Lee: DH may be empty but they still have better offering that Image these days. There’s enough to be excited about without the franchise books.

Michael Eury (W), Kilian Plunkett (A), Neil Vokes (A), Jay Geldhof (A), Dev Madan (A), Marc Campos (A), and Bruce Timm (Cover)
On sale Aug 5FC, 392 pages $24.95 TPB, 6" x 9"
Life in Edge City has always been tough for Stanley Ipkiss. He's as good-natured and decent as they come, but nice don't pay the bulldog or make points with the ladies. Stanley knows he's destined for greater things, but how to get there? Enter the Mask, an ancient artifact that imbues its wearer with the power to do just about anything one desires . . . especially if one desires zoot suits, pies, mallets, cartoon bug eyes, and a penchant for Latin song stylings! Stanley Ipkiss now has the world on a string, but in that world there are many of vastly lesser niceness than Stanley who desire the Mask's power for themselves.
Collects for the first time, the Mask comics stories based on the blockbuster film and animated TV series.
Jim: The comic material was as weak as the movie and I would guess this material did not age well, a pass for me.
Lee: The original series was very good and well done. By the time the movie hit, the series had degenerated into poop. This was watered down material for the masses who loved the movie. Get the first Omnibus if you want to read good Mask stories.

Tony Millionaire (W/A)
On sale Aug 26FC, 200 pages $39.95 HC, 9" x 12"
Prepare to set sail on a drunken fever dream of dollies, apes, and exotic mysteries that, once seen, can never be unseen! The Art of Tony Millionaire collects illustrations, comics, stories, photographs, and anecdotes from the man once referred to as "Beefy McManus" by the late rock star "Rocky Stardomes". . . the one and only Tony Millionaire! Thrill to never-before-seen illustrations that have made women gasp and grown men gasp, too! Partake in the beautiful genius of the only cartoonist in the history of mankind to have won five Eisner Awards, three Harvey Awards, and an Ignatz! Stand in awe that a 200-page book by the creator of the Cartoon Network's Drinky Crow Show will cost you only $39.95! Now, finally, more than ever . . . The Art of Tony Millionaire.
Featuring an introduction by Elvis Costello!
"Millionaire's deft line drawings and soft colors are the perfect counterpoint to the bizarre workings of his mind." --Publishers Weekly
Jim: I’m not a Tony Millionaire fan, but if I was I would pick up this book as Dark Horse does quality work on this type of collection.
Lee: Millionaire is a unique talent, that’s for sure. But, I already have enough art books right now. I don’t need another.

On sale July 1 Packaged in a special litho-printed full-color tin box with a vintage-style pin-back button and bookletLimited edition of 950 numbered pieces $49.95
Dark Horse is pleased to announce a new license with Disney. We're giving one of the comic-book medium's most revered casts of characters the Syroco-style treatment in a new series of statuettes based on Uncle Scrooge stories. First up is Uncle Scrooge.
Jim: I’m not a big duck fan, still I think this looks like a great collector figure. Lee should be all over this, but the price point I think will scare him off and he will wait for it to sell on E-Bay.
Lee: The price point completely scares me off. It’s too bad because Marvel/DC manage to release small size figures for less than $20. I’ll buy most anything so if I’m scared off, who is buying this?

Various (W/A)
On sale Aug 19b&w, 240 pages $49.95 HC, 8 3/8" x 10 7/8"
When publisher Jim Warren created Creepy magazine in 1962, he soon realized he'd hit pay dirt on a gruesome gold mine of great comics storytelling. Under the leadership of editor/writer Archie Goodwin, Warren's hit line of horror-comics magazines grew another lurid limb with the introduction of Eerie in 1964, and soon there were two great horror magazines on the rack instead of one. Following in the fetid footsteps of our sinfully successful archive library of Creepy, Dark Horse is also proudly publishing its Eerie equivalent--keeping chilling stories and incredible artwork in the family!
Includes astonishing artwork and classic stories from such comics legends as Gene Colan, Steve Ditko, Gray Morrow, Neal Adams, and Frank Frazetta!
Reprints classic Eerie stories originally published from 1966 to 1967.
Jim: Now that the EC Archives have come to a screeching halt due to Gemstone Publishing having folded, this is the hardcover series I look forward to the most.
Lee: There’s not much to say because the material speaks for itself. Highly recommended.

