With the permission of Chris Folino we are going to present the entire first issue of
Everyday at
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Saturday, February 28, 2009
A Fistful of Reviews: Belated

The only way I'll be okay with this book being canceled is if Nightwing becomes the new Batman. Tim's the only other person who makes sense in the role and he still hasn't finished high school - it seems too soon for him. Either way, this was an excellent issue. It pains me to see this book ending so soon after it had gotten really good. It also seems a shame to see Dick having to quit his new job and life so soon after getting established.

I can't say I liked this issue. The whole creepy stalker thing was alright for a villain segue but I think I'm getting tired of this origins and omens thing. I mean, I've finally come to accept Dinah and Ollie as a married couple (and have even been enjoying it) and now they're acting like they'll end up badly. I guess I'm irritated and the fortune teller like hints. Also, ever time they mention Scar all I can think of is the Lion King. Be prepared....

Mon'el! Yay!

I'll admit it, I liked this book because of the Brainiac family. In fact I really really liked this book because of the guest appearance of Brainiac 5. I also like the fact that he used Supergirl's brain to store data. That was brilliant (and hilarious)! Beyond all the geek (me) appeal this was a neat way to start the story. The idea of Vril Dox against his own force is intriguing.

This story really hooked me this issue. It was interesting before but now they've brought in the idea of Hellboy's mother and I'm fascinated. I can't wait for the next issue. I also like the supporting cast in this issue. I feel like the story really begins for this miniseries during this issue.

I guess I should have seen this coming but I didn't. I honestly did not expect Blue to die. It's really really depressing. I really teared up by the end of this issue. I am curious to see if Rose can pull through and be a better person at this point.

This was an awesome idea! Alfred finally gets the limelight (well sort of) in a book. Sure, he's the background boss guy, but still. I am interested in the Outsiders again and am looking forward to seeing how this show will run with Alfred in charge.

