007). I’m surprised to see it offered again but I’ll order it again.
Boys Definite Edition HC – signed and sketched – Garth Ennis and Darrick Robertson
Controversial. Groundbreaking. These words and more describe Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's The Boys. Now, the first fourteen issues of the series, plus bonus artwork and the complete, original script for the first issue, are collected into The Boys Definitive Edition! This slipcased hardcover edition presents The Boys the way Ennis and Robertson mean it to be. Due to the high cost involved in its creation, The Boys Definitive Edition will be printed to initial orders. Also available is the High End Edition, with a hand-drawn sketch by Robertson, signed by Ennis and Robertson. Don't miss out!
Jim: I dropped this series awhile ago, but I bring this up to mention the price point on the high end edition is – ready – are you sure - $499.00 – and you’ll like it.
Lee: Now, now, don’t be leading the readers on. The signed-sketch version is $500. The regular version is $75. I still don’t think it’s worth it but then again I think there are too many expensive hc’s on the market.
Sequential Suicide: SLOP GN
Centers around 54 year old Remus Filch who lives on his Pig Farm 35 miles outside Charville, a northern mid-sized city. Everyone would have described him as a quiet simple man. Except for one thing; his fetish for prostitutes - primarily his insatiable desire to murder them. Creators from around the world took this theme and produced amazing short stories.
Pages: 96, $10
Visit 803 here , previews here, and previews by the artists for other books here
Lee: The links really aren’t about this book but 803 Studios has lots of offerings this month. This looks like a good theme and a chance for some creators to try new things. The art looks pretty good so this might be a chance to see a young superstar in the making.
Jim: A good theme? What would be a bad theme for you Lee? At 96 pages how many creators really could produce some good short stories, but the price point is a good one.
Amazing Remarkable Monsieur Leotard SC by Eddie Campbell & Dan Best
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, for a glorious spectacle of graphic literature beyond your wildest imaginings, in which young Etienne discovers that replacing his uncle as the Amazing Remarkable Monsieur Leotard - world-renowned acrobat and head of a circus troupe - is every bit as difficult as it appears to be! Etienne is swept up in wonder and work even as he struggles to keep up his grandiose façade, while every day his chances for happiness slip further away. For Etienne, taking a stand for his own happiness is as daring as any trick the Amazing Remarkable Leotard could perform. Eddie Campbell and Dan Best bring to life the historical story of the daring young man on the flying trapeze in a tale filled with wonders and marvels.
Pages: 128, 6x9, FC, $16.95
Eddie Campbell talks about Leotard with previews in the middle of the page here
Lee: This type of story should be right up Eddie Campbell’s alley. It seems silly and wildly imaginative. I bet it will be like his other work Bacchus which he did in the mid 90’s. But Eddie’s a proven commodity and the art samples look fun too. First Second is another company with a really strong track record these days so I’m sure to give this a chance.
Jim: Eddie Campbell has never been one of my favorite creators, but maybe I need to re-look that choice.
Gemstone Publishing
EC Archives: Haunt of Fear Volume #1
More than fifty years ago, Al Feldstein, Bill Gaines, and Harvey Kurtzman began telling "ghost stories" through The Old Witch, who narrated many of the tales between the pages of Haunt of Fear, one of EC's creepiest horror stories. Now, Gemstone Publishing is pleased to bring back the fright experienced a generation ago through their EC Archives line! The hauntingly spectacular artwork by legendary comic artists such as Johnny Craig, Wally Wood, Jack Kamen, Graham Ingels, Jack Davis, Feldstein, and Kurtzman has been fully restored in this first volume of Haunt of Fear, which reprints the first six issues, twenty-four stories sure to scare your socks off!
Jim: These books are so late, but I have signed up for each and everyone.
Lee: Personally, I’m glad it’s late so I can catch up with some of the other hc’s that have come out. This goes back to my comment about there being too many $50+ hc’s out there. There seems to be a glut of them on the market these days and I can’t keep up any more.
IDW Publishing
Welcome to Hoxford #1 – Ben Templesmith
Acclaimed writer/artist Ben Templesmith (Wormwood Gentleman Corpse) creates his newest horrific comic book right here! In the debut issue of Welcome to Hoxford, Raymond Delgado isn't welcome at all. Rather, he's the newest inmate at the Hoxford Correctional Facility and Mental Institution. He has no hope of release, parole, rehabilitation, or decent conversation. On a good day, he'll tell you he's Zeus and only bite your arm off. Literally. On a bad day, you won't have time to scream to the prison guard for help. But Dr Jessica Ainley, his doctor for five years wants to help Ray and can't understand why the newly privatized, corporately run prison, won't give her access to her patients. And why are people always transferred into Hoxford, but no records show anyone ever transferring back out...?
Jim: This should be great and Ben is the only artist I have heard of that has signed an exclusive with an Independent Publisher.
Lee: I won’t lie, I’m waiting for the trade because I want it to read it all at once. I’m sure it will be good now it’s just a waiting game.
Dungeon Monstres Vol. 02: The Dark Lord SC by Sfar, Trondheim, Blanquet & Andreas
Terra Amata has exploded into many little floating islands, and Herbert has become a very dark and very powerful lord, a far cry from his goofy, shoot-from-the-belt self. In both tales in this volume, the key is to find the map to the new world, and a great many forces stand in the way. Whether it's the Dark Lord or even a very upcompromising and very determined Marvin the Red, the new map must be found! Pages: 96, FC, $12.95
Lee: I can’t wait for this! I have all the other Dungeon books and I love everyone. Sword and sorcery with more than a touch of humor.
Jim: Wow, you really like this one. Pass.
Radical Publishing
Freedom Formula #1 – Edmund Shern, Kai Lim and Chester
In a future where only genetically engineered pilots are bred to race, the death of a man sends his son to the streets of the city's underworld on a collision course with the secrets of his hidden legacy.
Jim: This new publisher is two for two with me, so add a good premise to the mix and I’m signed up to try this book out.
