And 2012 dawns. Flickers? Any light at all? It's the same old crap in the political and economic worlds, but in the world of comics, it looks bright to me. I have some new stuff that will be coming out in the Spring that I'm anticipating, and what I have now is looking good. Some of the New 52 titles are probably going to get the axe after issue 6, but they're not terrible. They're just not looking like they'll hold my interest, and my dollar, after one arc. But, as always, we start at the top.
1. Fables 113 - I love these kind of stand alone issues. This one gives Mark Buckingham a respite by using various guest artists. The book is entitled In Those Days and contains 4 short stories that tie to the larger Fables stories we've seen over the last decade and flesh out some
background to some lesser known characters. The first is A Delicate Balance, with art by P Craig Russell, which is a treat unto itself. It's the story of a queen whose cuckold husband is a magician who turns her into a turtle, condemned to carry a tea cup that contains her shrunken kingdom. The second is A Magic Life, drawn by Zander Cannon, and tells the story of Kadabra, the magician killed before the big war with The Empire, and explains why he was killed. The Way of the World is drawn by Ramon Bachs and is a brief story of a challenge a young boy must face while living in the world in the tea cup. The last is Porky Pining, who gets himself cursed by Frau Totenkinder, a fact I wouldn't know but for having read the novel, Peter and Max. The perils of a smart mouth, which isn't a lesson I've learned yet. Great little stories.

2. The Unwritten 33 - This book is kicking into high gear. Tom has a real problem on

4. iZombie 21 - After more than a year of following this book and thinking that it was pushing the edge of being dropped, it's taking itself in a very interesting direction. Not that I doubted Chris Roberson's ability to tell an engaging story, but this one was more than Kirkmanesque in its slow build. J. Bone's art for this issue doesn't hurt, of course. It's a far more cartoon style than the usual art for the book, but there's something of a humorous element, especially in this issue, that's perfectly suited by Bone's style. And Michael Allred, whose own style is quite unique, gets a rest. There's so much happening and so much coming together now, my interest is such that I'm going to have to re-read all the issues before to fully enjoy the climax that appears to be in the offing. Speaking of climax, love the three way that Claire and Ellie have arranged. Almost platonic.

6. Invincible 87 - Not that Mark or the reader is surprised, but Dinosaurus is a tricky a

8. The Walking Dead 93 - A Larger World starts in this issue, as you

10. Wonder Woman 5 - Azzarello still has my favorite New 52

11. Batwoman 5 - Another New 52 that seems to be in its own world and is the better for it. Okay, Batman does show up, but only tangentially. Besides, he's talking about Batman, Inc. which doesn't even exist in the New 52 as far as I know. I'm looking forward to next month's issue so I can read the first six all at once to get a better grip on how coherent it is. Sometimes I get lost in enjoying the art and don't pay enough attention to the story. That doesn't happen very often, so Williams obviously deserves credit for that alone.
12. Swamp Thing 5 - That's some kiss. Is the Parliament dead? I'm looking forward to finding out. This is a very different Swamp Thing from Moore's creation, but it's strongly tied to that at the same time. Scott Snyder's new take is a fresh look that the character needed in this new launch. If it has legs, I'll stay with it for quite a while.
13. Animal Man 5 - Lemire's other side of the battle against the Rot takes a different approach. Where Swamp Thing features an Alec Holland with no powers (until this month) and not wanting to be a part of the Green, Animal Man has his powers and is doing all he can to help the Red. Unfortunately, he's not having any more success than Alec. These two books make great companions but each can be read without the other. Two great authors are the key here.
14. Incorruptible 26 - I like getting Max Damage's origin story. His battle with Plutonian goes much further back than gaining his powers and committing crimes. Actually, the crimes part came first, but whatever. I think it's time to move back to the current story, though.
15. I, Vampire 5 - Not surprisingly, I think this book would be better served if it was less DCU. Batman just seems out of place in a fight with vampires. It is a DC book, so some involvement with the rest of the DCU is inevitable, but I think this book, which is good, would be better still if it was like Wonder Woman, less involved in the DCU. And I've lost track of who Andrew's companion is who wants to kill him. That's not a good sign.
16. Blue Beetle 5 - If Jaime keeps healing friends with the suit, the Earth is soon going to be overrun with battle suits. But why does one scarab suit want to destroy another? Aren't they supposed to be on the same side, especially considering Jaime's suit created Paco's suit. Ah, well. I hope Dona Cardenas is back soon, wherever she and her house disappeared. She's the most interesting new mainstream comics villain that I've seen in a long time.
17. Resurrection Man 5 - This is my first experience with the new Deathstroke. Can't say as I'm a fan of the bulky, '90s looking outfit. What the hell are those belts on his thighs supposed to be doing? Baggy pants half down the arse aren't bad enough? (Not on him, in the real world.) Whatever. Mitch Shelly is quite the tool in his life before the amnesia. No wonder the two indestructible hot chicks are looking to capture him. Amazing how amnesia can make a person better behaved.
18. Super Dinosaur 7 - Much as this is fun, I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm not the target audience for this all ages book. It feels too much like Invincible Lite. I'll give it a few more issues to conclude this arc, but that'll probably do it.
19. Batwing 5 - This one's probably going to go after the next issue. It's not a bad story but I haven't been able to get a good feel for its characters. I don't know why Batwing is Batwing or how he went from child soldier to who he is today. And the hunt for Massacre is kind of meandering. Oh, and Batman's here, too. I don't even read any of the Batman books, but he's in three of the books I do read this month. That boy sure does get around.
20. Demon Knights 5 - Another one that's probably not much longer for my reading perusal. I don't know. It could get a reprieve. I like the concept of the team but the betrayal, or at least apparent betrayal, by Vandal Savage is too early to be surprising. It's expected. If we had more development it might be more surprising. But, I like the other characters, especially Blood/Etrigan.
A light month, but some of that's due to no Spaceman and no DHP. I hope both return soon. At least I've been filling things in with library books and trades I've gotten on sale. I'll write about some of them separately.
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