This issue Johnny Storm comes back in time to the surrogate
FF that consists of Ant Man, She-Hulk, Medusa and Darla Deering (Ms.
Thing). This Johnny Storm is many years
older, has white hair, is missing a leg and an eye. He tells the tale of how
the rest of the crew was destroyed by Doctor Doom, Kang and Annihilus. Oddly
there is no mention of what happened to Franklin or Valerie.
The group finds it hard to believe this odd character is who
he says he is. They even bring in Wyatt Wingfoot to vouch that Johnny is who he
says he is. It was a nice touch hearkening back o some very old continuity. At
the end of the story Johnny wants to go after Doom today and Scott’s who
daughter was killed by Doom is more than willing to sign up for the idea.
Now that is the base story, but Matt is also layering in
plenty of other great stuff. We have the Moloids that secretly recruited the
Mole Man to attack the new FF so the group would bond. We have Scott going
after Darla to bring her back to the FF because the “Terrific Three” is a
horrible name for the group. We have the Yancy Street gang attacking Darla as
Scott is trying to woo her back into the fold. We have Scott telling the kids
to go to bed and Alex Power stating he is 19 and not going to bed at 4:30PM.
Then you add in Mike Allred’s art and the story takes on a
whole different quirky nature. I can never place what it is about Allred’s art
that makes it so distinctive. His style is pure quirkyness. He is an excellent
story teller; it is just the poses of the characters and everything else that
is very jarring and different from standard super hero fare and the noir family
of artists. Sometime I don’t like Allred’s art but matched with this story it
is perfect. In fact I loved his work on IZombie where his style just enhanced
the odd story being told.
The thing that makes it so great is not that it is just this
over the top insane adventure, but Fraction is building up his cast fast and
giving everyone some great character bits. In the span of three issues Matt has
given us a good picture of the main cast and has thrown out some intriguing
character bits regarding the Future Foundation kids.
This is a book that I picked up wondering why the hell was I
getting this to now I’m saying I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Part 3 coming up around
noon US East Coast Time.
I agree, it was an awesome issue. Good point about Franklin and Valeria. I never gave them a second thought. I'm having more trouble with the Fantastic Four book -- it's not clicking with me yet.