Lee: Going for the trifecta of good books! I like it.
Sláine: Horned God GN by Pat Mills & Simon Bisley
For too long the people of Tir-Nan-Og have suffered under the dominion of the Drunes, strange druids who have poisoned the land with their magic. Sláine has had enough of their tyranny and, through the Earth Goddess, he learns some shocking truths about the priesthood and his own future! Now Sláine must unite the four kings of Tir-Nan-Og and use their mystical weapons as he and the Sessair tribe prepare for all-out war!
Pages: 208, FC, $29.50
Lee: The tag line should be Bisley does Conan without the comics code. This is great stuff! Mills creates a vicious barbarian that Bisley beautifully illustrates. A good story and great to look at.
Jim: Bisley is great to look at. Pat Mills always produced decent stories, so this is actually a winning combo if you like Bisley.
Stickleback GN by Ian Edginton & D'Israeli
From the creative team behind the critically-acclaimed Scarlet Traces! London, the turn of the ninteenth century. In this sprawling city, the inhabitants live in fear of a villainous character known only as Stickleback. He's rumored to be a master criminal, pulling the strings of the denizens of the underworld, manipulating them to his own ends. But Detective Valentine Bey is determined to hunt him down!
Pages: 128, B&W, $21.00
D’Israeli’s blog and art site here
Lee: I’ve been a fan of D’Israeli since his days on Grendal. I really like his art. And, Edginton has been around for a long time writing comics too. If I remember correctly, he took over X-Force after Warren Ellis back in the late 90’s. This is a great pair of creators and I’m looking forward to this.
Jim: It does sound good, but not $21 for 128 pages of B&W good.
Atomic Robo: Dogs of War #1 by Brian Clevinger & Scott Wegener
Atomic Robo is back! And this time, it's war - The Dogs of War! June, 1943: Nazi super mechs threaten to halt the Allied invasion of Sicily before it even begins and only Atomic Robo can stop them. But does he stand a chance against Hitler's personal commando, Otto Skorzeny? And what connection does Helsingard have to these new weapons?
Lee: Atomic Robo returns! Wahoooo!!! I loved the first series and I’m sure this won’t disappoint. In case you missed it the first time, you can join the bandwagon now.
Jim: Can you see my smile going from ear to ear. ABSOLUTELY CAN’T WAIT. Glad to see Robo back on the racks after his first series was so great.
Eagle Annual Best of 1950S HC
If you were a young lad in 1950s Britain, most likely you'd have been an avid reader of Eagle magazine. Featuring iconic comics such as Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future, and Harris Tweed, Extra Special Agent, along with all the things boys love - nature, military history, magic tricks, cowboys, and childhood hobbies of all stripes - it sold more than one million copies each week. Now it's back, with this special annual edition that commemorates the Eagle's heyday. Designed for anyone who loves retro culture, it offers actual features that are reprinted as they first appeared, including the comics, articles, readers' letters, and even the advertisements that were an integral part of growing up. Pages: 176, 8x11, PC, $19.95
Lee: Since I wasn’t around in the 1950’s and didn’t grow up in England, you might wonder why I am picking this. Well, it’s just interesting. I love the Golden Age of American comics so reading Golden Age material from other companies interests me too.
Jim: It does sound interesting but I’d rather you buy it and I’ll borrow it.
Hybrid #2 by Peter Kwong & Pablo Churin
Trapped on a derelict ship adrift in the ocean, four friends are stalked by a mysterious killer. Miles away from shore, they fight for survival onboard a ship that looks as if it has been pulled from the bottom of the ocean. As the killer closes in, they realize he may be something other than human! FC Comic. Visit Studio 407 here
Lee: As horror stories go, I always felt the ship adrift at sea setting was one of the best. There aren’t that many places to go and most people aren’t familiar with the layout of ships. Not to mention the majority of the boat is extremely claustrophobic. This has the makings of a good horror comic.
Jim: Night & Fog #1 was a decent book and I’m looking forward to reading Hybrid #1. I love seeing new publishers and trying out their stuff to see if they have what it takes to survive.
Charley's War Vol. 05: Return to the Front HC by Pat Mills & Joe
Renowned UK comics writer Pat Mills (Marshal Law, Sláine) and legendary artist Joe Colquhoun (Johnny Red) continue the thrilling, humorous and horrifying story of World War One soldier Charley Bourne. Returning to the front, Charley is reunited with old comrades Weeper and Old Bill - and, unfortunately, bully Grogan and the vile Lieutenant Snell. As the bullets fly and bombs fall, Charley faces as much danger from his own ranks as from the enemy's! Rich in the detailed minutiae of the terror-punctuated existence of a Tommy, this fifth volume of Charley's War features a brand new introduction and director's commentary by Pat Mills, plus exclusive bonus content.
Pages: 112, 9x12, $19.95
Lee: Let’s just say, BEST WAR COMIC EVER!!! This is the by far the most brutally honest depiction of WWI that I have ever read. Actually, this is one of the most honest depictions of war in comic book form ever. An excellent read that is worth your investment.
Jim: That is one heck of a recommendation. I may have to try out Volume 1 if I can find it.
Lee: Sooooo, for some reason the indies were a little more, shall we say, expressive in their covers this month. So to close out the indies we have the “embarrassed to be a fan” section…
Gold Digger: Tangent Pocket Manga Vol. 01 SC
Lee: Ummm, yeah. I don’t really know why I picked this issue. There was some points on the cover that I wanted to talk about but I can’t seem to remember what I wanted to say…
Jim: Very reminiscent of Bomb Queen.
Land of Oz: The Manga #3
Lee: Then again, I feel bad that it’s always about the fanboy. I picked this cover so the fangirls could have something to look at too. Did you see the TinMan’s shiney button. DON’T PRESS THE BUTTON JIM!!!
Jim: Dude, something is wrong with you.
Jughead #190
Lee: And I picked this special for Jim. Everyone knows of Jim’s love of monkeys but few know of his secret love of giant chickens!!! Then again, I wish I didn’t know Jim loved giant chickens.
Jim: Yeah, I’ll cop to liking monkeys, but the giant chicken is all Lee.
Lee: As usual lots of neat offerings this month. But, without a doubt, the final volume of Charley’s War from Titan is the best of the lot. I am really looking forward to that.
Jim: Never a bad month, because there is so much to choose from and find.