Well, Liz has been found but she's obviously not herself. I'm a bit worried about what's going to happen to Liz at this point as it's not looking too good for her coming back to the B.P.R.D.
Friday, February 27, 2009
With the permission of Chris Folino we are going to present the entire first issue of
Everyday at The Tag will be
Now go and buy the motion comics application http://catastrophiccomics.com/catastrophic_comics_sparks_iphone.html
Alien Legion #1 and a Carl Potts Interview
Alien Legion #1
Publisher Marvel/Epic Comics
Creator - Carl Potts
Writer - Alan Zelenetz
Pencils - Frank Cirocco
Inks - Terry Austin
Colors - Bob Sharen
Editor - Archie Goodwin
I’m stepping into Thomm’s realm again by reviewing older material, of course this is a quick spotlight type review as opposed to Thomm’s excellent in-depth analysis, which has made Sunday’s a nice day to look forward to. I have come to think of Thomm’s Sunday columns of what the Sunday newspaper used to be when I would sit back and take time to read something that required a longer attention span that your average twitter user.
This is the first issue and first volume of Alien Legion. It was the French Foreign legion meets Star Wars. You have a vast and spawning Galactic Empire and an army that was full of cast offs from tons of different races to serve as the cannon fodder in any endeavor that the Empire was involved in.
In the first issue we learn that the Empire is at war with an insectoid type race called the Harkilons. The first issue focused on a mission to try and stop a group from destroying the natural resources of a small planet and in stopping them not contaminate a young race that is beginning on the planet. In one oversized (48 page first issue) we are given a complete adventure, introduced to most of the main players that we will follow in the Legion and establish the setting of the series. The amount of back story and detail that went into building this series was obvious and the creator and writer did a hell of a job in delivering it all in one issue. I have to think that the fine hand of Archie Goodwin was a big help as Archie was truly one of the great editors in comics.
The artwork was stunning also. Frank was given the task of drawing all of these different characters and almost every member of the Legion was from a different race. Frank has a nice clean line and had a strong sense of realism to his work. Of course Terry Austin was one of the best inkers in the business and was a big plus. I think he could have inked stick figure drawing and made it work.
I picked up this first volume for a few dollars (maybe $10 including shipping) and then won the second series two on E-Bay and with shipping it was $9. I love reading stuff that I long ago sold or gave away if I can find it for a reasonable price. I then re-read it and mail it onto to someone (probably Gwen).
Anyway I thought this was such a great concept and had potential to be a huge video game or even an online RPG type game, a movie or even as a cartoon. This series has tons of potential and that made me curious to look up Carl Potts and he consented to do a short interview for me.
Jim: It has been a lot of years since you have been in comic books, but many creators have come back to the form over the years. Can you share some of what you do now?
Carl: Since leaving comics, I’ve been a creative director in interactive gaming, marketing and education. I’ve also written a handful of screenplays and a blog.
Jim: Do you have desire to get back into comics? If yes, in what capacity?
Carl: I love the comics medium and visual storytelling in general. I’d be interested in a creative executive or editorial position if the right opportunity appeared.
Jim: From a quick review of Alien Legion it appears that you were the creator and producer of the series. Any reason you did not write or draw any of it yourself?
Carl: The short answer: When Alien Legion was launched, I was a full-time editor at Marvel and had a number of freelance commitments on top of that. I had no time to do much work on the title directly. Waiting until I did would have meant not launching it until years later.
Jim: Is Alien Legion still an active project for you in any form?
Carl: My Alien Legion screenplay was optioned by a studio some time ago. Not sure if/when it’ll end up in front of the cameras. Keep you fingers crossed!
Jim: As Epic was a creator owned deal, I assume you still own the rights to these characters. If that is correct have you any plans to ever publish the book or release it as webcomic? If not who currently owns the rights?
Carl: I do control the comics publishing rights. If I can negotiate the right deal, I’d like to arrange to collect the original material and produce a new series.
Again just a short interview, but I for one would love to see the first volume in a hard cover collection and hope that one day we see Carl’s work in comics again.
Carl also shared with me where about the collected editions: There have been 5 Alien Legion collections over the years, 3 from Checker and 2 from Titan:
Force Nomad
On the Edge
Tenants of Hell
Finally check out a great fan website that chronicles the Alien Legion.
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Marvel Preview Review for April
Jim: Oh I don’t know Marvel has had some good new series start up, but I’m tired of the amount of books they put out.
CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS #1 70TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Written by JAMES ROBINSON Penciled by MARCOS MARTINCover and Variant Cover by MARCOS MARTINSketch Variant Cover by MARCOS MARTINLeading off a series of celebratory specials commemorating Marvel's 70th Anniversary, James (STARMAN, SUPERMAN) Robinson and

SUB-MARINER COMICS #1 70TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Written by ROY THOMASPencils and Cover by MITCH BREITWEISERVariant Cover by MARCOS MARTINSketch Variant Cover by MITCH BREITWEISER The second of a series of celebratory specials commemorating Marvel's 70th Anniversary and its rich history and characters! It's the year 1940, and thanks to policewoman Betty Dean, the young Namor the Sub-Mariner has momentarily halted his jihad against the surface world. But now, an envoy from the Axis powers attempts to sway the undersea prince to the Nazi cause! Can the less worldly Sub-Mariner be tempted? Plus, a second never-before-seen Namor story by Mark Schultz and Al Williamson, and a reprint of Namor's first appearance from 1939!
48 PGS./One-Shot/All-New & Reprints/Rated A ...$3.99
Lee: The Captain America leaves me cold but Subby by Schultz and Williamson is exciting. Other than that, these are awfully for ½ a reprint book.
Jim: The Subby story by Schultz sounds cool, but I’m not sure I want to pay $4 for one probably eight page story.

Lee: I want to say something like “This should read BECAUSE NO ONE DEMANDED IT”. But I won’t. And the only reason I won’t is because Bendis is so darn good with strong female leads and non-group books. Ultimate Spiderman = Great. Avengers = Junk. Alias = Great. This should be really, really good and against my better judgment I’m excited about it.
Jim: She does look like she could excite a boy. It actually should be good as this is the type of series that plays to Bendis’s strength. I’m with you in spite of myself this is a book to look forward to.

