I cut off this post since it just got way too long. I will
have to rethink mentioning every book outside of maybe a quick pass or fail. Onto
the books:
Green Lantern #0 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
was an enjoyable issue. Instead of being a jump back it was the origin of the
newest Green Lantern on Earth. Simon Baz is being set up as a morally strong
character but due to personal circumstances and unbelievable bad luck is
considered a possible terrorist. I could quibble about why the ring chooses
him, but with everything in the GL verse being as screwed up as it is, Baz is a
cool choice. First off I’m always in favor of putting someone new under the
mask and Hal’s time is long, long past. Second Baz as drawn by Mahnke has a
great heroic cut about him. Making him an American Muslim of course just
creates all sorts of hot buttons that can be pushed and I’m sure some of the left
will hate that he was a car thief (with extenuating circumstances) and some on
the right will think it is pandering to political correctness. From my vantage
point it makes me excited to get the next issue and find out more about Baz. I
just hope his gun totting on the cover was a mistake or a light construct that
he uses to focus his willpower. I also enjoyed the one page of Sinestro and Hal
being trapped in a black void, at least it is no mystery they are alive. Johns
has blown up the GL corps and made the Guardians almost irredeemably bad so I’m
curious to see how it all plays out. Of course the easy out is the splinter
group of Guardians will become the new Guardians down the road. One other
feature was the who’s who page on Hal Jordan. I’m reading between the lines but
I think the whole Hal goes bad and kills all the other Lanterns has been
written out of his history. This is the first book from Johns that I have liked
in a long time and according to some interviews Baz is based a little from his
own life and often that can be a good thing for a writer.
Hawkeye #2 by Matt Fraction and David Aja is the cool book of the moment. Issue #1 was excellent and issue #2 even takes it up one more notch. Hawkeye teams up with Kate Bishop who was Hawkeye with the Young Avengers. Clint appears to be trying to take care of various crimes around the country on his own, but has recruited Kate to be his partner in tackling these problems. We have not gotten into a rhyme or reason but between Fractions light and airy storytelling and dialogue and Aja’s wonderful art work the book is just a joy to read. It flows like very few books, is an extremely easy read and just a damn good book. It has humor, character building, action and it stands on its own.
Epic Kill #5 concludes the first arc as she
successfully kills the Senator who killed her family. Raffaele Ienco’s art seemed to falter a little and his storytelling
fell apart with annoying fantasy moments. All in all a great action movie and
I’m very curious where he will take the book next as issue #6 is solicited for
Sweet Tooth #37 by Jeff Lemire is building to the end which comes in issue #40. This
issue Jeppard is getting ready to fight off Abbott to save the hybrids. Jeppard
believes the world is theirs and all humans are doomed to extinction. Lemire is
a master storyteller and I’m just enjoying the ride he has given us with this

Peter Cannon Thunderbolt by Writers Steve Darnall and Alex Ross
with art by Jonathan Lau was a
pleasant surprise. The opening story grabbed my interest and presented a very
different type of super hero. It also had a wonderful twist at the end of the
story guaranteed to make you want to pick up issue #2. Lau’s art looks good and
the story served its purposes of establishing this version of Peter Cannon. It
keeps his background in tack, updates it for today and keeps your interest
throughout. He is a hero who revealed his secret identity and is more
interested in making the world a better place then fighting crooks. I
absolutely loved the extra pages of the origin of Peter Cannon Thunderbolt by
Peter Morisi. Mark Waid provides the background on why the story was never
published by DC and gives us the unique history that the character has always
been owned by Morisi. He was a rare creator to have a character that he created
and maintained ownership. I have had some issues with Dynamite using public
domain work, but this time it appears the Morisi family is being compensated or
at least acknowledged and shown respect. A very good first issue and certainly
gave you the bang for your buck.
Phantom Stranger #0 by Dan Didio, Brent Anderson and Scott Hanna was a bitter
disappointment. The mysterious nature of the character was undercut and they
are trying to use this book to set up the big Trinity War Cross-Over coming up
next year. The Phantom Stranger is Judas doomed to walk the Earth and we jump
2000 years. I will follow for a little bit due to my love of the character, but
more likely I will just read the showcase volumes of the Phantom Stanger. I
could write a long review of what is wrong with this book and it was all about
the writing as the art was decent.

Animal Man #0 by Jeff Lemire and Steve Pugh
and Swamp
Thing #0 by Scott Snyder and Kano were both good reads and gave us
origins that were fine for both characters. Oddly enough the Animal Man origin
pulled together all of the incarnations of how he became Animal Man very well.
The problem I’m having with both books is get the story started! I feel like we
have had 13 months of a prelude leading up to Rotworld. Even with two of my
favorite writers that has been way too long.

Earth 2 #0 by James Robinson and Tomas
Giorello managed to sell me on Terry Sloane being a great uber-villain for
Earth 2. He is the smartest man in the world and because of that he is
exchanging the deaths of a lot of people to save the world. He knows he is
right so he is doing the right thing in his view. The best villains are the
ones who do the evil things for the right reason. Ozy in Watchmen, Ras As Ghul
in Batman and many others have been cast in that role and that makes for the
best villains in comics.
World’s Finest #0 by Paul Levitz and Kevin
Maguire was a great issue. First off a book totally by Kevin Maguire is a
good thing; I can even not miss George Perez when Kevin is doing all the work.
Levitz is blessed to have the artists he has on this book. Second the story was
great showing us the first appearances of Earth 2’s Robin and Supergirl who
have become Power Girl and Huntress in the new DCU (I guess it should just be
called the DCU now). Where Levitz ran me off of the Legion his work with these
characters has made World’s Finest a top tier book for me.

In a week of many strong books Bloodshot #3 makes a case for itself
being a best of the week. Duane
Swierczynski and Manuel Garcia
are bringing us an action packed adventure series with great science fiction
themes mixed in with great drama and emotion. In what maybe the typical ending
for the book Bloodshot is killed again, but it just sets us up for how he comes
back to life next issue. Memory implants, nanites, a human EMP weapon,
betrayals, super science, mysteries all are laden into this series and it is
not crowded or a slow read at all. It is an intelligent action packed epic in
the making.

Detective Comics #0 was almost silly as Gregg Hurwitz and Tony Daniel showed us the last stop on Bruce’s world tour learning
how to be a hero. It tried too hard to be an “important” story, but was
ultimately heavy handed and contrived. The backup story by James Tynion IV and Henrik
Jonsson saved the book from being a total washout. I find it amusing how
Batman’s origin is being portrayed closer to the movie version. Not a bad way
to go since I loved the Batman trilogy.

A quick note I check on Thrillbent by Mark
Waid and Peter Krause every week
now and lately the site was hacked or something. I have no clue but it is
annoying to think someone would maliciously take down a website that is just
providing entertainment. This is definitely an issue for digital publishing and
one that never came to my mind.
It is obvious that I cannot give my views on every book
every week. Number one the post is way too long. Second football season has
started and that eats into my time of the week-end. Plus my real world job
often requires some of my time on the week-end. This week was made harder due
to my not receiving any books until Friday. Anyway expect some changes as I go
back to trying to decide how to do the column yet again. Consistency bores me.
For the record I’m not commenting on Near Death #11, Action #0, Dial H #0, Thief of Thieves #8Mind
the Gap #4, Hell Yeah #5, Guarding the Globe #1, Stormwatch #0 and Punisher #15.
Neither a plus or minus on those books, just ran out of time and needed to end
this column. Maybe I will shoot out a kick post giving them all at least a pass
/ fail rating.
See everyone next Monday.
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