Dynamite Entertainment proudly presents a brand-new hardcover production of Bad Boy by Frank Miller and Simon Bisley! Bad Boy features Jason, a little boy who comes to realize his parents aren't his parents, and that he's part of a sterile experimental community. Originally produced as a strip for the British edition of GQ, Bad Boy is a powerful piece of graphic fiction as only Miller and Bisley can produce! Featuring an all-new cover by Frank Miller, created exclusively for this Dynamite Hardcover Edition, this new production presents the lost classic as the creators originally envisioned!
Jim: I have never seen this material, but with those creators it has to be over the top madness.
Lee: Now isn’t this interesting, this was originally in the August 2007. Doubt me? Check here. I can’t believe it’s only be getting released now. Sheesh, I love when previews is timely. The book itself is very good. It’s Bisley doing his thing and Miller doing his thing. I have the originals and I ordered the HC (back in 2007). I’m surprised to see it offered again but I’ll order it again.
Boys Definite Edition HC – signed and sketched – Garth Ennis and Darrick Robertson

Controversial. Groundbreaking. These words and more describe Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's The Boys. Now, the first fourteen issues of the series, plus bonus artwork and the complete, original script for the first issue, are collected into The Boys Definitive Edition! This slipcased hardcover edition presents The Boys the way Ennis and Robertson mean it to be. Due to the high cost involved in its creation, The Boys Definitive Edition will be printed to initial orders. Also available is the High End Edition, with a hand-drawn sketch by Robertson, signed by Ennis and Robertson. Don't miss out!
Jim: I dropped this series awhile ago, but I bring this up to mention the price point on the high end edition is – ready – are you sure - $499.00 – and you’ll like it.
Lee: Now, now, don’t be leading the readers on. The signed-sketch version is $500. The regular version is $75. I still don’t think it’s worth it but then again I think there are too many expensive hc’s on the market.