HULK #11
Wolverine Art Appreciation Variants
Lee: I love movie tie in months! Ugh. Come on people, a “Wolverine Art Appreciation Variant” cover. Do we need this? No we don’t. And someone please please please explain why Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight have Wolverine covers.
Jim: This has to be one of the worse gimmicks I have ever seen. Does Marvel really believe fans of the Wolverine movie are going to be suckered into buying any comic that has a Wolverine cover or is this just to soak the crap out of the Marvel Zombies.

Lee: I didn’t say it before but I can say it now… this needs to read BECAUSE NO ONE DEMANDED IT. Who is Joe Ahearne? Who is Steve Kurth? I’m expected to pay $4 for this? I don’t think so.
Jim: Steve Kurth is the artist who draws everyone with there necks bent at odd angles, like they have a phone cradled in their shoulder, but there is no phone. This is a book that you have to wonder who approved it to go forward, looks like a loser right out of the gate.

Lee: The Offenders! That’s great. This looks to be a huge pointless slugfest between some of the biggest most powerful heroes/villains in the Marvel U. I CAN’T WAIT!
Jim: This looks to be more pointless drivel from Jeph Loeb and I will NEVER BUY THIS CRAP. This is total and utter crap and it is $4 for a regular comic – what a deal!
Lee: All comics are $4 these days so that argument’s not valid. But, besides that, you’re expecting way to much from this book. This is Silverage Marvel goodness in 2009, and I for one, am enjoying the heck out of it. It’s better than Secret Invasion and Final Crisis!
Jim: All books are not $4 these days, the vast majority of DC and Marvel regular series are still $2.99 so the point is very valid. Jeph Loeb is not a quality writer anymore and for me I miss what Greg Pak was doing with the Hulk.

Lee: I remember when marvel did the Assistant Editors gimmick years ago. It was pretty fun then and I’m sure this will be fun too. It doesn’t look nearly as serious as everything else these days, and it has a good list of writers/artists so I’ll probably check it out.
Jim: I have to admit this type of project appeals to me, but I will flip through it at the store before committing to it.

Lee: Here’s the problem: (1) I like Jeff Parker (2) The Exiles is a warn out concept that needs to go away for awhile. I’m not sure my like of Parker’s writing can overcome my lack of interest in the concept.
Jim: I like Jeff Parker, I have no clue who the artist is and have never followed or cared about the Exiles. An easy pass for me.
TIMESTORM: 2009-2099 #1 (of 4)

Written by BRIAN REEDPenciled by ERIC BATTLE Cover by CHRISTOPHER SHY 2009...meets 2099? Future history has been shattered by events in the present! If you think you know the heroes and villains from Marvel's dark future, writer Brian Reed (SECRET INVASION: CAPTAIN MARVEL) and artist Eric Battle (Batman) say it's time to think again! Get ready for the re-imagined 2099 versions of Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, the X-Men and more! Plus 8 pages of Director's Cut Extras!40 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
Lee: Whereas I am tired of Exiles this looks like it might be a lot of fun. Granted 2099 is a leftover from the semi-fondly remembered 90’s but it wasn’t all bad. I might take a chance on this.
Jim: I agree this has potential, but I’ll wait to here what others say and if any good, get the trade.

Lee: Again with the movie tie in’s. Well, it’s not so much a tie in, as a flooding of the market with all things Wolverine. Usually, all the extra material is a complete waste of paper. But, this looks like it might be a rare gem. Fialkov’s writing is very strong so that interests me and I love McKeever. I’ll probably kick myself after I read this but I think I’ll get it.
Jim: PASS, PASS, PASS. Some of the talent looks good, but I’m already getting Wolverine overload and we are not even near the movie date.

Lee: Like Bendis with female leads, Kirkman with solo hero titles really soars. Because this doesn’t have the big block of Marvel continuity that always killed Kirkman’s Marvel work, this could be really good.
Jim: This should really blow chunks. Nothing that Kirkman wrote at Marvel was half as good as his creator owner material and this project if it had been good would have been completed way before now. Marvel is just trading on Kirkman’s reputation.
Lee: But, this is as close to a creator owned project as Kirkman can get at Marvel. He has his own little sandbox to play in and I bet little, if any, editorial control. AND, he even brought Cory Walker from Invincible along too. It’s the same as Bendis doing Spiderwoman.
Jim: This is actually an old piece of work Kirkman did that Marvel is just now publishing.

