The week begins with the three part of Death of the Family
that came out from DC. DC is a bitter
disappointment to me of late. I truly loved the DC universe and characters and
I would dearly want that love to be returned. Instead I feel like I’m a drug addict
who can’t kick a habit even when I know it is bad for me.
Oh crap, I’m getting ahead of myself, jumping straight into
the deep end. First I need to provide you with links to next week’s book with
the Cosmic Comix’s link and the Midtown Comics link. The former is my store
that I do mail order with since I have moved. I love their site and like a
quick look at the list. I also use Midtown comics’ list to check on a title
that I’m unfamiliar with as I can see all the solicitation details which often
causes me to add a book or drop a book based on the actual contents. Next week
includes Mind Mgmt, Stumptown,
Battlefields, a new book Answer,
Deadpool Killustrated (I just have
to read this), Uncanny Avengers, BW
Minutemen and Wonder Woman. It
looks to be a great week.
Okay back to the books, Batman
#16 by Scott
Snyder, Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion was good. I think that Scott
Snyder is DC’s best writer and I love most of his work. His run on Batman has
certainly been epic but somehow it keeps falling a little bit short. To be fair
I expect nothing less than excellence from Scott’s work so I have the bar set
very high. In Detective I thought Scott had a few missteps when he started his
run but by the end of the story line “The Black Mirror” was one of the best
Batman story done in decades. It rivaled the work of O’Neil and Adams. Scott’s
Batman has been good but I feel it has not hit the high water mark yet. Don’t
get me wrong this is the best cape and cowl book coming out of the new DCU but
I still have some issues. The Court of Owls book went too far by having a
heretofore unknown brother of Bruce be the Court of Owls main assassin. True
they pulled back from that idea, but it was left hanging as a remote
possibility. Also in the Court of Owls Batman ended up fighting in an Iron Man
type armor. Granted given what was going on it almost felt needed, but that was
not my version of Batman. It felt more like the old fifties and sixties style
Batman where he is closer to being a true super human as opposed to a heroic
This particular issue just felt a little strange. I have
enjoyed the core book of “Death of the Family” as the Joker has felt more
malevolent and scarier than ever. I
think the revelation that the Joker actually loves Batman and is trying to free
him from his family is a great concept. I have enjoyed ever single issue and
even the tease that the Joker knows everything. Capullo’s artwork has been
great and Glapion inks are taking his art to an even higher level. I can only
imagine the prices these pages are selling for at this time. The problem is
that the story seems to go too far. Batman enters Arkham and a bunch of guards
are prisoners dressed as Batman and the Joker dancing. I know the Joker is
insane, but this was just weird to the nth degree. The whole battle to get to
the Joker was well played, but the Joker had such an elaborate death trap and
so many things he had prearranged that it would appear he had the money and
resources of a Bruce Wayne. The Joker’s planning and strategic thinking is off
the charts. The throne room at the end was odd and not scary. The Joker’s use
of other Bat villains was interesting but it felt like it just went a little
too far. At the end of the day I believe that this part of the story will serve
better in a collected format and I believe this story stands better on its own.
The ancillary chapters just add to the unbelievable nature of how is the Joker
able to do all the things he is being credited with doing. Comic books live on
the suspension of disbelief and if the spell is broken it hurts the entire
structure of the story. DC is trying to play off Scott’s work so much that
instead of the Joker feeling cold, mad and cunning, he comes off as having
resources and plots that would make Lex Luthor jealous.
Again there were great bits in the book, including Batman
punching a horse, his fight on the stairs, Batman being killed in an electric
chair, the cliff hanger with the serving dish and more terrific scenes. I would
rather read a Scott Snyder Batman that I can quibble about then almost any
other DCU book. I can’t wait to see how it concludes and I hope DC does a
collection with just the Batman stuff.

Last and least is Batgirl
#16 by Gail
Simone, Ed Benes and Daniel Sampere. We can talk about the art first.
It is split between two artists and their styles are not that compatible. In
fact with Jim Lee being the DC co-publisher and de facto art director too many
DC books feel like the Image art work of old. Next the story is weak and
Batgirl is portrayed as alternatively weak and overmatched and then vicious.
The rationale for her actions is there, but it just never rings true for me. Of
course the Joker being everywhere and doing everything continues to creep into
my mind as I read this book and takes me out of the story. The biggest crime
was to place an age on Barbara; apparently she is 20 or 21 years old. That
means she was running around as Batgirl at 15 or 16, shoot at 17 and now back
at 20 or 21. The de-aging of the DC characters means the history of these
characters can’t exist. No relationship with Dick Grayson that has any
gravitas, no Oracle, no nothing. She is an inexperienced heroine that is paper
thin. Glad this is my last issue of this book.
Part 2 – A Quick Opinion
Piece and a Deathstroke #16 Review.
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