Centers around 54 year old Remus Filch who lives on his Pig Farm 35 miles outside Charville, a northern mid-sized city. Everyone would have described him as a quiet simple man. Except for one thing; his fetish for prostitutes - primarily his insatiable desire to murder them. Creators from around the world took this theme and produced amazing short stories.
Pages: 96, $10
Visit 803 here , previews here, and previews by the artists for other books here
Lee: The links really aren’t about this book but 803 Studios has lots of offerings this month. This looks like a good theme and a chance for some creators to try new things. The art looks pretty good so this might be a chance to see a young superstar in the making.
Jim: A good theme? What would be a bad theme for you Lee? At 96 pages how many creators really could produce some good short stories, but the price point is a good one.
Amazing Remarkable Monsieur Leotard SC by Eddie Campbell & Dan Best

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, for a glorious spectacle of graphic literature beyond your wildest imaginings, in which young Etienne discovers that replacing his uncle as the Amazing Remarkable Monsieur Leotard - world-renowned acrobat and head of a circus troupe - is every bit as difficult as it appears to be! Etienne is swept up in wonder and work even as he struggles to keep up his grandiose façade, while every day his chances for happiness slip further away. For Etienne, taking a stand for his own happiness is as daring as any trick the Amazing Remarkable Leotard could perform. Eddie Campbell and Dan Best bring to life the historical story of the daring young man on the flying trapeze in a tale filled with wonders and marvels.
Pages: 128, 6x9, FC, $16.95
Eddie Campbell talks about Leotard with previews in the middle of the page here
Lee: This type of story should be right up Eddie Campbell’s alley. It seems silly and wildly imaginative. I bet it will be like his other work Bacchus which he did in the mid 90’s. But Eddie’s a proven commodity and the art samples look fun too. First Second is another company with a really strong track record these days so I’m sure to give this a chance.
Jim: Eddie Campbell has never been one of my favorite creators, but maybe I need to re-look that choice.
Gemstone Publishing

More than fifty years ago, Al Feldstein, Bill Gaines, and Harvey Kurtzman began telling "ghost stories" through The Old Witch, who narrated many of the tales between the pages of Haunt of Fear, one of EC's creepiest horror stories. Now, Gemstone Publishing is pleased to bring back the fright experienced a generation ago through their EC Archives line! The hauntingly spectacular artwork by legendary comic artists such as Johnny Craig, Wally Wood, Jack Kamen, Graham Ingels, Jack Davis, Feldstein, and Kurtzman has been fully restored in this first volume of Haunt of Fear, which reprints the first six issues, twenty-four stories sure to scare your socks off!
Jim: These books are so late, but I have signed up for each and everyone.
Lee: Personally, I’m glad it’s late so I can catch up with some of the other hc’s that have come out. This goes back to my comment about there being too many $50+ hc’s out there. There seems to be a glut of them on the market these days and I can’t keep up any more.
IDW Publishing
Welcome to Hoxford #1 – Ben Templesmith