Lee: I was never on the edge because I get all the Masterworks anyway, but when Jim told me about the lack of PC in the pages then I knew I had to get this. It’s amazing how much has changed in the last 50 years because there are some pretty extreme stereotypes in this book. It worth getting just for that historical perspective alone. But, go here and here for some examples, and there’s a scene where the Red Skull disguises himself as a farmer here. I love the Goldan Age!
Jim: Well thank goodness Lee gave me credit because he was going to pass on this book and as racist as some of the material is, I think it is important to understand what views were like before. Also these were rare full length adventures.

Lee: I skipped the other Marvel Zombie books but I’ve heard this one was good. Plus I love Machine Man so I’m in.
Jim: I may jump on this also as I have heard nothing but positive reviews on this book.

Lee: Every month there is at least one book that makes me scratch my head and wonder why it’s published. This month it’s this book. I’m all for reprinting McFarlane’s Spiderman. I like his run on Spiderman. Wait, I like his run on Spiderman when he had a great writer like David Micheline. McFarlane on his own was fairly bad and this is not the best choice of material to reprint.
Jim: Anytime a creator is getting press (like McFarlane is with Haunt), I believe publishers try to line up their material to be reprinted. It is almost free advertising for the company and the creator doesn't care as he gets the royalities.
Lee: Sorry, but I don't think you're right because that would mean McFarlane talked to Marvel about what he was doing ahead of time. I think there is a large contingent that just likes McFaralane Spidey and will purchase no matter how bad it is.
Jim: I think insiders know more about when this stuff is coming out then we do and McFarlane and Kirkman have been hawking the fact that the project was coming in 09. Marvel Boy by Morrsion and Jones came out while Final Crisis was coming out.

Lee: I really, really want this… in hc. The Joe Kelly run is so well loved and remembered that I want it in a better format. I might breakdown and get this but I might just as well hold out. If you’ve never read the run then you should and this is the easiest way to get it.
Jim: One day I will have to read Deadpool as you and a few others are always raving about his series being so much fun.

Lee: And this I know will never get a hc so I’ll just bite the bullet and get it now. Of all the 2099 material, this was by and far the best. But, it’s Peter David on Spiderman with no continuity… how could he not succeed. And, without doubt, this is some of Leonardi’s best work. Well worth the investment.
Jim: I don’t know, this series never quite made the grade in my view.
Lee: Even though I’m not reading all the Dark Reign material, I managed to find some things to make me optimistic. It looks like it might be a good year for Marvel after all.
Jim: I think Marvel is going to have a good year and it may have that year at the expense of DC, but we will see as DC has a great stable of writers with Johns, Robinson, Tomasi, Morrison, Dini, Rucka and many others.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No go and buy the motion comics application http://catastrophiccomics.com/catastrophic_comics_sparks_iphone.html
Indies Preview Review for April Part 3 of 3

Best of 2000 AD HC
With hundreds of comic strips, features, and articles from the utterly original and anarchic cult comic that defined a generation, this astronomical book pays homage to the greatest sci-fi magazine of them all. Following an introduction by Tharg the Mighty, 2000 AD's long-standing alien editor, all the best strips are included, including ABC Warriors, Bad Company, D.R. and Quinch, Flesh!, Halo Jones, Harlem Heroes, Invasion!, Judge Dredd, MACH1, The Mean Team, Nemesis the Warlock, Robo-Hunter, Rogue Trooper, Slàine, Strontium Dog, The V.C.s, and more! $23.95
Lee: I am very interested in this but 2000AD has a lot of lot of published material. Trying to focus on a “best of” would be akin to Marvel or DC doing a “best of.” There’s just to much material to pick from. Not to mention, the best of the best (Moore’s Future Shocks, Bolland’s Dredd) have already been collected. If you don’t have anything from 2000AD then this might be worth it, but otherwise I would pass.
Jim: I agree, there are many other collections focusing on the individual strips, as a primer this maybe okay.

