Damn, but it was a huge week of comics and I’m going to the
Bucanners/Redskins game Sunday so no time to read everything. I have decided
that the week itself deserves a letter grade and will have plus and minuses included,
you can skip to the bottom for that.
This week I read two books before my box showed up as I
cheated on my comic store. I needed a long box as I’m reordering some books for
one of my daughters and I went to a local LCS Wednesday to get the box and
picked up Aquaman #0 and Superman #0 on a whim. A short marketing note, when
someone enters your store and buys a long box and two new comics, talk to them
about a pull service or how your store can offer any discounts. I would not
have changed from my store, but still can’t believe this store did not talk or
even ask me anything.

Superman #0 by Scott Lobdell and Kenneth
Rocafort was a travesty. The art was okay, but the Jor-El and Lara story
was almost comical. Apparently they are both highly trained martial artists. Of
course as is almost the norm lately, Lara is the better fighter. Jor-El finds
out the world is going to die soon and then there is a group who kills the
entire science center to keep the information quiet, but tries to just capture
Jor-El and Lara. It was not even making comic book sense. It lacked any
imagination or logic. I find Lobdell’s writing to be action oriented with no
strong logic sense and therefore Superman does not come back on my list.
Punisher #16 by Greg Rucka and Marco
Checchetto was a rushed ending of the series. At a minimal it felt rushed.
I think Rucka was told they were ending it so he wrapped it up pretty quick.
The series did a nice job making the story about two police officers who got
caught up in the whirlwind world of Frank Castle. By leaving Sgt. Coles alive
it at least allows some writer to bring her back someday to be Frank’s partner
again. The mini-series coming after this arc of the Punisher ends is about the
Avengers trying to bring in the Punisher. I’m curious because anytime Frank and
the super hero community intersect it is a harder story to tell as Frank does
not fit with that crowd, unless it is a one on one thing. I’ll be following
that mini-series as Rucka is the writer.

Rachael Rising #11 by Terry Moore is another (fill in adjectives of high praise) issue in
a great series. Moore is a great story teller and this one is proof of that assertion.
Hit Girl #3 (of 4) by Mark Millar and John Romita
Jr. is more of Millar’s mindless action/adventure work. It is fun to read,
enjoyable and forgettable. The 12 year old killer girl is still a funny
Teen Titans #0 by Scott Lobdell and Brett
Booth ruins the character of Tim Drake. I have no clue why I subjected myself
to Lobdell twice this week, but this new origin of Tim is pure crap. The
funniest thing was showing Tim as a great gymnast on a balance beam. I guess no
one watches the Olympics as the balance beam is not an apparatus used in the
male gymnastics program. Total trash.

The Shadow Annual #1 – Uneven at best.
Phantom Lady and Doll Man #2 (of 4) by Gray and Palmiotti with Cat Taggs
and Tom Derenick on art. The second issue was better. The first issue felt
very paint by numbers and while this issue was not a home run, it was better
and these characters are nice updates.
Batman the Dark Knight #0 – Had nothing new to say
or add to the Batman story, except the whole new DCU continues to get muddled
as now Bruce was roaming into crime alley a few nights after his parents died.
DC should have a back story bible on at least their main characters so the
various flashbacks line up better.
Debris #3 (of 4) by Kurtis Wiebe and Riley
Rossmo is a nice little series. I’m enjoying this post apocalyptic world.
It is hard to define in a one liner, but fast paced and enjoyable characters
with Rossmo’s great artwork make this a good series.
X-Men #36 by Brian
Wood and the Lopez brothers is a
very good read. A shame that current events will force this book to change.

Secret Avengers #31 by Rick Remender and Matteo
Scalera was another good issue in what has been an excellent long arc by
Rememder, except the cross over issues. Again, current events will force this
book to change. One insane thing was the Black Widow fighting this issue with
her zipper open to almost open to her navel the entire time to show off her
Talon #0 by Scott
Snyder and James Tynion with Guillem March on art was not a bad
start. The time line was a little wonky in some parts, but the story of Calvin
Rose was interesting enough to bring me back for more. Another book for the Bat
family means that Batman is not only the foundation for DC, but also the first
Amazing Spider-Man #694 by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos
was okay. I picked this up to read the ramp up to #700, the last issue of
Amazing Spider-Man, until it is re-launched in January. It was a fun adventure
wrapping up the Alpha story line. Ramos’ art is too loose and cartoon like for
me, but he is an excellent story teller.
Incredible Hulk #14 by Jason Aaron and Jefte Palo
was a throw away issue. I don’t get why the Hulk is wearing his weird armor and
not even sure the entire book makes sense. It is Aaron channeling the same
madness he did in Ghost Rider, but it worked in Ghost Rider and is hit or miss
on the Hulk. This issue was a miss.

The Goon #42 by Eric Powell was all set up and for me a flat issue. I love this
book and have very high expectations, so when an issue is just good from Eric,
it feels flat.
Invincible #95 by Robert Kirkman and Cory
Walker was the conclusion to the Robot and Monster Girl story line. We find
out all that happened in the other dimension and talk about a complex and
f**ked up relationship, this is the most messed up one ever. An enjoyable issue
and hopefully we see Mark Grayson the former Invincible next issue.
American Vampire #31 by Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuqueque was another excellent issue. The Blacklist story line has a lot going on and the reveal at the end of this issue was a great twist. I love this series and think it is Scott’s best work and most of his work is top tier.
Fury Max #6 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov
was another mini-masterpiece. Garth can write tough, hard edge stuff as well as
anyone and better than most. Nick’s actions to help his friend this issue
proves the point.
I, Vampire #0 by Joshua Hale Fialkov and Andrea
Sorrentino was excellent. This continues to be a top series and the origin
of Andrew Bennett becoming a vampire was a tragic tale.
Before Watchmen Ozymandias #3 (of 6) by Len Wein and Jae Lee was a thing of beauty. Jae Lee’s art is breathtaking. The
story this issue focuses on Ozy and the Comedian and it was perfect. Ozy is
such a smug bastard.
Way too many brief blurbs and impressions and very little of
pure reviews this week, but I just ran out of time. Heck I still have over 10
books to read that I will not even get to mention. I have to give the week a B+, heck
it might have been an A if I had not picked up the crap Lobdell books on a whim
(Superman and Teen Titans).
Come back next week and hopefully I will not have what feels
like a rushed post.
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