Rick Remender (W), Eric Nguyen (P), and Matt Wilson (C)
On sale Aug 19FC, 144 pages $17.95 TPB, 7" x 10"
It was a beautiful spring day in downtown San Francisco before a gigantic armored alien appeared from out of nowhere and began smashing things all to hell! Who is this invader? Why is he being attacked by strange alien beings? And why is he so Gigantic? A twist on The Truman Show, Gigantic focuses on a brainwashed alien superhero deposited on Earth to be the spotlight of an intrusive, around-the-clock television program being filmed without his knowledge.
Visually exciting art with a story examining America's consumer-based culture from Rick Remender and Eric Nguyen.
Lee: Remender’s creator owned series are very hit/miss for me but I heard lots of good things. And, I really like Nguyen’s art so I’ll try the trade.
Jim: This has been an excellent series and I think the vast majority of Remender’s creator owned material has been good, but with him signed on as an exclusive at Marvel, the creator owned stuff will slow down.

John Stanley (W/A) and Irving Tripp (A)
On sale Aug 26FC, 200 pages $14.95 TPB, 6" x 9"
Youthful innocence has never been so funny! Collecting Marge's Little Lulu #94-#99, Dark Horse continues its brand-new series of Lulu volumes in full color. The gang is all here as Tubby teaches Lulu to turn purple so she can get ice cream, Alvin refuses to go home until everyone says they like him, and the boys go to war over their clubhouse presidency, plus many more classics from this Golden Age goldmine!
"Exemplif[ies] innocent comedy on a par with the finest Laurel and Hardy two-reelers, and Little Lulu's sunny humor, like L & H's, is so fresh and humane that it seems to belong to not just another time but another world." --Booklist
Now in full color!
Perfect for all ages!
Lee: Absolutely perfect for all ages! These were great stories and will make you laugh. But, just as importantly, it’s a visual lesson in storytelling. Stanley does so much with so few lines that today’s artist should be forced to read this so they can learn how to tell a story. I can’t wait to get this.
Jim: LOL – I can just see Little Lulu being forced down artist throats, I know what Lee means and he is right, but the image made me laugh.

R. A. Lafferty (W) and Vaughn Bode (A)
On sale Aug 12b&w, 288 pages $12.95 Novel, 5 1/4" x 8"
Rediscover Hugo and Nebula Award-nominated author R. A. Lafferty with this whimsical reimagining of Homer's Odyssey! Set in the far future, Space Chantey chronicles the adventures of Space Captain Roadstrum and his crew, on a journey through galaxies resonant with myth and peril as Roadstrum valiantly battles to return across the cosmos to Big Tulsa, the Capital of the World, and to his wife and young son Tele-Max.
The Neil Gaiman Presents program will be devoted to returning to print long-unavailable works in affordable paperback editions.
Presented by the award-winning author of The Sandman, Coraline and the Newbery Medal-winning book The Graveyard!
Features art by legendary underground artist Vaughn Bode!
Features an introduction by Neil Gaiman!
Jim: I’m torn on this book, Vaughn Bode was a great artist and I do not have anything by him in my collection and he deserves a spot and the story sounds interesting.
Lee: I’m really liking this Neil Gaiman presents line. I don’t have any Bode in the collection either so I’m sold.

