1. The Walking Dead 80 – Kirkman, Adlard and Rathburn kick off the No Way Out arc,

3. Scalped 45 – Hard to believe this book’s nearing a 4 year mark. It seems both too long and too

5. Fables 101 – Yeah, bring on more Bufkin! The flying monkeys were always my favorite part of the Wizard of Oz movie. Really, it’s too bad we only have one in the Fables world, but maybe we’re heading for more. In this issue Bufkin climbs a tree. A very big tree that leads out of the Business Office of Fabletown, which, as we’ll all recall, is trapped in another dimension of sorts since the Dark Man destroyed Fabletown. Frankie and the Mirror are left behind, but one of the Barleycorn girls, who wears a page from a book, sneaks along with Bufkin. We end up in the Oz world as written by L Frank Baum, so this should be interesting. Now, if Dream shows up with Merv Pumpkinhead, I’m laying odds that Merv beats Jack Pumpkinhead.

6. Northlanders 36 – Ok, this is even more of a surprise than Scalped. Three years. Seems like it just started yesterday. Anyway, the conclusion of the two issue arc, The Girl in the Ice, is fittingly brutal. Our hero is a scapegoat. Viking politics is a bit more severe than our modern version. A lot more severe than modern Icelandic politics. Our victim in the ice is even younger than I thought in reading the first part. Makes the father of a middle school girl a bit nervous. Well, it would if I didn’t think she could handle herself.

7. Guarding the Globe 3 – Ah, creator owned properties. When the creator is a talent like Kirkman, you get glorious things like this. Not only is the worldwide team continuing to grow, Kirkman went right back to finishing the story of Gorgg that was still out there at the end of Astounding Wolf-man. Wolf-man’s team needs some help in fighting the monster from below Stonehenge. I love that the Yeti has no neck. He’s right close to Arnim Zola, actually. And the guy who’s the head of The Order seems to be channeling The Humungus from the Road Warrior. Don’t know if that was intentional, but if some kid with a metal boomerang pops up I won’t be surprised. Best moment? The impending international incident of Stonehenge in upstate New York.

9. Incorruptible 14 – So Max is learning scale the hard way. Lesson 1, tearing up a bridge and destroying a fire truck are not appropriate responses for catching a pickpocket who likes to dress as a creepy clown. Looks like now that the Plutonian’s gone the Paradigm is coming over to Max’s book to engage in a page filling donnybrook. I’m sure it’ll be a good fight next issue, but I mostly want to see what resolution Waid reaches for the conflict, as it’s unlikely either can knock the other out of service and they’re ostensibly on the same side now.

11. Proof Endangered 2 – I guess Grecian and Rossmo are set on the Hellboy sort of method of publication, rather like Dynamo 5, too. This is a straight up continuation of the original Proof series, just with a new subtitle. With a book like this I think it’s a good idea. It leaves out the need for filler issues between arcs that a monthly schedule of an ongoing book can bring. This way the book just starts and stops when an arc is ready to go. Looks like Ginger’s ex has gone way over the edge this time around. Oh, and little blue fairies are apparently tasty.
12. iZombie 9 – I like the date. It was low key. It didn’t lead into an immediate fight, though a conflict has to be a brewing between Gwen and Horatio. And I’m certain now that everyone in this book is a geek, except the vampire girls. Kind of reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, actually. That’s a good thing and makes me more likely to stay around for more.
13. Justice League: Generation Lost 17 & 18 – Two of the white background covers. I like them both, but Blue Beetle on 17 is just a little better than Captain Atom on 18, I think. Maybe it’s just that I like Blue Beetle, especially in this incarnation, better. More of the Checkmate, Max Lord stuff, and now we’ve thrown in Power Girl operating under delusions of Superman gone rogue. I say it every month, but I like this series and only hope it can reach a conclusion relatively soon. I don’t want to see it dragged on much longer. I’ll be really disappointed if Power Girl ends up back under Max’s sway when she just regained her memory of him.
14. Zatanna 9 – Hanging on by a thread. In fact, the only reason I bought it is that I want to wrap up the story with the ventriloquist dummy. Unfortunately, that’s at least one more issue. I actually enjoyed the back-up story, Zatanna, Junior Sorceress, much better. Best use of braces as a weapon, ever.
15. Birds of Prey 8 – This is just like Zatanna. I’m waiting to wrap up the current arc, then I’m done. I did like the team logo on the cover, though.
16. Detective Comics 871-873 – Jim had been raving about Scott Snyder’s work on this book, so I picked up the issues for the previous two months and this month. Eh. I’m not thrilled. Not that it was a bad story, it just isn’t saying it’s something I can’t miss. The white background cover for 873 was the only one of the white covers to make it appear as though the white was from a light source behind the character(s). That was interesting, but not reason enough to keep this going.
17. Batman and Robin 19 – Yeah, this one’s done, too. What kind of super power is it to have a large hole in your head? It just looks like an easy way to be defeated. Plus, the whole thing being simply a distraction of B&R so that she can kill off the guys who shot her in the head? Why? All the guys who shot her were in prison. She could have had them killed the same way she did, and B&R would have been none the wiser until after the fact.
18. The Omega Men 4, 5, 9 – And now we’re into the free stuff. This one was the best of the lot. It’s all from 1983 and 1984, the heyday of the New Teen Titans, out of which this lot spun. It’s heavy on needless exposition, but Giffen and Decarlo’s art work stands up well. The war against the Citadel and its simian rulers has some good plot points. The dialog isn’t up to what I’m used to with today’s books, but it’s not a total distraction. A good bit of nostalgia all around.
19. Jon Sable Freelance 6, 9 – The main negative to this one was that I ended up with two issues of #9 in the pack of three. Can’t complain too much about free. Actually, this one has one thing above The Omega Men – I might actually seek out more of these stories. I remember the ads for this book back in 1983 but I never read any. This is better Mike Grell than Warlord’s later incarnations, that’s sure.
20. Red Sonja She-Devil with a Sword 0, 1 – Surprisingly, this was much better than I expected. I picked up this pack with the idea that I’d have something for the bottom of the List to smack around, but it’s really pretty well done, once you get past the ridiculousness of the metal bikini. I suppose it’s no more ridiculous that she traipses around in that in freezing conditions than Conan does the same in his loin cloth. Plus, I can buy the sexy as liberating argument with this character. She doesn’t take any crap and excels in her field, unlike, say, Anita Blake.
21. Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression 3 – Another surprise. This product of 2009 was actually pretty funny. Certainly much superior to the older version of Ghostbusters I was stuck with a few months ago.

22. Vampirella MiniComic 5 – This is some mini that’s a supplement to Wizard. Who knows how it came to be a separate item stuffed in a free bag. There’s nothing much to it except for the fact that the artist was Amanda Connor. I’d only heard of Connor with the recent Power Girl series, but this is from 1995. She had it working then, too.
23. Human Defense Corps 2 – I think this was actually the book that made me choose this free pack because Ty Templeton was writing. It harkens a bit too much to Frank Miller’s Martha Washington with its astronaut afloat. I think the premise of a guy joining a military force to protect humanity from aliens but vowing never to kill a human was too unbelievable. Partly, it’s the fact that anyone who’s in the military has to know there are often friendly fire fatalities.

25. Silver Sable 21 & 30 – But wait, there’s worse! Not only does this bit from 1994 have terrible

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