Due to demand from the multitude of fans (okay based on a suggestion from Thomm and Lee) we are altering the format a little. We will start out with Breast(s) Cover of the Week, which is shameless catering to the fact that comics are still targeting a certain demographic. I’m also waiting to see if there is a week where I cannot find a cover to feature. It is a throwback to Lee’s Embarred to be a Fanboy award he would give covers.
Then my weekly commentary or rant depending on how you see it, and than the comics.
BREAST(S) Cover of the Week Award:
Well there were a couple of contenders this week, but thanks to an overview shot and an open blouse Oracle wins!
Oracle #2 (OF 3) - Written by Kevin VanHook; Art by Don Kramer and Jay Leisten; Cover by Guillem March. The Calculator will go to any lengths to save the life of his daughter Wendy – even if it means using remnants of the Anti-Life Equation to do so! But when Oracle intervenes, she soon finds out that the Calculator has been killing Internet hackers from across the globe to get his hands on the Equation, and the final name on his list is hers!
Not so much a rant this week as just a quick remark that I really hope that I’m wrong about what is going on with our economy and our government, but I don’t think that I am. There are plenty of signs that say the way our world was structured is over and we are seeing the death of that era and the birth of a new era. I continue to hope tomorrow will be a brighter day, but I think we need a real revolution to make things better. By Friday this week I will not be worrying about anything as I’m leaving to go on a vacation and celebrate my Five Year Anniversary with my wife by returning to where we got married. I leave you with Lee, Gwen and Thomm. I may throw a random post up before I leave or may not but this Thursday the 16th will be my last post until the 28th.
The books I’m looking forward to most this week are:
Action Comics #876 – This book surprised me as I was very leery of it going in. After reading it Nightwing and Flamebird were quickly established as interesting characters, the Chris Kent mysterious aging is good and Greg Rucka made it work. The company line “Written by Greg Rucka; Art by Eddy Barrows and Ruy Jose; Cover by Andrew Robinson. Enter: Ursa!”
Then my weekly commentary or rant depending on how you see it, and than the comics.

Well there were a couple of contenders this week, but thanks to an overview shot and an open blouse Oracle wins!
Oracle #2 (OF 3) - Written by Kevin VanHook; Art by Don Kramer and Jay Leisten; Cover by Guillem March. The Calculator will go to any lengths to save the life of his daughter Wendy – even if it means using remnants of the Anti-Life Equation to do so! But when Oracle intervenes, she soon finds out that the Calculator has been killing Internet hackers from across the globe to get his hands on the Equation, and the final name on his list is hers!
Not so much a rant this week as just a quick remark that I really hope that I’m wrong about what is going on with our economy and our government, but I don’t think that I am. There are plenty of signs that say the way our world was structured is over and we are seeing the death of that era and the birth of a new era. I continue to hope tomorrow will be a brighter day, but I think we need a real revolution to make things better. By Friday this week I will not be worrying about anything as I’m leaving to go on a vacation and celebrate my Five Year Anniversary with my wife by returning to where we got married. I leave you with Lee, Gwen and Thomm. I may throw a random post up before I leave or may not but this Thursday the 16th will be my last post until the 28th.
The books I’m looking forward to most this week are:

Farscape Strange Detractors #1 (of 4) – I’m so happy to see more Farscape

Punisher #4 – Obviously I’m not the only one loving this new series as

X-Factor #42 – The rise and fall of this book in my listing has been

The rest of the list:

Beyond Wonderland #6 (of 6) - by Raven Gregory, Dan Leister & Sarah Ruffino The final confrontation that has been building for months - Calie versus her brother Johnny, the newly crowned sadistic Mad Hatter! New York City is the battleground for their final battle and when the smoke clears only one of them will be left among the living. Will Johnny's evil triumph over Calie and lead to the destruction of our world? The final issue to the smash hit series is here and it is not to be missed!

Fables #83 - Written by Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges; Art by Mark Buckingham and Andrew Pepoy ; Cover by Joao Ruas. Part 1 of "The Great Fables Crossover"! Thrill! To the adventures of your favorite Fables as they fight for their very existence in the greatest Fables epic yet! Shudder! To the danger as all of existence is about to be wiped out with the stroke of a pen! 3 months @ 3 books per month! = 9 amazing issues! Featuring Brazilian newcomer Joao Ruas, who brings his exquisite style and elegance as our new cover artist!

Green Lantern Corps #35- Written by Peter J. Tomasi; Art and Cover by Patrick Gleason and Rebecca Buchman. Prelude to BLACKEST NIGHT! "Emerald Eclipse" continues as a Red Lantern escapes out of its sciencell and ignites a riot on Oa, forcing Guy, Kyle, Kilowog and Voz to try and prevent the ultimate jailbreak. Meanwhile, Sodam Yat and Arisia arrive on Daxam to stop Mongul and the Sinestro Corps. But how can they hope to stop an entire Corps? Plus: Sinestro arrives on Korugan in search of his daughter!

Sub-Mariner Comics 70th Anniversary Special - The second of a series of celebratory specials commemorating Marvel’s 70th Anniversary and its rich history and characters! It’s the year 1940, and thanks to policewoman Betty Dean, the young Namor the Sub-Mariner has momentarily halted his jihad against the surface world. But now, an envoy from the Axis powers attempts to sway the undersea prince to the Nazi cause! Can the less worldly Sub-Mariner be tempted? Plus, a second never-before-seen Namor story by Mark Schultz and Al Williamson, and a reprint of Namor’s first appearance from 1939!

Trinity #46 - Written by Kurt Busiek and Fabian Nicieza; Art by Mark Bagley and Art Thibert, Mike Norton and Ande Parks, Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens and Tom Derenick and Wayne Faucher; Covers by Shane Davis and John Dell and Jesus Merino. Earth – and all of reality – is under assault from space, magic forces, other dimensions and more! But if Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman changed forever, does it mean salvation for everybody else – or disaster? The Trinity leads DC's heroes and some surprising allies in a sprawling battle to save reality! Featuring Krona, Morgaine Le Fey, the Crime Syndicate, Despero, Enigma, the JLA and loads of other DC heroes and villains!

Vigilante #5 - Written by Marv Wolfman; Art by Rick Leonardi and John Stanisci; Cover by Andrew Robinson. "Deathtrap" part 2 of 5! After attempting to kill Cyborg, Vigilante has been locked up by the Titans. But Vigilante knows that there is a traitor in their midst, and he will use any means necessary to bring Jericho to justice – Even if that means killing all of the Titans to do it.

Walking Dead #60 - Surrounded on all sides! There are only two options...fight or die! Be there to see who chooses the latter!

Wolverine Noir #1 (of 4) - The Bowery, 1937. Jim Logan, the fiercest knife expert in New York, runs a seedy detective agency called "LOGAN & LOGAN"...along with his useless, halfwit brother, Dog. They're the best they are at what they do. But when a swanky dame named Mariko Yashida struts into the office, she opens up a world of hurt for Logan, forcing him to revisit his painful, bloody past. The latest in the Marvel Noir series, WOLVERINE NOIR reunites the acclaimed WOLVERINE team of Stuart Moore (Iron Man) and C.P. Smith (The Programme).
The five week month’s can really create some odd lists. Not only is this a relatively small list with just a few books (I even added on the Sub Mariner book just for the heck of it) it also has no trades or hard covers that I had been expecting this month. Of course that means some big weeks coming up. Also last week had a lot of strong books and was an excellent week in general, this week has some good stuff, but is a weak sister in comparison. Maybe I shouldn’t pre-judge, but on the surface it certainly appears that way.
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