Acclaimed writer/artist Ben Templesmith (Wormwood Gentleman Corpse) creates his newest horrific comic book right here! In the debut issue of Welcome to Hoxford, Raymond Delgado isn't welcome at all. Rather, he's the newest inmate at the Hoxford Correctional Facility and Mental Institution. He has no hope of release, parole, rehabilitation, or decent conversation. On a good day, he'll tell you he's Zeus and only bite your arm off. Literally. On a bad day, you won't have time to scream to the prison guard for help. But Dr Jessica Ainley, his doctor for five years wants to help Ray and can't understand why the newly privatized, corporately run prison, won't give her access to her patients. And why are people always transferred into Hoxford, but no records show anyone ever transferring back out...?
Jim: This should be great and Ben is the only artist I have heard of that has signed an exclusive with an Independent Publisher.
Lee: I won’t lie, I’m waiting for the trade because I want it to read it all at once. I’m sure it will be good now it’s just a waiting game.

Terra Amata has exploded into many little floating islands, and Herbert has become a very dark and very powerful lord, a far cry from his goofy, shoot-from-the-belt self. In both tales in this volume, the key is to find the map to the new world, and a great many forces stand in the way. Whether it's the Dark Lord or even a very upcompromising and very determined Marvin the Red, the new map must be found! Pages: 96, FC, $12.95
Lee: I can’t wait for this! I have all the other Dungeon books and I love everyone. Sword and sorcery with more than a touch of humor.
Jim: Wow, you really like this one. Pass.
Radical Publishing
Freedom Formula #1 – Edmund Shern, Kai Lim and Chester

In a future where only genetically engineered pilots are bred to race, the death of a man sends his son to the streets of the city's underworld on a collision course with the secrets of his hidden legacy.
Jim: This new publisher is two for two with me, so add a good premise to the mix and I’m signed up to try this book out.
Lee: Going for the trifecta of good books! I like it.

For too long the people of Tir-Nan-Og have suffered under the dominion of the Drunes, strange druids who have poisoned the land with their magic. Sláine has had enough of their tyranny and, through the Earth Goddess, he learns some shocking truths about the priesthood and his own future! Now Sláine must unite the four kings of Tir-Nan-Og and use their mystical weapons as he and the Sessair tribe prepare for all-out war!
Pages: 208, FC, $29.50
Lee: The tag line should be Bisley does Conan without the comics code. This is great stuff! Mills creates a vicious barbarian that Bisley beautifully illustrates. A good story and great to look at.
Jim: Bisley is great to look at. Pat Mills always produced decent stories, so this is actually a winning combo if you like Bisley.
Stickleback GN by Ian Edginton & D'Israeli

From the creative team behind the critically-acclaimed Scarlet Traces! London, the turn of the ninteenth century. In this sprawling city, the inhabitants live in fear of a villainous character known only as Stickleback. He's rumored to be a master criminal, pulling the strings of the denizens of the underworld, manipulating them to his own ends. But Detective Valentine Bey is determined to hunt him down!
Pages: 128, B&W, $21.00
D’Israeli’s blog and art site here
Lee: I’ve been a fan of D’Israeli since his days on Grendal. I really like his art. And, Edginton has been around for a long time writing comics too. If I remember correctly, he took over X-Force after Warren Ellis back in the late 90’s. This is a great pair of creators and I’m looking forward to this.
Jim: It does sound good, but not $21 for 128 pages of B&W good.

