The constant adjustments of my format will be dictated but
what the week itself brings. This weekend is filled with plans and I have less
time but I decided that I liked the spotlighting idea and doing a summary in the
last part. This week I will break the categories down the way I do my list
which is DC, Marvel and Everything Else. As the Everything Else group is big,
it gets two segments. Before we jump into Marvel comics let’s get to the two
links for next week’s book which are here and here. The first is very detailed
and the second is a quick list of what is coming out. For me the shocker is a
missed Before Watchmen week, but Mind
Mgmt, Shaolin Cowboy Adventure Magazine, Wolverine Max , Batman Inc. and I Vampire are the highlights for next
I usually finish the Marvel books first because they are the
quickest reads to me.

Of course Daredevil
#19 by Mark
Waid and Chris Samnee may have something to say about what
is Marvel’s best super hero book. Waid is almost two years into the run of the
book and you get the feeling he has ideas that could stretch out for a decade
or more. This issue the mysterious villain who has been playing mind games with
DD is revealed and it harkens back to the beginning of the series. Foggy in a
drunken rage betrays Matt, thinking he is helping him, DD may have a problem
with his mind and the bad guy get the upper hand. Finally Matt’s new love life
is most likely in the tank. Of course his secret identity appears to be highly
compromised yet again. Waid is crafting a run to rival his work on Wally West
and with Chris Samnee as his current art partner the book continues to look
great. Hard to beat teaming a strong writer with great art and letting them go.
The other normal series I get was Dark Avengers #182 and I can at least say the storyline has ended
and next issue with get the transition issue to go from this status quo to the
next for Marvel Now. I’m constantly second guessing myself when I buy this

Marvel Now Point One
was another anthology of stories highlighting what is coming down the road. The
new Nick Fury is unimpressive and is not working for me. In the Ultimate
Universe he is fine, I just wish he wasn’t such a shoe horned character into
the regular MU. Of interest to note is the new tiny Nova who appears to be 10
years old. This and AvX Consequences #2
are pretty easy books to pass on. Of course AvX Consequences is almost the
story of Cyclops as the prisoner. Last and least is New Avengers #31 as Bendis wraps up various plot lines. In this issue
someone is taking over the minds or possessing some of the good guys and
attacking other good guys. Fortunately they will not be getting the Cyclops
treatment. While I cast disparaging remarks on these books they each at least
entertained, but the bang for the buck was not there.
Part 2 coming at noon today.
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