Birds of Prey #106 – Continuing the Secret Six versus the Birds of Prey story arc. I really love Gail Simone on this book and Gwen and I agree, Gail should give up Gen13 and stay on this book.
Countdown #49 – This is an interesting series as it is developing. Last issue contained two storylines that we have already seen in Flash and JLA. So if you don’t read all the DCU it appears as this book is the place to watch. If you do read more of the DCU then the editor needs to add footnotes to these scenes to place them in continuity with the other titles. I think Countdown will take a few issues to really hit its stride, but so far I like this book.

Shadowpact #13 – Zauriel shows up as Shadowpact has a group of foes gathering against them. I have never really like Zauriel, but I’ll give Bill Willingham a chance to make this work.
Spirit #6 – More of Eisner’s Spirit by Darwyn Cooke. I really enjoy this book and felt last issue was not as strong as the first four. The premise for this issue is odd as it is about a meteorite that changes a musician and makes him blue among other issues. Still I trust Cooke to make it fun.
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #30 – It is advertised as Waid and Kitson and is supposed to be the last issue for them, but I thought #29 would have been them Waid and Kitson and it wasn’t; so I’m not sure who the creators are on this book. Still this has been a good version of the Legion and I hope it continues for a few more years at least.
Superman / Batman #35 – This book continues underwhelming me. I have to seriously consider cutting this book off my list. Part 2 of the Metal Men story (who are getting a mini-series soon).
Wonder Woman #9 – Continuing the wait until Gail Simone takes over this book. Right now the Amazon Attacks story and Wonder Woman are the focus of the story line. I assume the Amazons attacking the US are going to create some problems for Wonder Woman

Wetworks #9 – I hear this book is cancelled and I understand why. It took way too long for this book to come together. It needed a strong first two issues and the book did not gel until issue #4 and it was too late.
American Virgin #15 – The continuing saga of Lee’s college years. Adam has found his “true love” Vanessa and following her as she travels. We start out in Rio De Janeiro – tough place to hang onto your virginity.

Testament #18 – From the official hype it appears that the central characters may become aware of the connection to biblical times. This series has always been interesting because of the structure of the stories (intermingling a biblical times story and playing a similar story in a future context), but the thrill is gone at this point and I’m looking to possible drop this title.
Criminal #6 – A new story arc and a new person is featured. The abbreviated official hype “Twenty years ago, Tracy Lawless traded the crime-ridden streets of the city for a life in the military, and it’s a decision he’s rarely regretted. But now he’s walking out of the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq and back into the world he grew up in, to find out who killed his brother Rick, and why.” This is Brubaker best work and Sean Phillips is doing a terrific job as artist.

Fantastic Four #546 – More of the FF with the Black Panther and Storm replacing Reed and Sue. Apparently the other Cosmic Comic panelists are enjoying this book and I’m barely hanging onto reading it. Definitely on my cut list and would be off my list if I ever go hard core on my list.
Ant-Man #8 – This is a book I got talked back into after I cancelled it and now I find it a really stupid little book that I enjoy only somewhat and I wonder if it is worth my $3. Ant-Man (Eric O’Grady) really is a jerk of a person and I find it hard to want to read his continuing adventures.

New Universal #6 – Concluding the first arc of this series. Warren Ellis has done a great job with these concepts and Larocca does a nice job on the art (when I can ignore the game of what actor is he photo referencing).
She-Hulk #18 – This concludes She-Hulk’s time with SHEILD and this book has been already ruined as we know what happens if you read the Hulk. Now I hear Slott is off this book, looks like a book to cut soon.
Wisdom #6 (of 6) – Pete Wisdom and crew versus the multiple Jack the Rippers. This has been a fun little mini-series, but I would not sign up for a second one.
X-Men #199 – Wrapping up a three part story where Cable and Rogue are supposed to have to make life altering decisions (sure, sure, sure). Really just a build up to issue #200.
Legends of Grimjack #7 – Continuing the trade paperback reprints of the Grimjack series from first comics. A fun book by one of my favorite creators John Ostrander (w) and we may still be in the Tom Mandrake (very good and underrated artist) era.
Dynamo 5 #3 – Love this new series and look forward to each issue already. A great new team series and I have been told to read Noble Causes as it is as good and I have been told that Noble Causes is not that good by another person. Still Jay Faberer has done such a nice job with this book I should consider looking into Noble Causes again. Someone tell me the order of the trades and I’ll pick up the first two.
Fell #1 – Volume 1 – Hardcover and trade. A no brainer, a book that belongs on my shelf. Ellis and Templesmith at their best.

Unique #3 (of 3) – Concluding the parallel universe story. This has been okay, but feels like a story pitch and commissioned story boards.
Cover Girl #2 (of 5) – Wow the last issue was only a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed issue #1 and look forward to issue #2.
Fall of Cthulhu #3 (of 5) – Double WOW, issue #2 was last week. I have enjoyed this tale of a man being drawn into a mystical world of horror and trying to make sense oif what is happening.

That's a wrap for this week.
Issue 1 was delayed...so issue 2 coming out so soon is a result of that. Hope that's cool!
Chip Mosher
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