This hard bound book collects some of the best of the work. It's not too many comics related publications that'll have an introduction from a retired general, but this one has General Peter J Schoomaker, USA (Ret.), as well as Ann Eisner and Eddie Campbell, the latter of whom provides a nice overview if the collection.
Truth of the matter is, I didn't finish this. It's not a story. It's a series of educational vignettes, and technical ones at that. Eisner's art is great, as always, but it's a dry read if you're not looking to service 1950s and 1960s era Army equipment. There is a nice bit where slip-up Joe Dope falls asleep on guard duty and dreams of all the mistakes he's made but is saved by various comic strip characters from a fatal, or even harmful, end. Superman, Li'l Abner, Dick Tracy and several others all appear.
Eisner doesn't make it all fun and games, though. Several of the examples do show how not maintaining equipment properly can lead to fatalities.
If you like Eisner art, and I have since I was a kid, this is a nice little book to have. If you want a story, this is a pass. A little local angle for Marylanders, too. The publication started in Aberdeen, MD before moving to other Army digs in 1955. There's a nice photo of Eisner in Aberdeen consulting with some unnamed sergeants about one of his projects.
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