Crap, I’m starting to see a creep back upward in the number
of books I’m getting. It is a constant battle for me to keep the list down. I
have an attention span that needs to be measured in nanoseconds at times. I
want to read everything, but having to earn a living and having other interests
creates a time problem. The “Death of a Family” bat cross-over has me buying
some extra books and the last run of Bendis on Avengers and Marvel Now has
caused me to also add some books. Plus the independent publishers are always
adding some title that I want to try our. Maybe next week and week 5 will be
smaller. If you want to see everything coming out next week just click on
October 10 books. This week I linked to Midtown Comics. I love and have my
books shipped from
Cosmic Comix, but Midtown’s listing gives you a lot more
information on each title.

The first few books that scream at me are
Punk Rock Jesus #4
(of 6), Uncanny Avengers #1, Halloween Eve One Shot, Stumptown #2 and
Stuff of Legend
Toy Collector #1 (of 5). Punk Rock has been excellent.
Sean Murphy is packing more story per
page then anyone else right now with a wonderful picture of a crazed future
where a clone of Jesus is our central character. Uncanny Avengers is
Rick Remender being given the Captain’s
chair at Marvel. I mean the guy has been knocking us dead with his dark
pictures in Fear Agent, Frankencastle, Uncanny X-Force and Secret Avengers,
let’s see how he does with being the new Marvel super star writer. Halloween Eve
is not even a book I’m buying as I backed the Kickstarter project that got the
book published, so I get one mailed to me. The art is by Amy Reeder and that is
enough for me.
Here is a link about the book. Stumptown was gone too long and
I’m thrilled to have this series back again. Issue #1 was great; who knew
finding a guitar could be so much trouble. Finally Stuff of Legend is a series
of mini-series about a dark world of lost toys and a captured boy. I originally
thought this would be a completed story in one mini-series, but now I don’t
care how long it goes on. The art by
Paul Wilson is great and the story is equal to the art.

Then there are the books I allow myself to be sucked into
for no rational reason like
Batgirl #13 (a prelude to Death in the Family),
Avengers #31
(starting the last arc by Bendis on Avengers).
AvX Consequences #1 (of 5) (the main
one being it cost me $48 retail to read all 12 issues),
Haunted Horror #1 (which is a reprint
of some old comic stories from the fifties) and
Damsels #2 (I haven’t had a chance
to read #1 yet). Haunted Horror may work out because I have a lot of that
material but may read more of it in this format. The Death in the Family
cross-over is about the Joker making his first appearance in the new DCU, but a
prelude is often not related at all. This is one disadvantage of not being able
to decide at the store while perusing the books.

Dark Horse has a good week with
The Creep #2, Massive #5 and
Conan The
Barbarian #9. I hope Conan has a new artist as the last issue was
poor art for my taste. Sadly I believe the artist has one last issue for the
arc. The Creep has already been a great private eye series. I think
John Arcudi is an underrated writer. He
has written some great books chief among them the graphic novel “A God
Somewhere”. Heck he did Major Bummer; some great JLA stories (Super Power,
Destiny) and is the co-writer for much of the Mignolaverse books. Since
Mike Mignola’s name is on all the books
I think the strength of Arcudi’s contributions is often overlooked. Anyway read
The Creep.

Image and Valiant bring us
Hoax Hunters #4, Point of Impact #1 (of 4),
Think Tank #3, Archer and Armstrong #3 and
Bloodshoot #4. Point of Impact looks
to be very, very good.
Jay Faerber has
done a lot of good work (Dynamo 5, Near Death) but has yet to hit it big. Heck
most of the artists who work with him seem to be gobbled up by DC. Point of
Impact could change that as the premise sounds great:
A gripping, provocative
four-part crime series from acclaimed writer JAY FAERBER and stunning new
artist KORAY KURANEL begins with one woman's murder and branches out to follow
the investigation by three people with personal connections to her: her husband,
an investigative reporter; her lover, an ex-soldier; and her friend, a homicide
detective. Her death will change all of their lives. Check out
the preview here, it just feels like it could be a great story.
The Marvel stuff is Red She Hulk #58,
Secret Avengers #32, X-Men #37 and Marvel Masterworks Sgt. Fury Volume 4 (Variant
#187). I actually want to see Sgt. Fury much deeper into its run
when John Serverin was inking over Dick Ayers. It was Dick’s layouts, but
was 100% Severin’s style. It added so much to the book and the book got
grittier. Stan Lee wrote it like a
super hero book. Once other writers took it over it was better. Red She Hulk is
labeled a Marvel Now book, which is a cheat in my mind, but it goes to my point
on why isn’t this new series. Secret Avengers is another Rick Remender book
which I believe ends when his story ends.
The rest is everything else
from DC which is Batman #13, Batman and Robin #13, Before Watchmen Dr. Manhattan #2 (of
4), Demon Knights #13, Frankenstein
Agent of Shade #13, Green Lantern Corps #13, Phantom Stranger #1, Suicide Squad
#13 and Team 7 #1. The zero month I’m sure was a great
sales gimmick, but it really knocked the flow of many of these books. Batman is
setting up for “Death of the Family” and Snyder’s work is always a good read.
Before Watchmen Dr. Manhattan was a little disappointing in issue #1 as Adam Hughes work felt rather less then
what he brings to covers. The story by JMS
is playing with Manhattan being able to manipulate his history, which is time
travel and that always gets convoluted. Demon Knights is on the edge of being
canned, we will see with this issue. Heck Phantom Stranger is already late one
week and that does not bode well, but since Didio is forcing himself into the mix, who can tell him no. Plus
they plan to have “important” reveals in this series; I’m already planning to
drop this book. I smile every time a new Frankenstein book hits the stands because
Matt Kindt is writing it. I enjoy
seeing DC use some great indy type talent.
Damn I got a little wordy this week. That’s what I’m getting;
did I miss a great book coming out?
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