Onto Part 2

ADVANCE SOLICITED • On sale AUGUST 22 • 256 pg, FC, $59.99 US
In these high-flying tales from GREEN LANTERN #48-57, Green Lantern battles the evil of villains Sinestro, Major Disaster and many more!
Jim: I hate that I’m buying this book as I have been swearing off hard cover collections, but this was one of my favorite all time Green Lanterns stories as a kid and the nostalgia is just too much for me to overcome. The silver age material will be pretty much left alone when I do my hard cover sale starting February.
Gwen: Ah, back when there was a Green Lantern firing squad. This cover is fantastic! Especially considering that I'm sure whatever Hal did can't possibly be as awful as what he did as Parallax.

On sale MAY 16 • 208 pg, FC, $24.99 US
Don’t miss this second helping of tales of villainy from SECRET SOCIETY OF SUPER-VILLAINS #11-15, DC SPECIAL #27, DC SPECIAL SERIES #6, SUPER-TEAM FAMILY #13-14, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #166-167 and a story from CANCELLED COMICS CAVALCADE #2.
Jim: The only way I can justify this book is because it is just $25. I picked up volume one and have yet to re-read it and if memory serves it was not always the best stuff, but so few villain books have ever been done that I had to pick it us to complete the run.
Gwen: Sure Jim, we all know it has more to do with the giant gorilla on the cover.

1:10 Variant cover by DENYS COWAN
On sale MARCH 21 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
DOMINIQUE LAVEAU: VOODOO CHILD is the story of a half-breed, outcast and heir to the Voodoo Queenship of New Orleans, if she can live long enough to claim her birthright. New Orleans is the most haunted city in America: a town of centuries-old ghosts and newly drowned spirits; where vampires, voodoo spirits and loups-garous make their home. Ruling over this all are the powerful Voodoo Queens, whose influence stretches into politics, business and crime as they maintain a delicate balance between the mortal and supernatural worlds.
But in the aftermath of Katrina, all that has changed, for someone or something has murdered the Voodoo Queen and most of her court. The number one suspect is Dominique Laveau, a grad student at Tulane who is about to discover that her entire life has been a lie. Now Dominique must forge alliances with those out to kill her while seeking to uncover the truth behind the royal murders, as she is ultimately forced to deal with a destiny she could never have imagined. Voodoo Child is a new monthly series written by Selwyn Seyfu Hinds, former editor-in-chief of The Source magazine, award-winning author, journalist and TV producer, with art by Milestone Media co-founder Denys Cowan (THE QUESTION) and covers by Rafael Grampá.
Jim: I’m very happy to see Vertigo has such a strong line up of new books coming out. Vertigo has such cache with me that I will try any title for at least one issue. Plus I find that my interest in the straight super hero never ending story type books waning so much that I crave anything different. That is not to say I may not drop the book after a few issues, but at least it is always worth a look. Finally it is a new writer and I’m always curious to read a new voice.
Gwen: Ooo, this looks interesting. I really like the concept and the art looks solid as well. I am always excited for new Vertigo titles!
Written by DAN ABNETT
Art and cover by I. N. J. CULBARD
1:10 Variant cover by CLIFF CHIANG
On sale MARCH 28 • 32 pg, FC, 1 of 8, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
Another vampire/zombie comic? Really, Vertigo?
Trust us. This is different.
In post-Victorian England, nearly everyone of the upper classes has voluntarily become a vampire to escape the lower classes who are all zombies.
Into this simmering cauldron is thrust Chief Inspector George Suttle, a lonely detective who’s got the slowest beat in London: investigating murders in a world where everyone is already dead!
But when the body of a young aristocrat washes up on the banks of the Thames, Suttle’s quest for the truth will take him from the darkest sewers to the gleaming halls of power, and reveal the rotten heart at the center of this strange world.
THE NEW DEADWARDIANS is brought to vivid life by fan-favorite writer Dan Abnett (RESURRECTION MAN, LEGION LOST) with art by newcomer I. N. J. Culbard (At The Mountains of Madness).
Written by DAN ABNETT
Art and cover by I. N. J. CULBARD
1:10 Variant cover by CLIFF CHIANG
On sale MARCH 28 • 32 pg, FC, 1 of 8, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
Another vampire/zombie comic? Really, Vertigo?
Trust us. This is different.
In post-Victorian England, nearly everyone of the upper classes has voluntarily become a vampire to escape the lower classes who are all zombies.
Into this simmering cauldron is thrust Chief Inspector George Suttle, a lonely detective who’s got the slowest beat in London: investigating murders in a world where everyone is already dead!
But when the body of a young aristocrat washes up on the banks of the Thames, Suttle’s quest for the truth will take him from the darkest sewers to the gleaming halls of power, and reveal the rotten heart at the center of this strange world.
THE NEW DEADWARDIANS is brought to vivid life by fan-favorite writer Dan Abnett (RESURRECTION MAN, LEGION LOST) with art by newcomer I. N. J. Culbard (At The Mountains of Madness).
Jim: I’m leery of this title because we have seen vampires and zombies done way too much, but this is Dan Abnett first foray into a Vertigo title and for the most part Dan’s work is always enjoyable for me. It could be a very cool book.
Gwen: Hah, this looks like it could be a lot of fun. I like the idea of becoming a vampire to avoid becoming a zombie. But what does everyone eat?