Atomic Robo is back! And this time, it's war - The Dogs of War! June, 1943: Nazi super mechs threaten to halt the Allied invasion of Sicily before it even begins and only Atomic Robo can stop them. But does he stand a chance against Hitler's personal commando, Otto Skorzeny? And what connection does Helsingard have to these new weapons?
Lee: Atomic Robo returns! Wahoooo!!! I loved the first series and I’m sure this won’t disappoint. In case you missed it the first time, you can join the bandwagon now.
Jim: Can you see my smile going from ear to ear. ABSOLUTELY CAN’T WAIT. Glad to see Robo back on the racks after his first series was so great.
Eagle Annual Best of 1950S HC

If you were a young lad in 1950s Britain, most likely you'd have been an avid reader of Eagle magazine. Featuring iconic comics such as Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future, and Harris Tweed, Extra Special Agent, along with all the things boys love - nature, military history, magic tricks, cowboys, and childhood hobbies of all stripes - it sold more than one million copies each week. Now it's back, with this special annual edition that commemorates the Eagle's heyday. Designed for anyone who loves retro culture, it offers actual features that are reprinted as they first appeared, including the comics, articles, readers' letters, and even the advertisements that were an integral part of growing up. Pages: 176, 8x11, PC, $19.95
Lee: Since I wasn’t around in the 1950’s and didn’t grow up in England, you might wonder why I am picking this. Well, it’s just interesting. I love the Golden Age of American comics so reading Golden Age material from other companies interests me too.
Jim: It does sound interesting but I’d rather you buy it and I’ll borrow it.

Trapped on a derelict ship adrift in the ocean, four friends are stalked by a mysterious killer. Miles away from shore, they fight for survival onboard a ship that looks as if it has been pulled from the bottom of the ocean. As the killer closes in, they realize he may be something other than human! FC Comic. Visit Studio 407 here
Lee: As horror stories go, I always felt the ship adrift at sea setting was one of the best. There aren’t that many places to go and most people aren’t familiar with the layout of ships. Not to mention the majority of the boat is extremely claustrophobic. This has the makings of a good horror comic.
Jim: Night & Fog #1 was a decent book and I’m looking forward to reading Hybrid #1. I love seeing new publishers and trying out their stuff to see if they have what it takes to survive.
Charley's War Vol. 05: Return to the Front HC by Pat Mills & Joe

Renowned UK comics writer Pat Mills (Marshal Law, Sláine) and legendary artist Joe Colquhoun (Johnny Red) continue the thrilling, humorous and horrifying story of World War One soldier Charley Bourne. Returning to the front, Charley is reunited with old comrades Weeper and Old Bill - and, unfortunately, bully Grogan and the vile Lieutenant Snell. As the bullets fly and bombs fall, Charley faces as much danger from his own ranks as from the enemy's! Rich in the detailed minutiae of the terror-punctuated existence of a Tommy, this fifth volume of Charley's War features a brand new introduction and director's commentary by Pat Mills, plus exclusive bonus content.
Pages: 112, 9x12, $19.95
Lee: Let’s just say, BEST WAR COMIC EVER!!! This is the by far the most brutally honest depiction of WWI that I have ever read. Actually, this is one of the most honest depictions of war in comic book form ever. An excellent read that is worth your investment.
Jim: That is one heck of a recommendation. I may have to try out Volume 1 if I can find it.
Lee: Sooooo, for some reason the indies were a little more, shall we say, expressive in their covers this month. So to close out the indies we have the “embarrassed to be a fan” section…

Lee: Ummm, yeah. I don’t really know why I picked this issue. There was some points on the cover that I wanted to talk about but I can’t seem to remember what I wanted to say…
Jim: Very reminiscent of Bomb Queen.
Land of Oz: The Manga #3

Lee: Then again, I feel bad that it’s always about the fanboy. I picked this cover so the fangirls could have something to look at too. Did you see the TinMan’s shiney button. DON’T PRESS THE BUTTON JIM!!!
Jim: Dude, something is wrong with you.

Lee: And I picked this special for Jim. Everyone knows of Jim’s love of monkeys but few know of his secret love of giant chickens!!! Then again, I wish I didn’t know Jim loved giant chickens.
Jim: Yeah, I’ll cop to liking monkeys, but the giant chicken is all Lee.
Lee: As usual lots of neat offerings this month. But, without a doubt, the final volume of Charley’s War from Titan is the best of the lot. I am really looking forward to that.
Jim: Never a bad month, because there is so much to choose from and find.
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