As far as the book goes it did allow Marvel to clear the
decks a little and set up a slightly new status quo. Captain America will
combine the X-Men and Avengers, Hope has reversed the status quo change of the
Scarlet Witch and new mutants are popping up like weeds in a garden.
The problem I have is with the whole thing is the
destruction of yet another Marvel character, Cyclops has been tarnished pretty
badly. See my big problem with Marvel is that everything, I mean everything is
about the illusion of change. No change last forever, no character ever dies,
the sliding scale of continuity says everything happened in the last ten years,
but everything in the character’s history actually happened. By the way that
sliding scale has caused almost every Marvel origin to be constantly
retro-conned. If we don’t get involved in another war in the next decade or so
Iron Man will have to have been created because Tony was kidnapped by gangsters
or something.
Cyclops is the perfect example of why this often creates
more problems then it solves. In this series they needed a villain. It needed
to be shocking and it needed to be a player, so they fished around and cast
Cyclops for the part. I understand that Thor read for the part also as did
Magneto, Iron Man and Havok. It was felt
that the power should fall in mutant hands since the Phoenix force was cast as the world ending
menace Cyclops seemed to fit the bill nicely. Not that he has given us any true
predilection for acting like this before; it was just good for the story.
So the Phoenix force attacks and gets split by Iron Man into
five X-Men who of course go mad with power and Cyclops is the maddest of all of
them and he almost destroys the world and manages to kill Professor X (who I
believe died for the fifth time now). The problem is that Cyclops acted totally
out of character, but that never stops Marvel because organic stories take way
too long to actually develop. Also to be fair, you have had some many writers
over so many years that the core elements of the characters often get lost in
the shuffle.
Remember in the sliding scale of continuity Scott Summers
went from being an orphan, to having a father who is a space pirate and has two
super powered brothers (what ever happened to Vulcan?). He was with Jean Grey,
she died, she came back as the Phoenix, she died, Scott married her clone, Jean
came back, the clone became the Goblin Queen, she died, Scott moved on to Emma
Frost, Scott has now become the Phoenix and been defeated. With that history no
wonder he is perhaps crazy.
Of course I loved at the end of the story Captain America is
berating Scott for all the things he did and at the same time, says I know it
was the Phoenix force. Is Scott guilty or is he not guilty? Is he the
megalomaniacal villain who thought what he was doing was right or he just a
person gone mad with power.
This is the crux of it, Scott has been so overused and has
such a convoluted history, that Marvel feels they can do anything with him.
Take any Marvel character and the same is true. Now Cyclops is at a minimal the
agent for killing his mentor and considered an enemy of the state. Why is never
fully explained by Captain America ,
but it is clear everyone is mad at Scott because he did not listen to Captain America . What
is interesting is Scott wanted the Phoenix force to be taken by Hope and when
she took it in this issue she was able to handle it and even expel it and fix
Wanda’s “no more mutant” thing, so wasn’t Scott right.
A rather rambling rant that is all over the place, but that
is the way I feel about Marvel at this point in time. Who are these characters?
What drives them? Who are heroes? Who are villains? The ongoing illusion of
change makes the Marvel characters have less enduring qualities and leave them
a little soul less. DC with the New 52 has created a different set of problems,
but the “disconnect” from knowing the characters is the same.
In the end I will still buy Marvel and DC books, because
good creators still tell some good stories, I just have nothing vested in the
characters anymore. I can wish forever (and have) that they would actually
advance a character (see my giddiness over Dick Grayson being Batman for a year
or two), but ultimately the powers that be have too much money invested and the
idea that Batman is not Bruce Wayne or Daredevil is not Matt Murdock is
ingrained too deeply. So it goes and it leaves me free to follow the creators
more then the characters. As with any good collaboration it has to be the right
writer, art team and character to make it shine. Let’s hope Marvel Now has some
of those formulas as this book while a sales success was a critical flop and a
poor read. It wasted a lot of excellent talent.
Once upon a time back in the Claremont/Byrne years, Cyclops was my favorite X-Man. At least in back issues he still can be.