Four Frightened Women by (W) George Harmon Cox (A) Earl Whoton
One of comics" first graphic novels is reprinted for the first time since its original publication in 1950! Issued as a paperback, few collectors are even aware of its existence. Follow Kent Murdock, news photographer, as he comes head-to-head with dames and death! $25.00
Lee: Where does Greg Theakston find this stuff? I’m sorry, I love the GA but there is some material that even I’m not interested in. This would be one of those books. I read the last offering of this nature (Rhymes with Lust) which was another 1950’s graphic novel and that was terrible. I’m not taking a chance on this.
Jim: This type of material is interesting from a curiosity standpoint, but with so many high quality projects out there I can not see wasting $25 for a curiosity.

Judge Dredd: Complete Heavy Metal Dredd GN by (W) John Wagner, Alan Grant (A) Simon Bisley, John Hicklenton
Dredd gets turned up to 11 in this pulse pounding collection of stories featuring Mega City One's finest dishing out the justice like he means it. Thrill to the fully painted art work of Simon Bisley, artist behind the classic Slaine The Horned God. Cream your whammy bar over the twisted and bizarre visions of John Hicklenton, the man behind the terrifying art featured in several Nemesis The Warlock strips. This is Dredd at his meanest and most ass- kicking. So get your sweaty mitts on this beast of a collection and raise your goblet of rock to The Law! $19.50
Lee: Heavy Metal Magazine is known for publishing some extreme stuff. This should be a no holds barred Judge Dredd. I imagine this to be the JD version of Punisher Max with no limits on the violence. I am sooooo getting this.
Jim: Lee nails it with a perfect description of what this material should be. Judge Dredd has easily been one of my favorite characters from the Mother Country.

Earth's solar system, 2581 AD. Fifty years have passed since the human/Geek war and the surrender of the Geek homeworld. Once a star-trooper and a member of the elite battle unit known as The VCs, Steve Smith is now just a janitor, haunted by what he saw during combat and the memories of his fallen comrades. To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the end of hostilities, Earth is preparing to celebrate Peace Day with a massive air display. But in the depths of space an old enemy stirs! $22.99
Lee: Have I mentioned how much I love these 2000AD reprints. And this looks like a great one! Yeah, yeah, yeah, Abnett is a great writer but Flint and Williams are better artists! Actually, I’m all about Williams art!!!! Just in case… he’s the dude who drew Promethea.
Jim: Wasn't that JH Williams who drew Promethea? Henry Flint is drawing Haunted Tank for Vertigo right now and he is a strong artist. Dan Abnett is one of the best writers in comics and consistently delivers exciting material so this is an easy one to order.

Atomic Robo: Shadow from Beyond Time #1 by (W) Brian Clevinger (A) Scott Wegener
New York City, 1926. Atomic Robo's dull night of studying for a physics exam is interrupted by a duo from Nikola Tesla's past with a dire message: the imminent doom of all life in the universe! Guest starring Charles Fort, Howard Philips Lovecraft, and the Tunguska Incident. This is steampunk science fiction at its finest! #1 of 5, $3.50
Lee: Always gotta mention a Atomic Robo series! The first series was good. The second series was good. I’m always happy to see this and you should be too.
Jim: The first series was comics at its best, the second series was a not as good, but this is a book I'm looking forward too. Red 5 has been in a funk lately as they started off with 3 series and now seem to publish one book a month and that is about it.

T-Minus: Race to the Moon GN by (W) Jim Ottaviani (A) Zander Cannon, Kevin Cannon
T-Minus, the exciting story of two world superpowers racing to land a man on the moon, is depicted through vivid, compelling graphic artwork, taking readers through the history of the race and turning the engineers and astronauts involved into personal and real characters. For anyone who has looked up into the night sky and dreamt of unexplored vistas, T-Minus will take them to a time when dreams were within reach and the lure of space seemed limitless. $12.99
Lee: What can I say, this is a book near and dear to my heart and something great to share with my children.
Jim: There was a good article in Newsarma about this book and I like the concept of doing a younger reader graphic novel that focuses on the people who made the dream a reality from an engineering and scientific standpoint.

