So this week I plan to keep it shorter. I have a long list
of books so I’m writing out brief blurbs for many of the books. If the blurbs
get too long or I have more to say we will call those capsule reviews. Right
now I like trying to at least mention ever book I read as for some bizarro
reason I think it at least acknowledges that these creators made an effort to
do a good job.
A quick sports note before the reviews the Orioles will be a
500 team (actually better) for the first time since 1997. Being a long
suffering Orioles fan and having grown up with one of the best teams in
baseball be reduced to a long time losing team ,there is joy in mudville again.
Of course the Ravens should be a great team again this year.
Punk Rock Jesus #3 (of 6) by Sean Murphy is an incredible series. It is pretty dense, yet a
surprisingly easy story to follow. The pace is quick and we have jumped ahead
quite a few years as Jesus (Chris) Christ 2 is now in public school and going
on the TV interview circuit. His Mom is kicked off the reality show that is
Chris’s life. She tries to commit suicide and is saved by an Angel. Tim is
Chris’ defacto father and bodyguard and it is all done at a breath taking
lighting pace. Yet with all the subtext, all the characters and the dense story
telling this book is just a pure pleasure to read and enjoy. It is easily one
of the best mini-series of 2012 and just a great story. Mr. Murphy has shown
that he can do a hell of a lot more than just draw.

Green Lantern Corps #0 by Peter Tomasi and Fernando
Pasarin was an entertaining book. It was also confusing as hell to anyone who
has been a fan of DC for any length of time. Guy’s entire back story was
changed and he has only been a Green Lantern for a couple of years. When DC restarted
everything they insinuated that the GL side had not been touched, but slowly we
are seeing that they are making adjustments on the fly. I’m not that invested in
the characters anymore but it is still maddening because I have no handle on
any of the characters. It was a good story and it actually developed Guy as a
character in the new DCU. For the most part I would call the book a success. I
think the hard part is that I’m still following some of the characters I like
and continue to think I know them.
Quick Hits
Incredible Hulk #13 – Why do I get sucked back
into some books? I’m going with Jason
Aaron writing. Banner and Hulk decide to live with each other and go beat
up Dr. Doom next issue with some friends.

Resurrection Man #0 – Last issue and Mitch the
clone lives beating Mitch the original.
Shade #12 – Final issues, great art by Gene Ha, I wish this was an ongoing
Creep #1 – A great issue and picks up well from
the zero issue without needing to read the zero issue. Hope this is the
beginning of a series of mini-series, I love noir type stuff and private eyes
are fun if done right as it is here.
Batman & Robin #0 – Good issue, but
reiterating what I know about Damian already.
Before Watchmen The Comedian #3 (of 6) – This
story is doing a great job of exploring the sixties. It was an interesting time
in the US and I was too young to get all that was going on at that time, but
felt the feeling of revolution. This issue we see the Comedian in the middle of
riots in Watts.
Conan the Barbarian #7 – What a jarring artist
change. Vasilis Lolos style was a
horrible change and I had to almost ignore it to follow the story. Excellent
writing by Brian Wood as always, but
the art was a severe drop off in quality. At least this artist is only on one
more issue.

Chew #28 was another good issue, the book is not
great right now and it feels like it has fallen into a bit of a lull. Of course
Poyo tearing up some bad guys (no really tearing them up) and exploding meat
keep a smile on your face. I think the schedule on the book has been a bit slow
and once they get monthly again I’m sure all will be good. I’m looking forward
to the rest of the planned 60 issue run.
Thund’da #2 was okay and had a reprint of an old
Frazetta Thun’da story. Cliff Richards
has shown better art then he did in this book though. Can’t say how long I will
hang on this series, probably gone too long already.
Warlord of Mars #21 is the last Mars book I’m
still getting from Dyn-o-Mite, err Dynamite. I wish Arvid, who obviously loves the Carter stuff, would do more of an
adaptation as the story feels like it is way too long. Although in fairness
when I read the trilogy the story did go on and on also.

Uncanny X-Force #31 – We are wrapping up Remender’s run on the book and I
seriously doubt that the next writers will hold my interest.
X-Men #35 – I’ll be damned how Brian Wood can make me enjoy an “X”
book. No one else has, but this book is focused and well done.
And unfortunately I have to call it quits for this week as I
have stuff to do for my real job and Sunday I have a Ravens game to watch and a
2 year old birthday party to go to for a friend of my wife. The party will
impact my watching of the game, which is a bummer. Anyway I have Stumptown Vol 2 #1,
Michael Avone Omeing’s Victories #2, Massive #4, Saucer Country #7, Manhattan
Projects #6, Hoax Hunters #3, American Vampire Lord of Nightmares #4, Suicide
Squad #0, Batgirl #0 (glanced at it and it looks like crap) and Demon Knights #0
yet to read. I have lots to do and too little time to get it all done.
Hopefully next week I will be able to hit all the books I
A final note DC is doing 2 page spreads in each book showing
Sgt. Rock and honoring Joe Kubert, Marvel is doing a one page in each book
showing a recent picture of Joe. I’d personally like to thank both companies
for honoring a true legend in the field and a creator I will greatly miss.
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