This week it seemed to scream for me to do a series of solo
reviews of a bunch of books that I liked. Instead of starting with that portion
of the program I thought I would hit a bunch of other books that I read. This
is normally my wrap up post, but always good to shake things up on occasion. As
with many weeks there are a lot of books that I will be reading later and I did
not have a chance to include in the week in review. Monday will be 4 parts and
Tuesday will be 5 parts.
Of course before we jump in we have to give you the CosmicComix list and the Midtown Comics listing. Some of the highlights are
Invincible #100 (big spoiler at Bleeding Cool), Hawkeye, I Vampire, Batman
Inc., and two Before Watchmen books. On one hand I’m sad to see Before Watchmen
come to an end on another it is a nice reduction of my list.
Alright, now we can get back to the reviews.

Red Hood and the
Outlaws #16 by Scott Lobdell, Timothy Green and Wayne Faucher.
Not sure what the hell happened to Timothy Green as I used to love his art. The
art feels very rushed and looks like crap. The story is a continuation of Teen
Titans and I only got this book since it was a Death in the Family tie-in. I
really need to stop doing that, missing this book would have been a blessing.
This book is a piece of garbage and a waste of money.
Wonder Woman #16
by Brian
Azzarello and Cliff Chiang was great. I love this series.
Azzarello has turned Wonder Woman into an interesting and fun read. Cliff as
the main artist on the book turns in great artwork. One thing against the book
is it is way too dense for anyone new to try and jump in. In this issue alone
the cast of characters was Milan, Wonder Woman, Orion, huge savage guy in
Antartica, Zoe, Hera, War, Strife and I’m not even mentioning everyone. Steeped
in Greek mythological and being moved forward like Marvel used Norse
mythological for the basis of Thor. The book is a great read and each issue
builds on the prior work. Even if it is not reader friendly for the
uninitiated, like Chew, it is worth the effort to come up to speed.
Justice League #16
by Geoff Johns
and Ivan Reis
was a decent issue. Of course the bar was set so low that it was not hard to
get over it. Most of the league is defeated by Orm as the attack by Atlantis
looms. Cyborg is calling in the reinforcements and it appears that the JL
roster is about to get bigger and/or this is part of the set up of the new JLA
book. I worry that JL is being used as a platform book trying to set up
specific things for the DCU as opposed to just telling good stories about
menaces that needs the group. Also it appears to me that Johns’ version of the
DCU has no relationship to the rest of the DCU. There is no cohesion to the new
DCU. Often it doesn’t need the cohesion but it is just another thing that is causing
me to disconnect when reading the books. The Shazam back up by Johns and Frank
is more interesting and a cool study of the new Billy Batson becoming Shazam.
When the eight page back up is superior to the front of the book every month
you know you have an issue.
Nightwing #16 by Kyle Higgins,
Eddy Barrows
and Eber
Ferreira was by some accounts a good issue. This story has been
consistently built up well since issue #1. It is another Death of the Family
tie-in and again the Joker sure is doing a lot to a lot of people. For me the book is just not working. My
feeling of being disconnected with the DCU is not as much of an issue when I
don’t care about the character. It is also less of an issue when you do a hard
reset of the character and I know there is nothing but the name left. DC tried
to have their cake and eat it two with the Batman stuff and it has not worked
as the changes are actually rampant but they are trying to pretend they are the
same. Dick never led the Teen Titans, his last name was made up and he was supposed
to be an assassin for the Owls. Even his stint as Batman feels like it is fast
becoming vapor. I like this character and really enjoyed him becoming older and
knowing himself. The disconnect hurts more because I had a connection. All in
all I can understand that many fans feel this book is done well, but it is not
working for me and is almost time to cancel this off my list. I read that Brett
Booth maybe the artist soon, that should make the book less appealing.
Legion of Super
Heroes #16 by Paul Levitz and Scott Kolins was an alright issue. I
was getting back into the series as Giffen is coming aboard and wanted to make
sure I had a handle on who was who again. Levitz had chased me off my favorite
franchise, which was odd because he was my favorite writer of the series in
years past. Now I read Giffen is off the book after two issues. The chaos that
is DC is killing me. Not sure what I’m going to do about staying on this book
or not.
Deadpool Killustrated
#1 (of 4) by Cullen Bunn, Mattoe Lolli and Sean Parsons is just pure mad fun.
It is Unwritten with Deadpool as the star. It is metatextual fun with much
killing and mayhem. It is a follow up to Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe and
just out and out stupid fun.

Green Lantern #16
by Geoff Johns,
Doug Mahnke
and a host of inkers was a good book. I enjoyed B’dg (how the flock do you
pronounce that) coming in and giving Baz a quick course in how to be a Green
Lantern. I also enjoyed that Baz decided to try to heal his brother-in-law with
his ring. It is not suppose to work and it did. It showed Baz may have more to
him then we thought. The issue even gave us a good reason why Baz is carrying a
gun. Of course with the liberal hue and cry over gun control I see DC dropping
that bit very soon. We also get a quick peek of Sinestro and Hal hanging out in
the afterlife. With Baz as the lead character this book has gotten interesting
again which proves the point to me that new blood is needed under the mask, not
a new universe.
Green Lantern Corps
#16 by Peter
Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin and Scott Hanna was almost a
continuation from GL #16 and also picked up from the last issue of this book.
Baz and B’dg go save Guy Gardner from the Third Army. It is a great slam bang
action issue that leads into the GL Corps Annual next week.
Fables #125 by Bill Willingham,
Mark Buckingham
and Steve
Leialoha is the standard bearer for the rapidly disappearing Vertigo
line. This issue starts a new arc where Snow White’s “true” husband shows up.
This can’t be good especially with Bigby out looking for some missing cubs. The
missing cubs confuses me because I thought that was resolved already but since
I pass my comics on to others I have no way to look it up and check it out.
The last book for this part is Uncanny X-Force #1 by Sam Humphries and Ron Garney. It did not grab me.
Marvel is throwing out a lot of titles and many have been hits, this feels like
a miss or a work in progress. It has another issue at least for its try out. It
is certainly a convoluted book with way too much past x-history needed to enjoy
all that is happening. Right now I could probably drop this series after only
one issue, still debating.
Part 2 soon.
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