John Arcudi (W), Javier Saltares (A), and Raymond Swanland (Cover)
On sale June 24FC, 32 pages $3.50Miniseries
The world's attention is focused painfully on a brutal third world Civil War, a merciless sectarian conflict sparing neither soldier nor civilian, grandmother nor child. But amidst the terror and carnage, where great nations and powerful interests jockey for position and advantage, another blood feud rages in the shadows, one no more humane but decidedly less human. Two warring tribes from the stars have chosen Earth's killing fields as their arena, with each clan sworn to eradicate the other . . . and all who stand between them. Each is the other's prey, each the other's Predator.
Dark Horse celebrates twenty years of Predator comics!
All previously published Dark Horse Predator series are now back in print in the successful Predator Omnibus and Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus program.
Hunt or be hunted!
Jim: This was one of those guilty pleasure books and enough time has passed that I think I will be trying out the new Predator series.
Lee: Again, good writer and good artist so there isn’t much risk in this book. It should be good.

On sale July 159 3/4" tall Limited to 500 pieces for worldwide distribution $179.00
Created by Will Eisner, Sheena was the first female comic-book character with her own title. Inspired by H. Rider Haggard's She, Sheena paved the way for a host of other jungle queens to follow. Sheena has transcended comics to television and film. One of the most endearing and enduring portrayals of Sheena was by Irish McCalla in the 1955-56 TV series. This statue is our tribute to the character, her comic roots, and the actress that made her real for the postwar generation. Sculpted and paint mastered by Joy and Tom Studios. Certificate of authenticity is included.
Jim: If I had an extra $180 to blow on collectables, this is one that I would get. I have always like Sheena and this statue captures the essence of the character well. Okay a hot chick in a tiger skin rocks.
Lee: This really, really looks like it was sculpted from a Steranko drawing of Sheena. I’m surprised they didn’t mention the connection because it’s pretty obvious. Or maybe it was a Steranko Shanna. Who ever it was, the sculpture was influenced by Steranko. Oh yeah, I’m not getting it either.

Matthew H. Murphy (W) and Alberto Giolitti (A)
On sale Aug 26FC, 224 pages $49.95HC, 7" x 10"
Trapped in a valley where time has stood still for millions of years, Turok and Andar's struggles to survive lead them into unbelievable adventures. Here, they raise a baby thunderer for a pet; save a caveman's village from a volcano; cunningly use honker eggs to save their own lives; meet people beneath the sea, giants and pygmies; and much, much more!
In early 2008, a seventy-minute animated DVD titled Turok: Son of Stone was released by Classic Media.
Collects Turok, Son of Stone #13-#18.
Jim: Is Turok selling well enough to do another volume? Of course I brought 3 or 4 volumes of Dr. Solar, but hey I woke up.
Lee: I’m still curious but I bet this is the last volume. Solar only made 3-4 volumes so I’m betting this doesn’t last much beyond that.

Dave Land (W), Matt & Shawn Fillbach (P/Cover), and Dan Jackson (C)
On sale June 3FC, 32 pages$3.50Miniseries
Through all of history, on the night of the full moon, the bloodcurdling cries of werewolves have pierced the night sky. For centuries, werewolves have had to content themselves with shortened forays of feral change as dictated by the source of their power--the moon! But all that is about to change as three werewolf friends--Ted, Jeff, and Stan, leave Earth and travel to the lunar surface in a quest to become kings of the moon! Unfortunately, Moon Patrol captain Maggie Pilgrim has other plans . . . as does the hive of vampires living on the dark side!
From the creators of Star War: Clone Wars
Werewolves vs. Vampires on the moon equals the ultimate immortal battle! (on the moon) Visit the Fillbach bros here.
Jim: WTF?
Lee: AWESOME! New Fillbach brothers!!!! Remember the great little story “Roadkill”? You liked it so much you gave me a copy. Despite the silly name, you will like this.
Jim: Okay that does change everything. Roadkill was fun and I did send it onto Lee. I will be buying this.
Jim: Enough to have fun to comment on, but very little (outside of licensed stuff) that has long term potential. Dark Horse has always re-invented themselves and I see no problems, just a mixed bag of stuff.
Lee: Mixed yes, but more than enough to be interesting.
Just the Kirkman stuff from Image is better than any of this. Throw in Farber and Image wins hands down.
ReplyDeleteAnd Sheena's not wearing a tiger skin. It's a leopard. Or a cheetah. Something with spots. Not a tiger.