Art and cover by RYAN KELLY
1:10 Variant cover by SEAN MURPHY
On sale MARCH 14 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
Arcadia Alvarado, the leading Democratic candidate for President of the United States, says she was “abducted by aliens.”
As the Mexican-American Governor of New Mexico, she’s dealing with immigration, budget cuts and an alcoholic ex. She’s about to toss her hat into the ring as a candidate for President in the most volatile political climate ever.
But then…a lonely road and a nightmarish encounter have left her with terrible, half-glimpsed memories. And now she has to become President. To expose the truth – and maybe, to save the world.
Arcadia’s quest is at the heart of this new monthly series from writer Paul Cornell (DEMON KNIGHTS, ACTION COMICS, Doctor Who) and artist Ryan Kelly (NEW YORK FIVE, NORTHLANDERS). With the help of her quirky staff, Arcadia will pursue the truth of her abduction into danger, mystery and awe. SAUCER COUNTRY is a dark thriller that blends UFO lore and alien abduction with political intrigue, all set in the hauntingly beautiful Southwest.
Jim: Sounds very political, very strange and totally bizarre and absolutely like a Paul Cornell book. Add Ryan Kelly as the artist and you have a book that I’m will to give at least three issues to win me over. I hope Cornell is not too preachy about his political views, but just tells a good story.
Gwen: Wow, this looks to be more entertaining than re-watching the West Wing. We need more presidential candidates who have been abducted by aliens.

Wraparound cover by ADAM HUGHES
1:10 Variant cover by PHIL JIMENEZ
On sale MARCH 7 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
New York Times best-selling, award-winning creator Bill Willingham presents a new series starring the female FABLES. Balancing horror, humor and adventure, FAIREST explores the secret histories of Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Cinderella, The Snow Queen, Thumbelina, Snow White, Rose Red and others.
The first 6 issue arc follows the misadventures of Briar Rose after she is stolen away by the goblin army in FABLES #107. Fan-favorite artist Phil Jimenez (WONDER WOMAN, THE INVISIBLES) returns to Vertigo to pencil the opening storyline. Award-winning cover artist Adam Hughes (WONDER WOMAN, BATGIRL) provides covers, starting with a wraparound cover on issue #1.
Future arcs will be written by 2011 Arthur C. Clarke winner Lauren Beukes with art by Inaki Miranda, and iZOMBIE scribe Chris Roberson with art by Shawn McManus! And remember: They may be beautiful, but there will be blood.
Jim: Hard to not want to read more Fables material and this book promises that we will have more creators then ever playing in Willingham’s Fables Universe. I also like that the focus will be on all the fairy tale princess as that seems to be great grist for the mill in playing with our expectations of what we think they should be as opposed to what they are now, see Cinderella for an excellent example.
Gwen: This looks great. I love Fables and it will be fun to go into more spin off stories (especially because I had so much fun with Cinderella as a spy).
Jim: While I find my DCU stuff getting to be more and more of a narrow focus, I love that Vertigo seems to have gotten some new life this month.
Gwen: I'm still laughing about the GL firing squad cover.
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