Stonecutter HC by (W/A) Jon J. Muth, with John Kuramoto
This adaptation of a Chinese folktale begins with a man's dissatisfaction with his life. Weary of being a stonecutter, he becomes many things in his quest for authority, each time finding that greater power lies elsewhere. Rooted in Taoist principles, Stonecutter is an exquisite tale about self-acceptance. Originally published in a small, limited edition fifteen years ago, Jon J. Muth republishes the story because "Certain stories leave you with more than when they found you. They shed light on something, or unknot something for you, or offer some insight. At least they do for me. Stonecutter is one such story." This inspiring tale pushes the boundaries and possibilities of graphic literature, and is now available for a new audience. $14.99
Lee: Let’s start with art by Muth! That alone makes this book worth it. Muth is such a great artist that I have most everything he’s every done. Let’s pause for a moment to lament the lack of a Moonshadow hc!!! Back to this book, pairing Muth with a Chinese folktale is a perfect pairing. I’m looking forward to reading this.
Jim: This looks to be a great book to pick up. The phrase certain stories leave you with more then when they found you is very true. I have found many such insights in different books over the years and look forward to reading this book.

Smuggling Spirits HC by (W) Ben Fisher (A) Mike Henderson
Set in a nightmarish vision of the past where deadly monstrosities roam the shadows of Prohibition-Era America, Al Stone is a bootlegger who finds himself on the run when he inadvertently stumbles upon the bloody secret of the creatures" survival. As the beasts close in to take back what's theirs, Al and his young ward, Nathan, make their final stand in this blend of horror, drama, action, and suspense. $20.99
Lee: I picked this many, many moons ago when it was collected in a tpb. I read it and I enjoyed it. It’s a very good story dealing with demons and mobsters during Prohabition. My only problem with the trade was the art was obviously better than the printing process could capture. Hopefully those problems are fixed because this will make a nice hc if they are.
Jim: Which means this is a book I need to see before I decide to buy it.

Best of Battle Vol. 01 SC by (W) Pat Mills, John Wagner (A) Joe Colquhoun, Carlos Ezquerra.
Lee: I think that I’ve picked this before but it says that past orders have been canceled so I’ll mention it again. Where as the best of 2000AD is impossible, a best of Battle should be really easy. Especially since I’ve never read anything from Battle except Charley’s War.
Jim: Which means you have no clue as to the quality of the material. I wish the comic shops could afford to carry stuff like this so I can check it out before buying it.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen III Century -1910 #1 by (W) Alan Moore (A) Kevin O"Neill
Lee: The return of Alan Moore’s LoEG. I am eagerly awaiting this. While I enjoyed Black Dossier, I’m hoping that this will be better. Actually, this will have so much hype preceding it that I’m not sure why we bother mentioning it.
Jim: After trying to read Black Dossier and not succeeding I have no real strong desire to get this book. Plus Moore has been bordering on pornography more and more lately and being freed of any constraints is not an Alan Moore I want to read. I'll wait for reviews.
Lee: I'm still worried about the sudden drain of new material into the back of previews but there was lots to choose from this month.
Jim: But we have not seen the effects of the change from Diamond and the overall impact of the start of the New Depression has had on small press yet. A bunch will probably go under this year and/or be harder and harder to find. Print on demand here I come.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Everyday at 6PM (US Eastern Standard Time) a new page will be posted. The Tag will be Sparks #1 so you can easily collected them all down the road.

Now go and buy the motion comics application http://catastrophiccomics.com/catastrophic_comics_sparks_iphone.html
Best and Worst of Last Week
For my recommended book of the week I will go with Four Eyes from Image comics. It is another series by writer Joe (I Kill Giants) Kelly that has a child’s perspective and it is another winning series with great art.


Amber Atoms #1 – It’s sad that of the first few comics I have read this week a worst of the week comes shinning through. This was one of the easiest books I have had to drop in a long. The creator may one day be a solid creator, but this reads as a very amateur effort. The story was a confused jumble in the beginning and gave us no clue how it relates to the central character. The art was also poor, but got better as the book went on. All in all a book that I’m surprised Image would want their name on. Cancelled.
For me own amusement this format just focus what I’m reading down to core books and gives me a nice way to summarize which books I want to talk about when I’m doing Cosmic Comix Conversation.
A small footnote the review of “The Great Unknown” is a re-run from earlier as I enjoyed the book so much I wanted to give it a solo spotlight.